Notre Dame hires Pete Buttigieg to teach

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Just to state my opinion and the obvious, which I have been assured are completely safe posts, ND is A fine institution and Pete is a fine addition to their faculty!
You are correct…Notre Dame is a fine institution. Franciscan is a fine Catholic institution.
It doesn’t matter if he is a gym teacher In a Catholic institution I believe he would need to sign an agreement to not state of act in any way that is antithetical to Church teachings
Now if he were a homosexual that was celibate that’s an all together different issue
He is in an openly gay marriage
The same rules would apply to a heterosexual living wirh their partner without the benefit of marriage
Don’t shoot the messenger
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Her opinions which are her right to express makes my opinion the same as yours. Nobody can be cited for expressing opinions, I have been told.
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He is in an openly gay marriage
It is not just Notre Dame that is OK with this. For example, a Catholic college sends me an alumni magazine every four or five months or so, and they have a page where they congratulate alumni who recently got married. There are photos of the newly wed couple. Most issues have a photo congratulating a SS couple and their wedding.
I didn’t expect to see WorldNetDaily cited as a source on a Catholic website! However, I have also seen this reported in mainstream news sources.
Not nearly as surprising as seeing someone think an “married” homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia is a great thing at a Catholic University.

To be clear, what other beliefs that completely contradict the teachings of the Magesterium are you okay with being represented? KKK on your list as well?
Apologies. I am not a Catholic, so I may not understand who is and is not permitted to be an employee of a Catholic university, still less one in the US, which will have completely different employment laws. However, it does not seem that he would be teaching Catholic moral theology, so I am not sure whether his views on topics in Catholic moral theology are relevant. Pete Buttigieg is clearly a very intelligent man, a graduate of Harvard and Oxford, with experience of the private sector as well as careers in naval intelligence and politics, and he is only 38! He seems to be more than qualified for the position. I couldn’t comment on whether his views on various policy issues make him unsuitable to hold a position at a Catholic institution.
Yes, and you’ll have a few of those sites roundly endorsed by some and roundly condemned by others.

If I may offer —the National Catholic Register is I think very trustworthy. Surprisingly enough, it offers at times all of those ‘contentious sites’ when it does news articles, giving credit to the site and then discussing with its own people. I’ve found it very helpful.
What a fantastic opportunity for Notre Dame students. I found Pete Buttigieg really impressive when he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. He’s clearly exceptionally talented.
Are you trolling? This is a politician who is pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia. Two intrinsic evils that no Catholic can support. In what way is it a “fantastic opportunity” for Catholic students to be subjected to this pro-death politician as their literal schoolteacher in a classroom?
College students are usually adults. They should know right from wrong by then.

He will be a researcher and teach a seminar on literature. It would be one thing if it were a theology course. It isn’t.

I went to catholic college over 30 years ago. Some of me professors weren’t catholic. I know my literature professor was divorced and remarried. He wasn’t Catholic. He was a good literature professor
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As a Catholic your comments are equally as shocking as Norte Dame hiring PB
I found his comment quite insightful and spot on. Have you not noticed that controversy tends to generate more comments?
pretty offensive and uncharitable claiming Steubenville is “the on.y [sic] authentic Catholic College”, and the others are CINO.
I keep seeing this CINO, RINO, DINO garbage used a lot. I call it garbage as it is the single most blaring example of “No True Scotsman” ignorance. I think some people need a little more catechesis in what makes a Catholic a Catholic, and what makes a Catholic institution a Catholic institution. Hint: it is not any purity test.

Just for perspective, in case there is a mistaken belief that this move was made because Pete Buttigieg is gay, pro-abortion, etc., he was the mayor of the town, which probably had a lot to do with this decision. I think it would be more hinky if this were not the case. There is probably the idea of getting a local politician on this project more than a gay politician.

Nonetheless, I think the cautions about the nature of Notre Dame are quite valid. I know I would not send a child or support them because of their moral stance. On the other hand, there are several state universities closer to me that have a moral atmosphere that is at least available for those willing to seek it. Texas A & M comes to mind.
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Nonetheless, I remain unimpressed with a so-called ‘Catholic’ university for choosing a non-Catholic, openly pro-abortion, openly pro-euthanasia politician to pay to be a ‘researcher’ for them, when surely proper Catholic academics (or even non-Catholic academics; why a politician?) were available.

We can agree to disagree here. But personally, I’d never bother attending a ‘Catholic-in-name-only’ school. Might as well just attend a secular school at that point, because at least the secular school is in no way selling a false product. You know what you’re getting when you attend a secular school, whereas a Catholic school starts seeming like a dishonest salesman (… or, a politician) when it can’t even provide Catholic staff.
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I think some people need a little more catechesis in what makes a Catholic a Catholic, and what makes a Catholic institution a Catholic institution. Hint: it is not any purity test.
  1. Since the objective of a Catholic University is to assure in an institutional manner a Christian presence in the university world confronting the great problems of society and culture(16), every Catholic University, as Catholic, must have the following essential characteristics:
"1. a Christian inspiration not only of individuals but of the university community as such;
  1. a continuing reflection in the light of the Catholic faith upon the growing treasury of human knowledge, to which it seeks to contribute by its own research;
  2. fidelity to the Christian message as it comes to us through the Church;
  3. an institutional commitment to the service of the people of God and of the human family in their pilgrimage to the transcendent goal which gives meaning to life"(17).
  1. “In the light of these four characteristics, it is evident that besides the teaching, research and services common to all Universities, a Catholic University, by institutional commitment, brings to its task the inspiration and light of the Christian message. In a Catholic University, therefore, Catholic ideals, attitudes and principles penetrate and inform university activities in accordance with the proper nature and autonomy of these activities. In a word, being both a University and Catholic, it must be both a community of scholars representing various branches of human knowledge, and an academic institution in which Catholicism is vitally present and operative”(18).

Seems to me that either hiring a very public figure (like PB) or awarding an honorary degree to a very public figure (like BO), both of whom are champions for multiple intrinsic evils, Notre Dame fails to demonstrate “Catholicism is vitally present and operative.”
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