Hey there Mama!
I too am an Air Force Momma. I’ll agree that while mil pay isn’t the greatest, it will get better my friend. Take heart, pay raises come (albeit, maybe not as much as in the civilian world) as do promotions. I have known large families (6+ children) on both the enlisted side as well as the officer side that have done just fine with the one active duty pay check. And there are definite advantages to the USAF lifestyle; one being the military pays for all health care for active duty types as well as us dependants (not too shabby having the birth of your babies paid for in full
). Another perk is Base Housing, while not the greatest in some places, it works out pretty well. At present, we have five kiddos and counting, with about 1200 sq. ft. of living space. (However, most of our quarters have been larger than this…) Also, a lot of bases will now make accomodations for those with more than five children by allowing the large family to occupy an entire duplex/quad. as needed. Family Services is great and there are a lot of programs that you can take advantage of there as well. If you desire to have that “gang” of blessings, don’t fret, it is possible. And if you need any more info. please feel free to email me personally and I’ll be glad to help. I know it’s not easy being at home with the littles while the hubby’s away TDY or deployed, but you can lean on your AF family and most important Christ to get you through.
Blessings and fair skies,