Sure- do you mean just ‘individual consciousness’- in the sense you or I have consciousness? Or are you talking in some other, less obvious, sense?No offense is taken.
Could you please tell me what you don’t understand so I can elaborate further.
Of course, free will cannot exist without consciousness (e.g. a stone cannot have free will, or an unconscious body). But I don’t see how that means that there can be no cause of consciousness. Whatever ‘causes’ you or me (God, or nature, or whatever), caused also the consciousness of you or me. Consciousness means nothing more than having a functioning means of perception and cognition. Whatever causes the brain and the senses to work, also causes consciousness.
Are you reifying ‘consciousness’? Consciousness is just word to designate the state of an organism having perception and/or cognition. It is not a ‘thing’ or a ‘being’.