Nothing to something

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I think that God’s providence rightly centers on our end (‘telos’) and not on the “outcome of human history”.
But how then does God ensure that specific events will happen? How does He ensure that Moses will be left in reeds of the Nile for example? Or that Moses will even be born? When it comes to the actions of beings with free will, how can God be certain of anything at all?

How does God ensure that human history will turn out the way it does?
No. That is not a local solution.
Then it’s trivial, because it’s not the case that “nothing” exists. It’s good as a boundary case, but it is never achieved.
You have a form of a corpse after death
There is no “form of corpse”. There’s nothing binding it together.
Before death the form was able to animate the body.
Before death it was a different thing entirely: it was a body.
But how then does God ensure that specific events will happen?
Does he?

Or, perhaps, knowing just what it would take to get you to say “yes” to a cheeseburger, He causes that series of events to happen, without forcing anyone’s will.
How does He ensure that Moses will be left in reeds of the Nile for example? Or that Moses will even be born?
You’re trying to turn Him into a deterministic tyrant. Your misconception of Him, I think, is what’s leading you down the wrong path.
When it comes to the actions of beings with free will, how can God be certain of anything at all?
Because He has complete and immediate knowledge. So, He knows what will happen.
How does God ensure that human history will turn out the way it does?
Again: I don’t think that God has a stake in the Patriots winning the Super Bowl; it’s not “human history” that He’s managing, per se.
Then it’s trivial, because it’s not the case that “nothing” exists. It’s good as a boundary case, but it is never achieved.
I am not talking about nothing right now. I am talking about your premise that claim that if there is no object therefore there is no motion therefore there is no time.
There is no “form of corpse”. There’s nothing binding it together.
Of course there is.
I am not talking about nothing right now. I am talking about your premise that claim that if there is no object therefore there is no motion therefore there is no time.
And all you’re showing is that you get a zero result when you plug zero into the “matter” part of the equation. Not convincing.
Of course there is.
Great. What’s “form of corpse”, then, please?
And all you’re showing is that you get a zero result when you plug zero into the “matter” part of the equation. Not convincing.
No I am not saying that. I am saying that flat space-time is the solution of general relativity equation when mass is zero, when you have no object. In another word, you have time in absence of motion or object. So time is not a measure of motion.
Great. What’s “form of corpse”, then, please?
Isn’t according to Aristotle everything made of a substance and has a form?
I am saying that flat space-time is the solution of general relativity equation when mass is zero, when you have no object.
OK… follow that thought: what does “flat space-time” mean? What does it imply?
Isn’t according to Aristotle everything made of a substance and has a form?
If I piled up some wood, some leaves, and some oil, would you claim that it “has a form”?
OK… follow that thought: what does “flat space-time” mean? What does it imply?
Flat mean that it is not curved. You know what happen when space curves. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Any object moves straight when there is no curvature in space. Curvature in time has to do with change in its rate from one location in space to another one. So flat time means that rate of change in time is equal in all places.
If I piled up some wood, some leaves, and some oil, would you claim that it “has a form”?
Sure it has. According to Aristotle everything is made of substance and has a form.
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I don’t think that God has a stake in the Patriots winning the Super Bowl; it’s not “human history” that He’s managing, per se.
The local Catholic high schools compete with basketball games. One side prays that it will win, the other side prays that it will win. Does God respond to our prayers? If not, is it then wrong to pray that your side wins the game?
Okay. Maybe I replied to the wrong poster. In this thread I thought you said in your own words that God created us to be disobedient and to deny him?
If yes, then my unclear remark means that nothing you have quoted from any source in all your posts has shown that to be correct.
If you didn’t say that then I apologise.
Thank you for your apologise @Montrose but don’t need it because I said that, as follows:

Until our conversion, it is God’s will that we deny His existence, He has purposely created us this way.

My above statement based on 1 Cor.2:14, etc.

1 Cor.2:14 The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
I still believe my above statement that the atheists doesn’t acknowledge the existence of God, in despite of, I believe they are the same way under God’s control and His providence as the Christians, based on as follows:

Aquinas said, “ God changes the will without forcing it. But he can change the will from the fact that he himself operates in the will as he does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9. 31. ST I-II:112:3. 32. Gaudium et Spes 22; "being …

St. Thomas teaches that God effects everything, the willing and the achievement. S. Th.II/II 4, 4 ad 3.

De gratia et libero arbitrio 16, 32: “It is certain that we will when we will; but He brings it about that we will good … . It is certain that we act when we act, but He brings it about that we act , providing most effective powers to the will. – CCC 307, CCC 308, etc.

God bless
One side prays that it will win, the other side prays that it will win. Does God respond to our prayers?
If not, is it then wrong to pray that your side wins the game?
It’s never wrong to pray. Please read the Catechism for a good description of what the goal of prayer is. (Hint: it’s not to change God’s will; it’s to conform our will to God’s.)
And what is his take on it?
That God does not intervene, at least in most cases.
BTW, it is pretty serious because it does not happen only in high school games. It happens in wars. There are so many examples. Take for example the Fourth Crusade where the Orthodox Christians were praying that God protect their churches and their nuns from sacrilege, And the Roman Catholics were praying to defeat the Orthodox who a Catholic bishop said were worse than the Jews.
Therefore, its goodness may proceed from God’s initiative, but any evil or sinfulness proceeds from our deficiency, and not from God’s will, per se.
Let’s see what the Catholic Theology has to say about it:

Catholic Encyclopedia : Evil
“But we cannot say without denying the Divine omnipotence, that another equally perfect universe could not be created in which evil would have no place.”

As we see above @Gorgias, God could create this world that we never commit even a single act of sin.
CCC 310 But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it?
With infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world in a state of journeying towards its ultimate perfection, 314 through the dramas of evil and sin. – God created the dramas of evil and sin for our benefit.


Life without suffering would produce spoiled brats, not joyful saints.

Our struggle and tribulation while journeying towards our ultimate perfection through the dramas of evil and sin is the cost which in-prints the virtue/ nobility into our souls – the cost of our road to nobility and perfection.

In this world man has to learn by experience and contrast, and to develop by the overcoming of obstacles (Lactantius, “De ira Dei”, xiii, xv in “P.L., VII, 115-24. St. Augustine “De ordine”, I, vii, n. 18 in “P.L.”, XXXII, 986).

As we see above, this world is our sin effected training ground, created by God, God is our everything, includes our “drill sergeant.”


God is the author of all causes and effects, but is not the author of sin, because an action ceases to be sin if God wills it to happen. Still God is the cause of sin.
God’s omnipotent providence exercises a complete and perfect control over all events that happen, or will happen, in the universe.

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Divine Providence explains;

His wisdom He so orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be realized.

God preserves the universe in being; He acts in and with every creature in each and all its activities.

He directs all, even evil and sin itself,
to the final end for which the universe was created.

All events preordained by God in accordance with His all-embracing purpose.

Evil, therefore, ministers to God’s design” (St. Gregory the Great, op. cit.,

God is the sole ruler of the world. His will governs all things. He loves all men, desires the salvation of all, and His providence extends to all nation.

In His training program God designed every obstacles down to its minutest details, and He also designed His aids for us down to its minutest details, the way He aides us that we all will able to overcome every our obstacles.

At the end of our training program on this earth, the elect will be joyful saints in heaven.
God bless
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At the end of our training program on this earth, we all will be joyful saints in heaven.
I thought it was like this: At the end of our training program on this earth there are three possibilities:
Heaven, purgatory or hell.
In time many declaration changed.
The will of God is to save everyone, His will is immutable.
The whole Catholic Church is (CCC 1058) praying for the salvation of everyone, we all should believe what we are praying for.

God bless
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In time many declaration changed.
The will of God is to save everyone, His will is immutable.
The whole Catholic Church is (CCC 1058) praying for the salvation of everyone, we all should believe what we are praying for.

God bless
You have to be careful what you say though. Yes we should pray for everyone to be saved but that is different from the statement that everyone will be saved. That is Universalism and it remains a heresy. That will never change.
In time many declaration changed.
The will of God is to save everyone, His will is immutable.
The whole Catholic Church is (CCC 1058) praying for the salvation of everyone, we all should believe what we are praying for.

God bless
You have to be careful what you say though. Yes we should pray for everyone to be saved but that is different from the statement that everyone will be saved. That is Universalism and it remains a heresy. That will never change.
Thank you @Montrose for your post, I corrected my above post as follows.

At the end of our training program on this earth, the elect will be joyful saints in heaven.

God bless
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