**You’ve got it wrong my Friend! It’s not my pride, arrogance or conceit. I don’t “choose” what I believe or not believe. I believe everything the Catholic Church teaches because IT’S THE CHURCH Our Lord Jesus Christ founded for all mankind. It has been guided and protected by the Holy Spirit from the beginning and it’s THE ONLY ONE that has the authority to teach in Jesus’ name! **Your own arrogance, pride and conceit shine through - friend. Be careful your anger doesn’t get the best of you. And, do not judge lest yourself be judged of the same.
My point is that you were correct, the poster had obviously already decided he was fit to cast judgements on others, despite that being a no-no according to the faith he espouses.And your point???
Booklover said:**I don’t “choose” what I believe or not believe. **
Hades will never prevail over the Body of Christ. In other words, Satan and all his legions cannot keep God from bringing people into this body through the Gospel.It helps I guess. But which church is the one that the netherworld would never prevail over?
This is a good question. I believe that Christ’s prayer for the unity of the Church was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit baptized every believer into one Body–the Body of Christ. This is an ontological unity (unity of essence or being) that all those who trust in Christ share whether they act like it or not.Hey Michael, you always offer very well organized thoughts. Which church? if you don’t mind. If just the unified body of christ, how are we unified when we condemn eachother and have different doctrines and i deas about what christ wanted.
I don’t know. I have never thought about it. I am glad He did not put me in that position.I would be intersted to hear how you would structure a church if you were jesus and wanted to leave a church. woudl you want a visible church or an invisible one? An invisible Kingdom or visible one?
Peace be with you santaro75,Hey Michael, you always offer very well organized thoughts. Which church? if you don’t mind. If just the unified body of christ, how are we unified when we condemn eachother and have different doctrines and ideas about what christ wanted.
Let me ask you, “As members of the Kingdom of Heaven, are we “of” this world or merely “in” this world and now “of” the Spirit?”I would be intersted to hear how you would structure a church if you were jesus and wanted to leave a church. woudl you want a visible church or an invisible one? An invisible Kingdom or visible one?
Peace be with you also Chrisb! On what do you base your information that those guiding the Church “were not guided by the Holy Spirit”? Jesus told us that his Church would be “the light of the world”. He promised us that the gates of Hell would never prevail against his Church. That means that his Church will never be destroyed and will never fall away from him.Peace be with you Booklover,
. the Classic Protestant proclamation isn’t from pride, arrogance and conceit but from deep concern that those guiding the “institutional” Church were in themselves not guided by the Holy Spirit and those endangered all who practiced their traditions and obeyed their commandmentssimilar, I rejoice but walking in the parish hall of the Catholic Church I’ve realized membership is split down Conservative and Liberal lines.
If Christ wanted us to learn about Him only through studying a book, He would have written one and left it for us. He didn’t do that. Nor did he tell any of his Apostles to write. He told his Apostles to teach “whatsoever I have commanded you” Mt 28:20. And that’s what they did. Christ didn’t leave us a book, he left us a teacher – the Church founded on Peter, the Chief Apostle. The Apostles were the leaders and instructors of the Church. The Church in turn has taught the world. The Church was the Agent of the Holy Spirit in writing the NT and forming the Bible. There was no Bible until the Church was nearly 400 years old.He wants, and has a Church that has offices for the purpose of teaching and leading the flock, the laymembers. See Ephesians 4:11-13. BUT He also wants the flock, the laymembers, to be studying His Word as well, 2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15, God wants us to prove all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, like the Bereans did, as they daily searched the Scriptures to see if what the apostles were teaching was correct, Acts 17:10-11, notice that the Bible says that the Bereans were more “fair minded” than the Thessalonians because they did search the Scriptures. Also it says that because they did do this “many of them believed”, Vs 12.
One needs to know if the teachers are teaching the Truth or something other than the Truth, that is one reason God wants the laymembers to study themselves, as He says we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12. Also the Bible is the mind of God revealed, we are to study His Word that we can develop His Mind, Philippians 2:5. Christ was the Word made flesh, we are to eat of His flesh, John 6:41, 48-58. We do that by studying His Word and ingesting it into our minds. GED