Number of Pets - Pet Lovers Only Please

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We have two dogs and feed every squirrel in the neighborhood. I’m allergic to cats so I can’t have a cat. I even did the shots but it didn’t work. Oh well.

Another way to help homeless animals is to be a foster parent. I’ve done this for a number of years. You take in a dog or cat for a period of time and either you or the agency work on finding the pet a home. The advantage to this system is that not only does it take the burden off of a shelter but it also gives an adoptive owner better information on how the animal behaves. Let’s face it sometimes people will put a good face on a problem animal and it’s better for the prospective owner to know and accept a problem in advance. Else the animal will be brought back to the shelter.

At this point I work with a specific breed rescue because I understand the breed and I’m experienced with this but most shelters have this program. You have to be checked out as having a suitable environment for the animal.

But the advantage is it gives an animal a second chance, helps animals that don’t do well in a shelter situation, etc plus if you can’t KEEP them all, it’s very satisfying to see them go to new homes.

Lisa N
We in our household absolutely adore animals. We have 5 currently, and always open to more if they stumble upon our path so to speak. For God’s precious animals help us see the Savior more clearly! They are such a light to our lives!!! And we all love caring for them, washing, feeding them and nurturing them. I think every child should be raised with dogs and cats!!! How sad those parents whose house is too important to ever get a pet!!! A little animal hair here and there upsets them! Pitiful if you ask me!!!

Plus have you animal lovers ever noticed that you instantly get along with a person you meet who loves animals and there’s something weird with someone who doesn’t like animals? My MIL is an animal-hater–and the second I met her–it was like EWWWW I don’'t like her very much----well now I know why-----she hates animals --“can’t be bothered” --so she says-------very sad-------there’s something different among these types of folks!!!
Almost something lacking in their natures–something cold-------

God Bless!!
We have 6 all are rescues. There was one rescue, a cat named Smokey who we adopted from the shelter. He was about twelve and suffered many ailments, as a result no one wanted to adopt him. We took him home and he was the most loving cat we’ve ever owned. He was also my buddy as the other pets all bonded with my wife. he died back in July, I miss him. it’s amazing how much pets can teach us.
I love animals but i feel that it is wrong to keep them as pets in the way the majority of people do today. Why not adopt a child instead? People seem to care for their pets more than their children (or lack thereof). I feel when a pet crosses the line of usefullness it is not a good thing to keep it.
How do you know if God wants you to adopt another pet or not, or whether He cares and just leaves it up to your choice?
I’ve been asking myself that question a lot in recent days. A coworker has a rescued kitten, less than a year old, and is having a hard time getting someone to adopt it because it only has one eye and is, for lack of a better word, ugly.

I have three cats, all shelter/rescues. I have a big house, live alone, and the only complaint I have about my cats is, when I come home, I find at least one sleeping on my Steinway.

Some of my friends and family members, however, have raised concerns about a single, middle-aged woman who is accumulating cats.
I love animals but i feel that it is wrong to keep them as pets in the way the majority of people do today. Why not adopt a child instead? People seem to care for their pets more than their children (or lack thereof). I feel when a pet crosses the line of usefullness it is not a good thing to keep it.
I guess I really don’t understand your point. Pets by definition are not useful. I grew up on a farm and we had livestock and we had pets. We treated our livestock well, they had food, shelter, veterinary care. But they were either breeding or meat animals so usefulness was important. OTOH cats, dogs, most horses, birds, rodents are simply companion animals. They weren’t useful in the economic sense although they certainly gave us joy, taught us responsibility, entertained us and gave their version of doggy, kitty or horsie love. God gave us stewardship (responsibility) for them. I really don’t think owning an animal, if responsibly, is against God’s will, regardless of whether the animal is a pet or livestock.

Lisa N
My family has 5 pets:

almost 1 year old cat named Isabelle:cool:
about 13 year old cat named Jeremiah:)

2 snakes ( a ball python & a king snake)😉

lizard( bearded dragon) named Puff:thumbsup:

I really enjoy cats and so does my mom but my dad and my brother are more into reptiles.

Peace and Love,
Cyprian’s daughter Qynne age 12
( under his supervision)
My family has 5 pets:

almost 1 year old cat named Isabelle:cool:
about 13 year old cat named Jeremiah:)

2 snakes ( a ball python & a king snake)😉

lizard( bearded dragon) named Puff:thumbsup:

I really enjoy cats and so does my mom but my dad and my brother are more into reptiles.

Peace and Love,
Cyprian’s daughter Qynne age 12
( under his supervision)
Qynne (and Cyprian 🙂 ),

I’m with you, I prefer dogs and cats.
I love your animals’ names! :yup:

We had 5. All female.

Stinky: Cat 15yrs She passed away Wednesday :crying: :crying:
Madam : Dog abt 16 yrs will be put down tomarrow :crying: :crying:
Rosie : Dog 1yr
Spaz Cat abt 1 yr
Taz Cat abt 1 yr

Got Stinky from a family friend as a kitten. Madam came into our lives about 4 yrs when her master, a family friend, got out of jail and was on parole. She was a mean dog then but mellowed out. She liked to be cuddled and was a good dog.
Rosie was dumped by grandparents house. She was given to my sister.
Spaz and Taz were found by Madam in our backyard. Madam was mommy for them.
Oh boy!! We have a zoo here!!

1 dog (9 years old)
1 cat 14 years old
1 cat 5 years old
1 rabbit 6 months old (house rabbit in a cage inside)
3 frogs in a tank
3 pet fancy mice in a cage
several fish tanks with guppies, betta, tetras, catfish, etc.

Over the years we have had other pet rabbits that have passed on, and some fish, of course, have a shorter life span. The kids have learned over the years to be responsible for feeding, walking, cleanup, etc. Plus, they are FUN, entertaining, cuddly, cute, and loving.
hmmm lets see

I currently have: 2 kids,2 chickens ( left from 158 predators had a lot of chicken dinners this past summer) a horse,2 dogs,2 cats.

Fiance has: 4 kids,3 dogs,2 cats,2 horses,we are looking at a 40 acre farm to move to after Marriage,so we can get more chickens,
one child wants a duck,one a pig,one wants a goat, and the other wants ALL the animals.
we know if we get the farm we will also aquire her parents horses
which will make a grand total of 9 horses, 6 kids (basketball anyone)
approx 100 chickens,5 dogs,4 “kitties” most likely 3 or 4 ducks ,some turkeys (Thanksgiving,Christmas,new years,assorted BBQ such as BBQ1 BBQ2)prolly a goat,and pig.
plus we want to get a few “cows named freezer beef and pet”
so yes I am crazy my parents tell me i am nuts, her parents want me to seek mental health for sticking around lol.
but to me all this loonyness will add to my life and make it fuller.
forgot to mention we want a few more “rug rats” also maybe try for a baseball team lol

Hmmm if i see a partridge in a pear tree I will leave it be
We have a dog, 2 rabbits and a lot of hamsters. We got what we thought were 2 female hamsters, but it turned out that Milly was a boy and well now we have several. We’d love to have more pets but we live in a small apartment. My MIL has 18 cats and 2 dogs.

I have 2 putty tats 🙂 Bitts, and Jingles 🙂 If I had alot of money, and land, I’d have:

Currently I am down to just 4 dogs and 1 cat. All time high was 9 dogs and 4 cats. Did animal rescue. Animal control got to the point that they didn’t even call, the officer just showed up at the door with whomever it was that needed help and she knew I’d say yes. She got a promotion and while driving the new officer through town, pointed to my house and said “My favorite person lives there, but you can’t bring her any more animals. She’s full!” Opened the front door one day to find a Basset Hound sitting on the front porch. She had given birth somewhere and had an infection of some kind. Don’t know who she belonged to, but got her help and she went on her way. My 2 youngest were found under a house. Their mother had been hit by a car and when the policeman found her, she was so badly hurt that he shot her on the spot. He didn’t realize that she was a mother. Someone found the pups a few days later and they were brought to me. I named the smaller one Shalom. He needed a powerful name, he was in bad shape. They looked so bad they couldn’t get arrested. Now, he and his sister are almost 4. So many stories, so many animals. My ex husband once asked me what gave me joy. He was shocked when I said “the animals.” He was surprised that I didn’t consider him a source of joy. He was a lousy husband. Animals are a blessing and a gift. Billy Graham says that whatever it takes for us to be totally happy in heaven will be there. If that means animals, they’ll be there. I hope so. I want to see Arnold, Princess, Houdini, Peanut Anne, Love-Bug, Sammy and all the others again. We are family. Also, please add animal control personnel to your permanent prayer list. They suffer terrible emotional distress when it comes to having to euthanize perfectly healthy, loving animals. Some places have one day a week set aside for the procedure and one officer I talked to said he had trouble sleeping the night before. Nightmares, etc. Can you imagine having to kill a kitten as it licks your hand? Or a pup as it excitedly wags it’s tail in happiness at seeing you? I know I couldn’t do it. There aren’t homes for them all. SPAY AND NEUTER!!!
2 dogs (male Warlock Dobermans each 18 months old and about 90 pounds each, and growing)

by far the best breed you can ever own. absolutely no need to train them for protection, as they were bred for that SOLE purpose as their existance. Dobermans have gotten such a rotten brand. they are the biggest babies, and are so clingy and loving to their owners, its annoying sometimes. try watching TV on the couch with two 90+ pound dogs fighting to lay on your lap.

when it comes down to business, Dobermans are the official breed of the Marine Corps. you can sleep peacfully at night knowing whoever makes the mistake of breaking on your house, or attacks you, will not be alive much longer.
We just have 1 dog. A maltese named Yoda. We used to have a cat but my wife became alergic when she was pregnant with our son. It took us a long time to find our puppy. Maltese are a hypoalergenic (sp?) breed. So we have a wonderful little fuzz ball running around our house, and no alergy problems to boot! The best part of it is the puppy is litter box trained… pretty cool

Bubba’s Dad
when it comes down to business, Dobermans are the official breed of the Marine Corps. you can sleep peacfully at night knowing whoever makes the mistake of breaking on your house, or attacks you, will not be alive much longer.

My neighbor had a Dobie who was recently put down due to illness/old age. She was the sweetest thing, but intimidated the heck out of strangers. Remember the news stories of kids being taken from their homes, etc. I’ve always thought that if there had been even a little Chihuahua under the covers or at the foot of the bed, those abductions never would have happened. A good dog is the best protection a kid can have. We had a Australian/German Shepherd mix years ago who went camping with us. A young family walked by the campsite and they stopped to visit. Princess allowed the mom and the kids to pet her. She loved people. Anyway, the man went to pet her and she growled and raised the hair on the back of her neck. She forced him to keep his hands in his pockets. He tried more than once to touch her, she would not allow it. Made me wonder if he was abusive to his family. Dogs are an excellent judge of character.
I have two cats (Puck and Loki), a budgie, a cannary and a neon tetra (the last of five).

I grew up in a house that was often called a zoo; I believe we owned every type of small house pet at some point in time. Only two cats and a couple birds felt like nothing at all. Last summer I was practically begging the Lord for a dog, but I couldn’t find one that seemed to click with me. I finally resolved that if the Lord wanted me to have on he would drop it on my doorstep.

Well He never did and now I’m planning on becoming a Dominican Sister and will have to part with my babies. I think my mom would willing take Puck (a sweetheart who like to cuddle), but Loki truly strives to live up to his name. I can’t number the times I’ve found him ontop of a door, tall cabinet or curtain rod. I’m sure any dog I got would have been just as hard to part with and just as interesting :whacky:

I suppose the Lord knows what he is doing after all 😉
We have two 3-year-old cats that I adopted from our local shelter as kittens, who are constantly entertaining and two of the best companions I have met (besides my husband of course).

We also have three mice that my husband rescued from the animal research facility in our building- they were bred as transgenics, meaning that they were bred in the hopes that they would express a specific gene. As these mice tested negative for the gene, there really wasn’t much that the researcher could do with them so she offered them to us. 🙂

We would love to have a bunny, although we don’t really have the money or space right now. Right now we’re a bit off on dogs (have recently had to chase after several friends’ escaped doggies, one who later put a hole in my brand-new sweater) and birds (our friend’s cockatiel recently attempted to bite off my husband’s index finger), but otherwise anything is fine other than tarantulas.
Well, the mice have all gone to the big cheese wheel in the sky. Now we have 5 fish and a bunny, along with the two cats. I think we’re at our limit. :whacky:
I have five cats and a dog. The dog (Bichon Frise) and one cat (Maine Coon) were purchased for a pretty penny. One cat (another Maine Coon) was given to me, another is a stray and the last, I adopted at PetsMart. The PetsMart baby is four years old and all the others are 14-20+.

This minagerie is the most I can handle. In the event I go on vacation, the vet bill for boarding costs more than the vacation (including a week in a hotel). It takes all the time I have, to keep the house reasonably clean, litter boxes changed, grooming, and above all, individual attention.

I’d like to do volunteer work for a rescue organization as a foster pet parent, but that will have to wait until the current crew thins out.

BTW, my parish has a special garden where you can bury your pets’ ashes. I haven’t tried it, yet. Currently, I bury the dearly departed at a pet cemetery.
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