non Catholics reply please

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I agree that we should study the scriptures ourselves. I think that your salvation is something you should be careful with and if you have the ability to, you should study for yourself.

But weren’t the masses illiterate at the time of the birth of the church? How would they study scripture for themselves. Wouldn’t they need someone to teach them. Would jesus need to appoint some people and entrust them with his church?
Does anyone know what the usage of the word “church” was in the times of the apostles?
The Greek word ekklesia was used by the sacred writers of the NT to translate the Hebrew word kahal, meaning “religious assembly” (Dt 23; 1 Kgs 8, Ps 22)

Ekklesia was the closest in meaning that the NT writers could get to kahal in the Greek language. The word actually meant “assembly of citizens” and referred to a body that met for legislative and other deliberations; this assembly was called into session by a town crier.
Hello All, I hope you are all well.

I wanted to share something with you, maybe it will help, maybe not. I think one of the problems that your facing, and perhaps dont realize it, is that the word “hades” has to do with the grave, not the evil nether kingdom of Satan and his minions. The term “gates of” has to do with the “power” of the grave. The gates of the grave or the power of the grave will not prevail against Gods people because we will be resurrected from the grave. That is why Paul said in the resurrection chapter, Death is swollowed up in victory, O death where is your sting? O hades, where is your victory? 1 Corinthians 15:54-55.

Try to understand that though Satan is powerful against mankind, he is nothing against the Great God - Satan can do NOTHING against Gods elect without Gods express permission. And God will allow Satan to test His people, Job 1, Revelation 12:17. What I’m getting at is that the nether world has no bearing whatsoever, the grave does because the wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23, Sin is the problem, but God made a way for us to be reconciled to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. In fact if there was a nether world, it would have to be the state that the demons are in that is mentioned in 2 Peter 2:4 hell here is from the Greek “tartaroo” which is a state of incarceration, Strongs 5020 Gr. Satan is the god of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4, there is no need for a nether world. When men die they know nothing, they are dead, Ecclesiates 9:5. Death holds them till God calls at the end of the age, John 6:40, 44.

At any rate I hope this was helpful to someone, take care, GED
Bull-oney. This is not what the Apostles taught. JMJ Jay
Hello Santaro75, I hope you are well.

While you are somewhat correct in that many of the folks that followed Jesus Christ weren’t the most educated, we have to realize that God poured out His Spirit on His servants on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2. Notice that the devout Jews who were educated said in amazment, “Look are not all these who speak Galileans?” Vs. 7. The Galileans were considered to be like the hill billys of their day. Whats more, they were speaking in other languages as well. As God has said, not*** many*** noble are called, He chose the weak and base things to put to shame the mighty, 1 Corinthians 1:26-28.

Also consider that God did call a few highly educated individuals like the apostle Paul who was trained at the feet of Gamaliel - one of the most highly respected teachers in the books of the Law, and the religion of the Pharisees, Acts 22:3.

And to Katholikos: You forget so easily, Christ did write a Book through His servants by the power of the Holy Spirit, 2 Peter 1:21. He did write a Book and leave it for us, ITS CALLED THE HOLY BIBLE, and He commanded His apostles to write as well, Revelation 1:1-3,11,19; 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14, Matthew 28:19-20, every book in the New Testament was written by an apostle or an apostles scribe. Are you insane? He told them to teach till the end of the age; being men who would one day die, how else could they do that if they didn’t write it down? And whats more, how did they write it down if they were all to stupid to even read? As to the authenticity of the Holy Bible I’ve already refuted your argument on the other thread, “Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself?” As to “hades” you say that what I said is wrong well PROVE IT, dont just say it, PROVE IT!

As far as what the early Church members would think of what I’m saying, if they were part of the real Church of God they would agree with what I’m saying because all I’ve been doing is quoting Scripture and showing what the Bible says. Though there were false members all the way back then as Paul warned about, Acts 20:29-31; 2 Thessalonians 2:7; Galations 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. The apostle Peter also warned about them, 2 Peter 2:1-3. So also did the brother of Jesus Christ, whose name was Jude3-4. John also warned of them 1 John 2:19. In fact it got so bad even way back then that those who were the originators of the false church were already taking over during Johns life time, and kicking those that sought to follow the Bibles Way out of the Church, 3 John 9-10, “I (John) wrote to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, DOES NOT RECEIVE US. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself DOES NOT RECEIVE THE BRETHREN, AND FORBIDS THOSE THAT WISH TO, PUTTING THEM OUT OF THE CHURCH.”

At any rate all I want to do is discuss these topics, not get mad at each other.

Thank you for your (name removed by moderator)ut, GED
So the apostles were put in charge of the teaching? So the apostles were in charge of the church?
Katholikos: You forget so easily, Christ did write a Book through His servants by the power of the Holy Spirit, 2 Peter 1:21. He did write a Book and leave it for us CALLED THE HOLY BIBLE, and He commanded His apostles to write as well, Revelation 1:1-3,11,19; 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14, Matthew 28:19-20, every book in the New Testament was written by an apostle or an apostles scribe.
2 Peter 1:20-21 refers to the Greek Septuagint OT, not to the NT. The NT did not exist when 2 Peter was written. Christ did not instruct his Apostles to write down all that he had taught them, and they didn’t. Only 2 or 3 of the NT writings are from the Apostles. Luke wasn’t Paul’s scribe. Mt 28:19-10 gives the Apostles their instructions to teach – not to write. Revelation is an apocalypse, not to be read literally. It was written for the Church, by a member of the Church, not for outsiders. If it were literally Christ who instructed the writer “John” to “write on a scroll,” He was referring only to the to the Book of Revelation – not the entire NT. You’re careless with the facts.

I repeat: Christ did not instruct his Apostles to write a book; and they didn’t. He ordered them to teach; and they did. The Church – the People of God – wrote the NT.
Are you insane?
Try to play nice, or the moderators will tell you to find another place to play.
He told them to teach till the end of the age; being men who would one day die, how else could they do that if they didn’t write it down?
It was done the way it’s been done throughout history in all non-literate societies: “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses, entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.” The teachings of the Apostles were passed along from one generation to the next through the authority of the Church. It’s the same way Judaism was passed along for a couple of thousand years before the OT was written and completed.
And whats more, how did they write it down if they were all to stupid to even read?
Literacy has nothing to do with intelligence.
As to the authenticity of the Holy Bible I’ve already refuted your argument on the other thread, “Doesn’t the Bible interpret itself?”
Haven’t read it yet. I doubt that you “refuted” my argument – the facts don’t exist to refute it.
As to “hades” you say that what I said is wrong well PROVE IT, dont just say it, PROVE IT!
You are losing your cool, friend. Hell is described in the NT in no uncertain terms. Christians have always believed it. Your belief is the anomaly. Where is your evidence that there is no hell?
As far as what the early Church members would think of what I’m saying, if they were part of the real Church of God they would agree with what I’m saying because all I’ve been doing is quoting Scripture and showing what the Bible says.
The “real” Church of God agrees with me.
Members of the early Church do not agree with me.
Therefore, the early Church is not the “real” Church of God.

The “real” Church of God agrees with me.
The church founded in or after 1986 by Roderick C Meredith agrees with me.
Therefore, the church founded in or after 1986 by Roderick C. Meredith is the “real” Church of God.
Though there were false members all the way back then as Paul warned about, Acts 20:29-31; 2 Thessalonians 2:7; Galations 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. The apostle Peter also warned about them, 2 Peter 2:1-3. So also did the brother of Jesus Christ, whose name was Jude3-4.
Yes, there were heretics even at the time of the early Church. But they were not the Church. BTW, Jesus had no blood brothers. But that’s another argument on another thread.
John also warned of them 1 John 2:19. In fact it got so bad even way back then that those who were the originators of the false church were already taking over during Johns life time, and kicking those that sought to follow the Bibles Way out of the Church, 3 John 9-10,
And your point is???

The only “Bible” the early Christians had was the Greek Septuagint OT, which you and all Protestants reject. There was no NT for another 400 years or so.

My choice is between believing your come-lately take on the Scriptures or believing the Catholic Church that was founded by Christ for the salvation or the world. No contest.
At any rate all I want to do is discuss these topics, not get mad at each other.
You’re the only one getting mad. On my side of the discussion, there are 2,000 years of history and teaching by the Church Christ founded You’ve got the teachings of a mere man who founded a new church in or after 1986 on your side. Do you want to make any predictions about the outcome? 😛

Peace be to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers.


You asked:
Didn’t you choose to believe the interpretation of history as offered by the RCC?
On another thread, you asserted you merely look at the compelling evidence. Let me know what you think of this evidence …

Orthodoc posted a timeline of Church history where orthodox Christianity was one holy catholic and apostolic church, showing the Council of Chalcedon in 451. However, then the timeline shows the Roman Catholic Church breaking away from that orthodoxy. The Greek Orthodox interpret history to suggest the primacy of the Bishop of Rome was merely that of “honor” and not that of jurisdiction. Can we accept this interpretation, given the compelling evidence of Chalcedon? I cannot. I’m not just taking an RCC view, but am looking at the evidence and see no other view. Perhaps you can show me differently?

Observe the evidence …

After the General Council of Chalcedon in the 5th century, canon 28 of that council was rejected by Pope Leo I. The Patriarch of Constantinople, Anatolius, sent an apologetic letter to Pope Leo which clearly shows, in my opinion, that the Patriarch understood Pope Leo to have jurisdictional authority (not merely primacy of honor) to ratify or reject canons of an ecumenical council, even when those canons were overwhelmingly appoved by the majority of bishops. The bishops of Chalcedon sent all the canons to Pope Leo specifically requesting his ratification (implying governmental authority of the one bishop over all the others).

Note that the bishops did not send the canons to every bishop for ratification, but to Pope Leo specifically, asserting explicitly that Pope Leo had been given “custody of the vine by the Savior” (Epistle from Chalcedon to Pope Leo). It appears to me that the Church at that time understood that the Pope was not just another bishop among bishops, but had true jurisdictional authority over the entire Church given to him by the Savior.

Here’s an excerpt from the letter from Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope Leo I:
As for those things which the universal Council of Chalcedon recently ordained in favor of the church of Constantinople, let Your Holiness be sure that there was no fault in me, who from my youth have always loved peace and quiet, keeping myself in humility. It was the most reverend clergy of the church of Constantinople who were eager about it, and they were equally supported by the most reverend priests of those parts, who agreed about it. Even so, the whole force of confirmation of the acts was reserved for the authority of Your Blessedness. Therefore, let Your Holiness know for certain that I did nothing to further the matter, knowing always that I held myself bound to avoid the lusts of pride and covetousness. – Patriarch Anatolius of Constantinople to Pope Leo, Ep 132 (on the subject of canon 28 of Chalcedon)
to be continued …

From a Protestant source (CCEL), here’s the letter from the Bishop’s of Chalcedon to Pope Leo I requesting that he ratify the canons of Chalcedon.

Here’s some interesting excerpts:
“and besides all this [Dioscoros, Patriarch of Alexandria] stretched forth his fury even against him who had been charged with the custody of the vine by the Saviour, we mean of course your holiness” (Letter 98 from the Council of Chalcedon to Leo)
Today, we often hear the revisionist claim that the Pope aquired his primacy due to political or secular influence or authority. However, this is not what the bishops of east and west at Chalcedon understood. They explicitly state that the Pope’s authority came from Christ, just as Catholicism today continues to assert.

The letter continues …
… being set as the mouthpiece unto all of the blessed Peter … you were Chief, as Head to the members … And we further inform you that we have decided on other things also for the good management and stability of church matters, being persuaded that your holiness will accept and ratify them, when you are told. … we have yielded agreement to the Head in noble things, so may the Head also fulfill what is fitting for the children … the See of Constantinople will receive its recompense for having always displayed such loyalty on matters of religion towards you, and for having so zealously linked itself to you in full agreement. (ibid)
Do the bishops of east and west at Chalcedon seem to believe that Pope Leo is just another bishop among bishops? Or do the bishops of Chalcedon seem to be asserting what Catholicism continues to assert: the primacy of both honor and jurisdictional authority of the Bishop of Rome over the entire Church?
Bull-oney. This is not what the Apostles taught. JMJ Jay
Actually, hades is “the grave”. It is the underworld. You should look at that closely. Whatever you think the apostles taught is beside the point. The word means what it means. I’ve done extensive research on the different renderings of hell as used in Scriptures. Don’t just dismiss this because it doesn’t seem to fit your present thinking.

part one

Very intersting points. The catholic church has many arguments for its position as christs church on earth. And many have arguments why it isn’t.

Could someone please say which church is the true christian church. and why?

part two

Aside from any biblical prophesy being interpreted one way or another and looking strictly at history, was Rome the supreme church? Did it pretty much define what christianity was. And did it even transmit and preserve what non catholics believe for example the idea of the holy trinity.
You are losing your cool, friend. Hell is described in the NT in no uncertain terms. Christians have always believed it. Your belief is the anomaly. Where is your evidence that there is no hell?

There is no hell as proposed by the Christian faith. I refuted it and debated it with folks like ‘itsjustdave’ for a while. You will find the evidence that there is no hell in the following links:

The above is the thread I started. The below is the site that turned me on to the overwhelming evidence.

There is no hell as proposed by the Christian faith. I refuted it and debated it with folks like ‘itsjustdave’ for a while. You will find the evidence that there is no hell in the following links:

The above is the thread I started. The below is the site that turned me on to the overwhelming evidence.

Oh. Jesus got it wrong. And the Apostles in turn were wrong. And all the Church Fathers were wrong. For 2,000 years, Christianity has been wrong. But you now, along with the JW’s and the Living Church of God, are the oracle of the truth that hell does not exist. This website did the trick, huh, exposed the error. Clever webmaster. :bowdown:

Christianity is a revealed religion. The Catholic Church is the respository of the Deposit of Faith containing the Revelation of God that was once for all delivered by Jesus – who was God – to His Church through the Apostles. God either revealed all of Christianity (i.e., all of Catholicism) or none of it. It’s impossible to disprove one aspect of Divine Revelation through argumentation, don’tchasee. The Apostles taught the existence of hell. If hell does not exist, then everything else Christ taught the Apostles and the Apostles taught the Church is also untrue and can only be explained as a hoax. It’s a package deal – all or nothing at all.

I went to the website you provided and closed it when I saw that it offered “actual pictures of hell.” Very amusing.

Christianity, based as it is on Divine Revelation, is a house of cards. Remove one card, and it all comes tumbling down. My mind rebels against such a prospect. I’m not ready to join you in the black pit of atheism, where logically you are now. Been there, done that.

The Catholic Church teaches that the principal pain of hell is the separation of the soul from its creator – God. IOW, perpetual homesickness. “Our hearts were made for Thee, O Lord, and will not rest until they rest in Thee” (St. Augustine).

The Church is the People of God, united in one body, holding one Faith,
I agree with this. But, how can ALL denominations be in the church if some believe in contraception and some do not; if some believe in infant baptism and some do not; if some believe that priests can change wafers and grape juice into Jesus Himself, and some do not. My point is, differing and conflicting doctrine in the church hardly sounds like ONE body holding ONE faith, or, put another way, what Jesus had in mind. As I see it, the Catholic Church is the one church Jesus created on earth, and it is the Catholic Church that is the pillar and foundation of truth.
I agree with this. But, how can ALL denominations be in the church if some believe in contraception and some do not; if some believe in infant baptism and some do not; if some believe that priests can change wafers and grape juice into Jesus Himself, and some do not. My point is, differing and conflicting doctrine in the church hardly sounds like ONE body holding ONE faith, or, put another way, what Jesus had in mind. As I see it, the Catholic Church is the one church Jesus created on earth, and it is the Catholic Church that is the pillar and foundation of truth.
Peace be with you cjaubert,

I would say because “all” believe in the Salvific Grace of Jesus Christ.

Oh. Jesus got it wrong. And the Apostles in turn were wrong. And all the Church Fathers were wrong. For 2,000 years, Christianity has been wrong. But you now, along with the JW’s and the Living Church of God, are the oracle of the truth that hell does not exist. This website did the trick, huh, exposed the error. Clever webmaster. :bowdown:

Christianity is a revealed religion. The Catholic Church is the respository of the Deposit of Faith containing the Revelation of God that was once for all delivered by Jesus – who was God – to His Church through the Apostles. God either revealed all of Christianity (i.e., all of Catholicism) or none of it. It’s impossible to disprove one aspect of Divine Revelation through argumentation, don’tchasee. The Apostles taught the existence of hell. If hell does not exist, then everything else Christ taught the Apostles and the Apostles taught the Church is also untrue and can only be explained as a hoax. It’s a package deal – all or nothing at all.

I went to the website you provided and closed it when I saw that it offered “actual pictures of hell.” Very amusing.

Christianity, based as it is on Divine Revelation, is a house of cards. Remove one card, and it all comes tumbling down. My mind rebels against such a prospect. I’m not ready to join you in the black pit of atheism, where logically you are now. Been there, done that.

The Catholic Church teaches that the principal pain of hell is the separation of the soul from its creator – God. IOW, perpetual homesickness. “Our hearts were made for Thee, O Lord, and will not rest until they rest in Thee” (St. Augustine).

Actually, not all of the church fathers were wrong. Origen and St. Gregory of Nyssa were believers in universal reconciliation. That’s what I believe. “hell” does exist but it is not what is proposed by the Christian community.

If you would research it at all, you would realize that the Lord Jesus used the word “gehenna” and “hades”, which were translated as the general term “hell”. Gehenna was a physical place (and still is today) that was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem where garbage was burned. When Christ spoke to the people and used the word “gehenna” He was referring to this kind of place.

I would bet you have never truly looked into this issue and therefore make decisions based on what someone has told you, whether it is the Catholic Church, the early Church fathers, etc.
Never believe everything you hear. Prove it for yourself. After all, you are the only one responsible for yourself.

And, I don’t think non-belief in the Christian ideal of hell is “the black pit of atheism”. I believe people will be purified of wrongdoing and restored to relationship with God. Hell can be physical and/or mental. One reaps what one sows. If not punished in this life, it could be the next one.

Part 1
Actually, not all of the church fathers were wrong. Origen and St. Gregory of Nyssa were believers in universal reconciliation. That’s what I believe. “hell” does exist but it is not what is proposed by the Christian community.
Sorry to be late responding. I’ve had computer problems and was absent from the forum for several days.

I’ll try again to make myself clear. My reply will be in two parts.

The standard of orthodoxy is the teaching of the Apostles as expressed in and through the Catholic Church, not the (mis)interpreted words of Scripture and not the words of the Church Fathers.

Rather, the teaching of the Church informs Scripture and gives us its correct meaning. The NT reflects the teaching of the Church, not vice versa. So if the Church was teaching (x), the words of Scripture mean (x) and cannot possibly mean (y). The teaching of the Church also shines a light on the writings of the Fathers and enables us to know when they were right (orthodox) and when they were wrong (unorthodox).

Again, the standard of Truth is the teaching of the Church founded by Christ for the salvation of the world long before a word of the the NT was ever written or a single Church Father had set pen to papyrus. The Sacred Scriptures confirm the Church’s teaching. The Church’s teaching is also the yardstick by which the orthodoxy of the Fathers is measured. Where they are in conformity, they confirm the Church’s beliefs. Where they are not in conformity, they illuminate the writer’s error.

Origen was a brilliant spiritual writer and biblical exegete. But a number of his theories resulted in Origenism, which held the pre-existence of souls, denial of the personal identity of mortal and glorified bodies, and the claim that the devil and those in hell will eventually be saved. The heresy of Origenism was condemned by the second Council of Constantinople in A.D. 553. (Reference: Origenism, John Hardon, S.J., Modern Catholic Dictionary.)

Part 2
Ahimsaman wrote:
If you would research it at all, you would realize that the Lord Jesus used the word “gehenna” and “hades”, which were translated as the general term “hell”. Gehenna was a physical place (and still is today) that was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem where garbage was burned. When Christ spoke to the people and used the word “gehenna” He was referring to this kind of place.
The significance of gehenna, hades and sheol is taught in Bible 101. I’m perplexed why you would think that the Church that wrote the New Testament would not know and teach these things. Or that it wouldn’t be taught in universities. Anyone who has ever been visited by the Jehovah’s Witnesses is certainly aware of these words and their meaning. Do you think these are secret words, known only to a few?

You know about similies, dontcha? 😛

But the doctrine of hell is not based on these words. It’s based on the revelation of God and confirmed in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Apostolic Tradition.
I would bet you have never truly looked into this issue and therefore make decisions based on what someone has told you, whether it is the Catholic Church, the early Church fathers, etc.
You’d lose your bet. I studied for years before I became a Catholic. I was an atheist (having been previously an agnostic and before that a Southern Baptist) and I did not believe in hell – until I was persuaded by the evidence.
Never believe everything you hear. Prove it for yourself. After all, you are the only one responsible for yourself.
I find this especially amusing in view of my background – which I’ve shared with you previously. You must have forgotten. You paint me as a gullible simpleton, duped by the Catholic Church. chuckle chuckle.
And, I don’t think non-belief in the Christian ideal of hell is “the black pit of atheism”.
The logical conclusion of private interpretation and relativism is Atheism. If it’s all “true,” then none of it is “true.” There is no Truth.
I believe people will be purified of wrongdoing and restored to relationship with God. Hell can be physical and/or mental. One reaps what one sows. If not punished in this life, it could be the next one. Peace…
Believe what you wish. But don’t label heresy as “truth.” It’s merely your opinion. I wouldn’t stake my immortal soul on it.

Peace be to you and to all that post at Catholic Answers,

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