Notre Dame discriminates against Catholics?

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This was reported in the Irish Rover today. For students in several Film, Television and Theatre classes (at least those being taught by Emily Phillips, I am in one of them) the students are required to go and see the Vagina Monologues. Several students have moral issues with this, including myself, which prompted me to walk in, get a program, and walk right back out. Yet, there was one freshman who stood up and said he would not go to the performance for moral reasons. Now one would assume that at Notre Dame the dean of his college would be supportive of him and his morals, but no, Dean Mark Roche (the same dean who wrote in the New York Times about how Catholics should support Kerry, not that that is related but just so you know) assigned the student an eight page single spaced essay about the monologues. For those who attended, however, all they have to do is an in-class discussion of the monologues. Now maybe it is just me but it sounds like this freshman is being discriminated against due to his morals AT NOTRE DAME! If you look at my other posts you know I am very pro-Notre Dame; I go here and I love it here. I hate some of the things the administration does, however, and I see us sliding too far to the left.

Anyways, the student has decided not to write the paper and instead to take a 0 on the assignment as a matter of principle. The Irish Rover (which I should specify is a conservative student newspaper on campus) is urging those who wish to support his cause email them at I encourage you to write and tell them that you support this student who should have the right to not be discriminated against because of his faith anywhere, but especially at Notre Dame!
I think you need to call Bill Donahue:mad: You nor anyone else should be forced to go to something that is morally deplorable.That is terrible.
I think you need to call Bill Donahue:mad: You nor anyone else should be forced to go to something that is morally deplorable.That is terrible.
I second this. Write to The Catholic League and let them know about this insanity. They live for smacking down this kind of nonsense.
I second this. Write to The Catholic League and let them know about this insanity. They live for smacking down this kind of nonsense.
Thirded. It’s time to start firing some warning shots over the bow of the ship of certain Catholic universities.

I second this. Write to The Catholic League and let them know about this insanity. They live for smacking down this kind of nonsense.
Submitted to The Catholic League. I hope they can do something, ND is getting way to comfortable with being liberal, especially with the FTT department (who sponsor not only the V Monologues but also the Queer Film Festival).
Submitted to The Catholic League. I hope they can do something, ND is getting way to comfortable with being liberal, especially with the FTT department (who sponsor not only the V Monologues but also the Queer Film Festival).
Excellent. Keep us posted on the progress.

Submitted to The Catholic League. I hope they can do something, ND is getting way to comfortable with being liberal, especially with the FTT department (who sponsor not only the V Monologues but also the Queer Film Festival).
Please keep us informed,this is inexcusable behavior for a so called Catholic College.God Bless
Also, find a way to alert the Alumni. Maybe they are on the mailing list for the paper

Get Regis Philbin into action 🙂
I think you need to call Bill Donahue:mad: You nor anyone else should be forced to go to something that is morally deplorable.That is terrible.
Is that the same Bill Donahue who is supporting the Bishop of Orange County on the matter of the children of two gay parents sending their children to a Catholic school?
Is that the same Bill Donahue who is supporting the Bishop of Orange County on the matter of the children of two gay parents sending their children to a Catholic school?
Yes supporting the kids! Not the flaunting parents who used the kids to push their agenda!
Yes supporting the kids! Not the flaunting parents who used the kids to push their agenda!
I don’t beleieve Mr. Donahue has said a word against the parents. He comments were limited to criticism of the small group of parents protesting the school principal, priest, abbot, and bishop.
I don’t beleieve Mr. Donahue has said a word against the parents. He comments were limited to criticism of the small group of parents protesting the school principal, priest, abbot, and bishop.
Don’t hijack the thread,start another one on that topic.
Don’t hijack the thread,start another one on that topic.
Withdraw your comment about Donahue and I will move on, Lisa.
Withdraw your comment about Donahue and I will move on, Lisa.
He said the kids shouldn’t be kicked out because of the sins of the parents.
He said the kids shouldn’t be kicked out because of the sins of the parents.
…and that the protester were out of line.
This was reported in the Irish Rover today. For students in several Film, Television and Theatre classes (at least those being taught by Emily Phillips, I am in one of them) the students are required to go and see the Vagina Monologues. Several students have moral issues with this, including myself, which prompted me to walk in, get a program, and walk right back out. Yet, there was one freshman who stood up and said he would not go to the performance for moral reasons. Now one would assume that at Notre Dame the dean of his college would be supportive of him and his morals, but no, Dean Mark Roche (the same dean who wrote in the New York Times about how Catholics should support Kerry, not that that is related but just so you know) assigned the student an eight page single spaced essay about the monologues. For those who attended, however, all they have to do is an in-class discussion of the monologues. Now maybe it is just me but it sounds like this freshman is being discriminated against due to his morals AT NOTRE DAME! If you look at my other posts you know I am very pro-Notre Dame; I go here and I love it here. I hate some of the things the administration does, however, and I see us sliding too far to the left.

Anyways, the student has decided not to write the paper and instead to take a 0 on the assignment as a matter of principle. The Irish Rover (which I should specify is a conservative student newspaper on campus) is urging those who wish to support his cause email them at I encourage you to write and tell them that you support this student who should have the right to not be discriminated against because of his faith anywhere, but especially at Notre Dame!
This is absolutely sick, you not only have to write to William Donohue of the Catholic League here But more importantly to Bishop John M. D’Arcy of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend here and here is his position on this repugnant performance

And here is a thread which was started on just this topic Sadly Notre Dame has not been a Catholic University in years, as much as it claims to be in writing. And I thank God you were not taken in by this performance, your folks must of raised you in the Catholic faith very well.👍
This is absolutely sick, you not only have to write to William Donohue of the Catholic League here But …
…when you do so, be sure to thank him for standing up for the pastor and principal at St. John the Baptist School in Orange County, CA.
…when you do so, be sure to thank him for standing up for the pastor and principal at St. John the Baptist School in Orange County, CA.
Start a thread Katherine:mad:
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