Suppose “X” is tangible. Is “X” something your senses detect (qualia) or is “X” an abstraction?
Do abstractions exist? Ironically, eliminative materialists believe that! I said previously that because eliminative materialists think that only particular examples exist, their position is self contradictory. Only matter (particualr examples of something that is tangible), then since eliminative materialism is an abstraction, it is nonsense. [see the paradox, self contradictory nature of logical positism.]
Google," the phenomenology of cognition. What is it like to think P?"
Do abstractions exist? Ironically, eliminative materialists believe that! I said previously that because eliminative materialists think that only particular examples exist, their position is self contradictory. Only matter (particualr examples of something that is tangible), then since eliminative materialism is an abstraction, it is nonsense. [see the paradox, self contradictory nature of logical positism.]
Google," the phenomenology of cognition. What is it like to think P?"