Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE

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OP, perhaps this is what you were referring to?

This occurred on Saturday, December 19, 2020

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Don’t worry, he was vaccinated a second time just to be sure. :rolleyes: Although I’m pretty sure nobody would recommend getting two doses that close… His side effects will be interesting.
Don’t worry, he was vaccinated a second time just to be sure. :rolleyes: Although I’m pretty sure nobody would recommend getting two doses that close… His side effects will be interesting.
They “said” he was vaccinated a second time.

It’s really impossible for the person giving the shot to make the mistakes caught on camera, it had to be intentionally staged. There is a story here, but I suspect it has nothing to do with the efficacy of the vaccine. Maybe the male nurse got his shot before the cameras started rolling, but still wanted to be on TV for his family to see.
I loved how the video showed her faint three times! Because seeing it once wasn’t dramatic enough?

As stated, the nurse is known for fainting. As someone who drew thousands of people for blood tests, fainting isn’t rare and almost always happens AFTER the procedure. Your blood pressure rises in anticipation of the procedure and once it’s complete, it falls rapidly back to normal…or in some cases, overcompensates and goes below normal…and you faint.

Big men are the hardest…they are hard to catch and prevent their head from hitting the ground! Teenage boys faint the most often. It happens to a lot of people and it’s not due to the shot or blood withdrawal.
Thanks for the explanation, @Pattylt. Can you explain to me here or in a PM why there seems to be so much fear and mistrust about vaccines these days, and is any of it valid? I hear in my office a lot of people saying things like ‘oh heck no, I’m not getting that vaccine!’ as if someone is out to get them, and I’m baffled by this reaction and don’t know what to say. They tend to be racial minorities, for whatever that’s worth.
The primary reason that I’m hearing is because it is a brand new technology and was rushed into production. Some latched on to it being an mRNA sequence that causes our own bodies to produce the spike protein which is then recognized as “foreign” to our bodies, thus triggering the antibody manufacture. All vaccines introduce something foreign into our bodies to trigger our immune response, it’s just that this seems to be brand new. It’s actually not!

mRNA technology has been in the works for 15 years now. Targeted cancer drugs use the technology. The science was actually serendipitous in that it was ready to used in exactly this way. Usual vaccine production was always slow as it was a trial and error technique to figure out how to trigger an immune response without getting someone sick…then, they begged for funding to go to the next phase, gathered data and if looking good, beg for more funding to get to the next phase.

These vaccines were able to shortcut many of these processes yet still included all the testing and data. First, Trump provided the funding. That alone eliminated the begging for research money phases. Next, they did all the same steps but did them consecutively rather than one step at a time. No steps were left out…this allowed them to condense what normally took years into one single year.

As I mentioned, this new viral manufacturing was already there. The Moderna scientist wrote out the process over the weekend when she received the Covid19 genome! They knew what they needed to look for and how to make exactly what they wanted. And, they knew it would be safe. What they weren’t sure of was how effective it would be as most yearly vaccines are 60% and this turned out to be 90-95% effective…to say they were thrilled was an understatement! They also needed to determine which part of the virus would be best to use and quickly identified the spike on the surface to be perfect. The rest was manufacturing and figuring out dosages. Then testing on real people. They even accidentally discovered that a lighter dose was more effective than the dose they first assumed. They also knew it would have to be a two dose vaccine as many are to give the highest response. While all the data isn’t completed, particularly children, that’s a time factor they couldn’t speed up nor is how long it will be effective. They are hoping, of course, for a very long term and it could well be as it’s so specific and having such high immunity numbers.

No matter what, this vaccine was done in record time but not by cutting corners. Mostly due to funding already being there and the technology was there waiting for the opportunity. Scientists had already been discussing which virus to attempt first when Covid19 gave them the answer!

I don’t blame those that are hesitant. This is a new technology and a new vaccine with no “history “ behind it. Plus, people don’t understand the technology very well. Some will never take it but those not opposed to vaccination will probably start relaxing as millions get it with only a rare reaction here or there.
Fainting is not a reaction to this vaccine…it’s a reaction that many people just have to any medical procedure regardless of what it is. The allergic reaction that three people have had are in people with high allergic reactions to many things already. The researchers suspect it may be due to one of the preservatives rather than the vaccine content itself. They will figure this out as well and either tweak the recipe or figure out a way to manufacture it without the triggering allergen. Until then, they’ve already recommended that anyone that has a high number of allergic responses to other things avoid the vaccine for a while until they can figure this out.

Hope all this helps. Mostly, to those wanting to take a wait and see approach, I agree, let them wait. As long as 50-60% of people are willing to take it, we can build the immunity we need in enough of the population to stomp on this viruses head! And the census is showing that over 60% are willing. The most harmful thing about this vaccine is the false fear tactics being used by some media!
Yes, I agree, not everyone has to be vaccinated for there to be a positive effect.
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So @Pattylt I take it from your response that you don’t see the ambivalence among some people about the new COVID vaccine as a subset of some larger mistrust of vaccines’ safety in general among the public?
So @Pattylt I take it from your response that you don’t see the ambivalence among some people about the new COVID vaccine as a subset of some larger mistrust of vaccines’ safety in general among the public?
Oh, I see it. I also see many people who can’t wait to get it as well! The mistrust in the safety is fueled by antivaxxers and some on the right who praise Trump for getting this vaccine in record time yet now telling everyone not to trust it.

The big question is how will Trump assure everyone that this vaccine is safe? Since he never found a conspiracy he didn’t like, yet wants very much to be remembered for its manufacture, I have no idea which side he’ll fall on. He could do wealth of good by assuring his base that it’s safe and to get it…yet, so far, he’s silent.

I’m not sure ambivalence is the correct word here. I’d use cautious and I can’t gripe about someone being cautious even though I think it’s unnecessary here. I’m hoping Biden is better at showing how safe the vaccine is with experts explaining WHY it’s safe, not just declaring it is. Many fears pumped into people by bad journalism needs to be strongly countered with facts and information to nip those fears in the bud. It may be too late for some but if we can assure the fence sitters how safe this vaccine is, all the better!
You don’t think it’s getting worse then? I was always taught in school that vaccines were one of man’s greatest scientific accomplishments, that they saved countless lives. Not that they were some kind of a scam aimed to make you sick, which seems to be the predominant mode of thinking today.
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I think you’re on to something. It seems to me that today people just don’t trust ANYTHING the government is involved in, and they don’t trust ANY kind of authority, including politicians, teachers, clergy, police, doctors, journalists, you name it. The mistrust and fear of vaccines, I think, goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion people have about government and authority.
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I think people have lived in a world that has greatly benefited from vaccines, but they have no interest in knowing what those vaccines have saved them from. They don’t have scars from chicken pox, they don’t have heart conditions because they never had whopping cough as a child, they still have their vision because they didn’t have measles, they didn’t have miscarriages or give birth to children who had severe deformities because of rubella, they aren’t infertile due to mumps, they have never had tetanus in spite of getting a scratch from a rusty piece of metal, they don’t have any family members who are crippled because of polio. And they really don’t know any one who has any of these conditions.

I think many of them think all these things were just made up to scare people instead of being actual potential side effects of those diseases. And Covid-19 is like many of the diseases I mentioned. Many people will have minor if no long term effects. But if those (or their loved ones) are one of those that has long term effects, they might regret not having had the vaccine.

I personally do not understand most of the reasons people give who say they won’t get the vaccine.
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