So I have no problem with this…but as an atheist, you will be experiencing some cognitive dissonance, no?
I have explained until my fingers are starting to get cramp from all the typing…
Morality is ONLY concerned with harm. An act that causes no harm means that it is not immoral. It is amoral at worst.
Whether causing harm to a child is immoral or not is entirely dependent upon the conditions. If it is done without permission, without the child’s consent and in a manner which serves no purpose other than the enjoyment of the person causing it, then it is, according to those conditions, relative to those conditions, solely dependent upon those particular conditions, immoral.
Now you have a shorthand for causing pain relative to those conditions which is ‘torture’. That you have a single description for it does not, in any way at all, detract from the procedure one must go through to ascertain if the harm being caused is morally acceptable or not. When you say that ‘torturing a child is wrong’, you are stating that causing harm in a particular way, to a particular person, for particular ends, is wrong. Again, harm is the ONLY determinant.
Otherwise, once you list all the conditions that are relative to an act and you reach a point where you believe it to be immoral, whether you have a single description for that act or not, you want to call it absolute.
If someone didn’t understand the word torture, then your discussion with them would run as follows:
P: Torturing a small child is wrong.
A: I’m sorry, I don’t understand the word. What do you mean?
P: I mean that causing harm to a child without that child’s consent, or without anyone’s consent, with no benefit accruing and done only for the pleasure of the person causing harm, is morally wrong.
A: I see. What if the harm was beneficial and with a parent’s consent, such as an injection?
P: Well, that would be morally correct.
A: So the harm is morally acceptable or not relative to the conditions.
P: But the first is a moral absolute.
A: So the second is as well? Causing harm by injecting a child in order to cure her of a disease must also be morally absolute. Both are relative to the conditions.
If you give me an act that you consider to be morally correct or morally acceptable (nothing amoral thanks), according to your line of reasoning, it must be absolute. Always. If that is not so, then give me one that is relative only. It can’t be difficult. Anything will do.