Nothing to something

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@STT First you have to define nothing. Even the number zero has a purpose and place in math. One would think just by observation alone that Outer Space, between the planets that there is nothing but just a vast void. An that there is just this nothingness. Besides the lack of oxygen that can kill a person in space, there is the vast coldness a temperature , a tangible nothing that is something. And radiation, radio waves, particles , and then one can dive into the microverse an observable nothing with out the proper tools.

Is there really no need for God to have something out of nothing… Sure I suppose. I mean God is God. Trying to define Gods Love is like an ant trying to describe humanity. The best humanity can do is pretend to understand God in any way. An any understanding of God comes from God, an God allowing that understanding not from theological guessing debates or councils. But directly.

Which theological studies and councils are rather peculiar; they spend a lot of time debating and voting and fighting, but never mention, how long they spend in actual communal prayer on an issue, and asking God for some physical sign to help answer a question. An what they did or didn’t experience through that.
By nothing I mean absence of any thing, no time, no space, no object, etc.
Therefore, time is needed in order to create time. This is regress. Regress is impossible. Therefore, the act of creation is impossible.
If scientists are correct and free will is an illusion and every one of us experiences this illusion then maybe creation is an illusion as well.
The only way around this is that temporal time would have to be created from nontemporal space.
That doesn’t help since you are saying that time is created which means that time didn’t exist in first place and then exists. This process, no-time to time is temporal.
That doesn’t help since you are saying that time is created which means that time didn’t exist in first place and then exists.
Actually, it absolutely helps! 🤣
This process, no-time to time is temporal.
Umm… no. The “no-time” part is not temporal; the “time” part is. So, you’ve got to account for the atemporal part. The cleanest way to do so is not to include it in your timeline (after all, there is no timeline in a “no-time” context). So, if I’m thinking in mathematical notation, I’m thinking that you look at it as an open interval: (“no-time”, “time”]
It doesn’t help since I am not talking about act whether it is temporal or not, instead the process.
That doesn’t help since you are saying that time is created which means that time didn’t exist in first place and then exists. This process, no-time to time is temporal.
Non temporal space may contain Block Time (past, present and future) all in a one 4 dimensional spacetime block. This could be used to create the linear time in our space.
Block Time can theoretically create linear time.
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It doesn’t help since I am not talking about act whether it is temporal or not, instead the process.
A process which begins atemporally cannot be properly named “temporal”.
Non temporal space may contain Block Time (past, present and future) all in a one 4 dimensional spacetime block. This could be used to create the linear time in our space.
Block Time can theoretically create linear time.
Is there a point in which time doesn’t exist in Block Time? For each point in the Block Time there exists a point in temporal framework. Unfortunately, the creation leads to regress in temporal framework therefore it is not valid.
Any process is temporal since you are dealing with a change by definition.
It’s a “coming-into-being” event. Technically, a “change”. But, it’s a boundary case. Treating it as if it were the same as “egg becomes chicken” or “marble becomes statue” is not a valid approach.
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Is there a point in which time doesn’t exist in Block Time? For each point in the Block Time there exists a point in temporal framework. Unfortunately, the creation leads to regress in temporal framework therefore it is not valid.
We exist in a temporal space. Non temporal space exists out side of our linear time. Two different spaces. Therefore I believe Block Time to linear time creation could be possible. Or…
An Intelligent agent
It’s a “coming-into-being” event. Technically, a “change”. But, it’s a boundary case. Treating it as if it were the same as “egg becomes chicken” or “marble becomes statue” is not a valid approach.
So there is a change? Here is the argument for time is needed for any change: Consider a change in a system, A to B. A and B cannot lay at the same point therefore they are at different points belonging to a variable. Moreover, there should be a duration for reaching from the first point to the second point otherwise the change never takes place. Therefore a variable needed for the motion to occur. We call this variable time.
We exist in a temporal space. Non temporal space exists out side of our linear time. Two different spaces. Therefore I believe Block Time to linear time creation could be possible. Or…
An Intelligent agent
Is there a change when time is created? Yes or no. I am afraid that introducing a block time doesn’t help.
The only reason I brought in Block Time is to counter your argument of non-time to time paradox.
I am talking about time rather than entropy. Entropy exists when you have material.
Are you saying that time exists without anything?

Time and space (which includes matter) is one. As per Einstein. General relativity.
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Are you saying that time exists without anything?

Time an space (which includes matter) is one. As per Einstein. General relativity.
I am talking about the fact that you need time for any change. Time and space are related in our universe though.
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