Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE

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It’s kind of funny that it is Republican politicians and President Trump that are the most vocal in telling us not to trust the government. Aren’t they a major part of the government?
You don’t think it’s getting worse then? I was always taught in school that vaccines were one of man’s greatest scientific accomplishments, that they saved countless lives. Not that they were some kind of a scam aimed to make you sick, which seems to be the predominant mode of thinking today.
I think the media is exaggerating the problem, and with a bit of real world perspective do we even have a problem?

Demand far exceeds supply for about the next year. It really doesn’t matter if a small number of the priority, or ‘high risk’ people forgo their shot; someone else will take it. No vaccine shots will go bad sitting in the fridge.

What we should focus on is marching towards late 2021, when we have enough vaccines given to maybe reach herd immunity.
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I don’t necessarily think it’s a problem in the sense that it’s compromising public safety, just that it’s an attitude that I find troubling and baffling (and what I’m referring to is not limited only to the corona vaccine but applies to all vaccines) - however I think @sallybutler is right in that vaccines have been a victim of their own success.
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I think @sallybutler is right in that vaccines have been a victim of their own success.
I agree with the statement but have a different perspective on it. I don’t know the exact numbers, but the number of vaccinations I got as a child were much fewer that the number my kids got. My wife and I drew the line at the HPV vaccine. It just isn’t needed.

I am suspicious that all of the COVID vaccines are so effective - it seems a little too good to be true.
PattyIt . . . .
All vaccines introduce something foreign into our bodies to trigger our immune response, it’s just that this seems to be brand new. It’s actually not! . . .

. . . I don’t blame those that are hesitant. This is a new technology and a new vaccine with no “history “ behind it.
Bold mine.

(Of course “all vaccines” don’t alter our genetic base pairing. As a matter of fact up until now, none of them do.)
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I saw a cute little cartoon today…can’t find it now but it went like this…

Mommy, what’s that scar on your arm?

That’s a scar from a smallpox vaccination.

Why don’t I have one?

It worked!

My generation was about the last ones needing to have that scar. I had mine on my upper thigh and it still shows up when I get a tan. We no longer have to get a smallpox vaccination and carry that scar! I think that’s amazing!
I’ve got a smallpox vaccine scar. Mine is on my arm.

I’ve been thinking on some kind of tattoo to cover it up.

A sun or a flower.
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My great aunt had about four or five. She travelled outside the US frequently and doctors kept judging her scars as insufficient (I guess they weren’t complete looking?). Finally, they determined that she had so many, she was obviously immune. When you’re immune, you won’t form the scab that makes the scar completely.

When I returned to college in my 30’s, the registrar need proof of my MMR vaccine. I told her I was never vaccinated as I had had all three diseases. She was baffled as to what to do. After consulting her superior, she said I would either have to get titers for all three at about $100 each or get the MMR vaccine for $20. I got the vaccine! I just consider myself very immune to MMR now! 😂
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Seriously? It’s a vasovagal reaction and it can happen to anyone getting a vaccination or anything that involves a needle, especially if the person receiving the injection is under stress.

Not everything is a conspiracy.
I’ve fainted like that numerous times.

My daughter does as well.
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Not to mention, the mRNA vaccine uses a more indirect mechanism of immunization, in which not even a dead vector virus has to enter to the body, and requires less adjuvants, I think.

So an mRNA vaccine has theoretically less ways to cause strong secondary effects than a normal vaccine. Researchers would just have to look at the immune response to the protein itself, the RNA, and any biochemical effect of the adjuvant they could use.
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