Thanks to all for the many thoughtful replies. This is such a complicated health issue and quite honestly I find myself fighting opposing emotions of wanting to offer support and empathy while at the same time feeling anger, disappointment and utter exasperation with those in my family who have allowed this condition to take over their lives.
Great idea–something that would be easy to invite ALL to join, would continue the fellowship from the dinner table and be beneficial for everyone no matter their size or shape.Here is an idea… after a dinner with an overwieght person, suggest taking a walk. Even a light 20 minute stroll after dinner will help burn a few calories and might get the person started on the road to loosing weight. Bill
Great perspective I hadn’t really considered–but you are so right that much of the destructive overeating/eating disorder behaviour happens in private, not in the midst of enjoyable social gatherings.Eating in a family or social situation is actually GOOD for those that have eating problems… If someone is very obese perhaps they have emotional problems…chances are the reason they are overweight is they are scarfing down unhealthy food while at home alone in order to fill an emotional sadness or void…
Being at someones home where it is a happy atmosphere with conversation, food and fun is actually good for someone struggling with obesity or an eating disorder. It is a place to enjoy food in a relaxing atmosphere…I am overweight. If I went to someone’s home and they had prepared all low-cal, low-carb food because I was coming (and I knew they didn’t ordinarily eat like that) I would probably leave the home in tears. If however, they made a nice meal and I enjoyed the company I would probably be having too much fun to overeat! Hope this helps
Humbling and so very true. My intentions are not to judge, in the end, but to be a positive influence and support to change some very dangerous patterns.…the sad thing about being fat, is that everyone can see it, and judge you. The rest of us have other problems that are easier to hide…
You raise some good points, but the fact is, I am all too aware of the history, health condition and behaviour that has contributed to this condition in several very close relatives. While I recognize that the decision and necessary lifestyle changes are not in my power to control, I feel promted to act out of concern for relatives so afflicted as well as the interests of those of us “bystanders” who will be directly impacted by disease, incapacity, and inevitably shortened life span caused by this pernicious condition.Some thoughts:
I’m sure you have the best of intentions in worrying about the health of your family members, but voice that concern outside of an eating situation…
- No one made you the portion police.
- You are not privy to the entire medical history of each and every extended family member.
- Yes, it is insulting to presume that another person’s eating is any of your business. (Exceptions being spouse and/or children.)
- It is very ill-informed to assume that obesity must be due to over-consumption.
- Educate yourself on the medical and emotional complexities that contribute to obesity.