Katholikos: You forget so easily, Christ did write a Book through His servants by the power of the Holy Spirit, 2 Peter 1:21. He did write a Book and leave it for us CALLED THE HOLY BIBLE, and He commanded His apostles to write as well, Revelation 1:1-3,11,19; 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14, Matthew 28:19-20, every book in the New Testament was written by an apostle or an apostles scribe.
2 Peter 1:20-21 refers to the Greek Septuagint OT, not to the NT. The NT did not exist when 2 Peter was written. Christ did not instruct his Apostles to write down all that he had taught them, and they didn’t. Only 2 or 3 of the NT writings are from the Apostles. Luke wasn’t Paul’s scribe. Mt 28:19-10 gives the Apostles their instructions to
teach – not to write. Revelation is an apocalypse, not to be read literally. It was written for the Church, by a member of the Church, not for outsiders. If it were literally Christ who instructed the writer “John” to “write on a scroll,” He was referring only to the to the Book of Revelation – not the entire NT. You’re careless with the facts.
I repeat:
Christ did not instruct his Apostles to write a book; and they didn’t. He ordered them to teach; and they did. The Church – the People of God – wrote the NT.
Try to play nice, or the moderators will tell you to find another place to play.
He told them to teach till the end of the age; being men who would one day die, how else could they do that if they didn’t write it down?
It was done the way it’s been done throughout history in all non-literate societies: “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses, entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.” The teachings of the Apostles were passed along from one generation to the next through the authority of the Church. It’s the same way Judaism was passed along for a couple of thousand years before the OT was written and completed.
And whats more, how did they write it down if they were all to stupid to even read?
Literacy has nothing to do with intelligence.
As to the authenticity of the Holy Bible I’ve already refuted your argument on the other thread, “Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself?”
Haven’t read it yet. I doubt that you “refuted” my argument – the facts don’t exist to refute it.
As to “hades” you say that what I said is wrong well PROVE IT, dont just say it, PROVE IT!
You are losing your cool, friend. Hell is described in the NT in no uncertain terms. Christians have always believed it. Your belief is the anomaly. Where is your evidence that there is no hell?
As far as what the early Church members would think of what I’m saying, if they were part of the real Church of God they would agree with what I’m saying because all I’ve been doing is quoting Scripture and showing what the Bible says.
The “real” Church of God agrees with me.
Members of the early Church do not agree with me.
Therefore, the early Church is not the “real” Church of God.
The “real” Church of God agrees with me.
The church founded in or after 1986 by Roderick C Meredith agrees with me.
Therefore, the church founded in or after 1986 by Roderick C. Meredith is the “real” Church of God.
Though there were false members all the way back then as Paul warned about, Acts 20:29-31; 2 Thessalonians 2:7; Galations 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. The apostle Peter also warned about them, 2 Peter 2:1-3. So also did the brother of Jesus Christ, whose name was Jude3-4.
Yes, there were heretics even at the time of the early Church. But they were not the Church. BTW, Jesus had no blood brothers. But that’s another argument on another thread.
John also warned of them 1 John 2:19. In fact it got so bad even way back then that those who were the originators of the false church were already taking over during Johns life time, and kicking those that sought to follow the Bibles Way out of the Church, 3 John 9-10,
And your point is???
The only “Bible” the early Christians had was the Greek Septuagint OT, which you and all Protestants reject. There was no NT for another 400 years or so.
My choice is between believing your come-lately take on the Scriptures or believing the Catholic Church that was founded by Christ for the salvation or the world. No contest.
At any rate all I want to do is discuss these topics, not get mad at each other.
You’re the only one getting mad. On my side of the discussion, there are 2,000 years of history and teaching by the Church Christ founded You’ve got the teachings of a mere man who founded a new church in or after 1986 on your side. Do you want to make any predictions about the outcome?
Peace be to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers.