Now I'm in a proper quandry!

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the name your looking for is cardinal tom winning now deceased, he was a real champion of the catholic church
The Scottish Catholic Bishops have issued their pre-election advice.
During the meeting of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland in Glasgow today, Scotland’s Catholic Bishops, meeting for the last time before the expected General Election, issued the following statement:

“The forthcoming election provides an important opportunity for all Catholics to play a part in shaping the values which will direct the political activity of the UK Parliament and Government. All citizens concerned with the Common Good of society must take their democratic responsibilities seriously and participate in the electoral process. Their participation however should be informed and in the case of Catholic voters
guided by the teachings of the Church.

In this regard, we highlight the following issues as being of fundamental importance and ask Catholics to question candidates on them:

While new threats to life continue to emerge in the form of embryonic research, human cloning and ‘assisted dying’ legislation we remain utterly opposed to the appalling practice of abortion. Each and every human life is worthy of respect and legal protection from its very beginnings. We seek an end to legislation that permits this practice and remain supportive of
amendments that limit its effects. This would include reductions in the legal time limit for abortions.

We live in a time of grave international tension where poverty exists at home and abroad on a dehumanising level. Though most in our society have benefited from economic prosperity, many remain excluded. Meanwhile in other countries we see poverty and hunger on an appalling scale. We have a duty, founded in love and solidarity with our fellow citizens and the citizens of
the world to ensure that all have the opportunity to share in the goods of the earth and the prosperity that human work has created. (*)

In a world where a child dies every 3 seconds and over 100 million children do not go to school we urge all political parties to accept a binding commitment to meet the 0.7% of gross national income as aid target by 2010.
In the UK, international aid is currently only half this figure. The funding of debt relief should be additional to our aid commitment and should nothave economic policy conditions attached other than those which ensure transparency and good financial accounting.

We see European cooperation as a sign of hope for increased international solidarity between nations and peoples. Such solidarity is good for society and the world at large. We hope Europe does not become detached from its ethical and historical origins founded on Christian beliefs and ideals. The political processes of the European Union must be increasingly responsive
and transparent in order that its institutions receive the support and endorsement of Europe’s citizens.”

President of the Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Keith O’Brien said; “More than six million abortions have been carried out in the United Kingdom since the passing of the Abortion Act. They represent a senseless waste of human life and an attack on vast numbers of humans at their most defenceless. As the truth of this appalling practice dawns on more and more people, I urge
them to quiz their prospective candidates on the issue and demand that it is placed at the top of the political agenda.”

Vice President of the Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Mario Conti commented;
“We commend the rich social teaching of the Church to all Catholics and remind them of the necessity of justice in trade, parity in the assistance we give to others and the duty of wise stewardship of all our planet’s resources, while we remember at all times our own calling as Christians andthe opportunity this election gives us to carry the values of the Gospel
into the life of society”
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