Notre Dame discriminates against Catholics?

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…when you do so, be sure to thank him for standing up for the pastor and principal at St. John the Baptist School in Orange County, CA.
And what does THAT supposed to mean? I don’t think this is the topic here, so I suggest you start a thread…
Katherine stop being a child!
Irish, Norte Dame is Catholic in name only. Come on they have McBrien in the theology department. Sorry for you. You should have went to Franciscan U at Steubensville for a real Catholic education.
Katherine stop being a child!
Irish, Norte Dame is Catholic in name only. Come on they have McBrien in the theology department. Sorry for you. You should have went to Franciscan U at Steubensville for a real Catholic education.
I thought about Franciscan but it just didn’t have the reputation that I wanted, especially for going on to graduate school. Also, I reject the notion that Notre Dame is Catholic only in name. I believe that may be true of the administration, but certainly not of the students. A poll done by the Observer a few days ago showed that a majority of students didn’t want the Vag. Monologues to come to ND. It isn’t the will of the students, but the will of the admin. Same with Fr. McBrien, I agree with you, I have seen him enough on TV to know (haven’t had a class with him however). I still think that ND is a Catholic school, the administration may not be (I am praying Jenkins will be better) but the students are. If Franciscan had the same reputation, however and all things were equal, I would be there.
Katherine stop being a child!
Irish, Norte Dame is Catholic in name only. Come on they have McBrien in the theology department. Sorry for you. You should have went to Franciscan U at Steubensville for a real Catholic education.
Who’s McBrien?
If you really want to get the attention of Notre Dame or any other college, contact the development office. This is extremely effective, even more if you are an alumni. Without private donations, most colleges would shut their doors. Notre Dame’s Development Office contact info is as follows:

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irish80122 said:

I don’t know too much about him, just that he has been known to be liberal and some of his beliefs may be a bit off.

From the web link, two things struck me. First, suit and tie…no roman collar. Second, only in the last sentence of his biography does it mention that he is a priest.
Who’s McBrien?
Father McBrien seemed to get into trouble with the Church with the publication of his book “Catholicsm”. He was unable to get Church approval to publish this document. The NCCB’s Committee on Doctine took issue with some of his more creative theological points. They asked him to make changes. He changed some things, not others. You can read about it here He still had the book published.

When Ex Corde Ecclesiae came out, he was very vocal in his dissent to that document and refused to get a mandatum to continue teaching theology. As I understand it, he is one of the main reasons why ND is not in compliance with Ex Corde but I am sure he is not alone. If you do a google with his name and Ex Corde, you will get lots more info.

Since then, he has been somewhat of the darling of the TV talk shows where along with Father Andrew Greely, he speaks about how the current Church is “out of touch” and ready for change. (blah, blah, blah).
Father McBrien seemed to get into trouble with the Church with the publication of his book “Catholicsm”. He was unable to get Church approval to publish this document. The NCCB’s Committee on Doctine took issue with some of his more creative theological points. They asked him to make changes. He changed some things, not others. You can read about it here He still had the book published.

When Ex Corde Ecclesiae came out, he was very vocal in his dissent to that document and refused to get a mandatum to continue teaching theology. As I understand it, he is one of the main reasons why ND is not in compliance with Ex Corde but I am sure he is not alone. If you do a google with his name and Ex Corde, you will get lots more info.

Since then, he has been somewhat of the darling of the TV talk shows where along with Father Andrew Greely, he speaks about how the current Church is “out of touch” and ready for change. (blah, blah, blah).
I agree, I have seen him on O’Reilly more than once. Funny, when he is on there he always seems to have the roman collar…
This Notre Dame is the same as invites to characters so miserables as Tariq Ramadan, forbidden to live in Egypt and Switzerland and in a debate in the french TV, refuses to condemn the lapidattion, is the same?
This Notre Dame is the same as invites to characters so miserables as Tariq Ramadan, forbidden to live in Egypt and Switzerland and in a debate in the french TV, refuses to condemn the lapidattion, is the same?
Yep, same one (unfortunately) 😦
**General reminder:

Please keep the conversation on topic and charitable or the thread will have to be closed.**
From the web link, two things struck me. First, suit and tie…no roman collar.
Which is the traditional Catholic practice for priest-professors. The roman collar is a modern innovation.
For the record,

Dean Roche is not the faculty member who required the young man to write the paper. He simply did not intervene when it occurred. As for his New York Times article, I actually did a lot of research on the economics of abortion last year as a senior in college and, having used the same data that Dean Roche used for his article, recognized that some of his numbers were wrong. He was more than gracious in discussing the issue with me. I exchanged numerous emails with him and met with him on a few occasions. Once I explained his errors, he was quick to submit a retraction to the New York Times. The retraction, unfortunately, did not garner attention, so few people know about it.

I can attest that Dean Roche is not worthy of the condemnation that many people heap upon him. He is very much pro-life. He thinks abortion should be outlawed. He just, unfortunately, does not think a candidate’s pro-choice stance should preclude a Catholic from voting for him/her (For the record, I am not related to Dean Roche. We have the same last name, but spelled differently).

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about this.
This Notre Dame is the same as invites to characters so miserables as Tariq Ramadan, forbidden to live in Egypt and Switzerland and in a debate in the french TV, refuses to condemn the lapidattion, is the same?
Yes, the same school.
we’re talkin ND, go to the alumni who support the football program and get them on your side if you want to see some action
It is too bad the student is taking a ) in the class. It would be a perfect opportunity to write a decisive paper as to why the Vagina Monologues are such an affront - not only to Catholics, but to women. But Youth does tend to be a bit impetuous at times…
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