Nope, they all knew I had stopped drinking - and why.
And I do not avoid alcohol at all costs - that is my point. In fact, if I had to avoid contact with all drunkenness I would not be able to be a member of my 12 Step program and help alcoholics who are still suffering. Nor would I be able to go out into the world. Believe it or not, you non-alcoholic people just cannot be trusted to do what I want you to do in order for me to stay sober. Darn you all anyway.
I told people BEFORE they set foot in my house that they would not be ‘over served’.
I did it privately - and I would very quietly pull a person aside when I saw that because of the way they were behaving they were not going to be served any more alcohol. I was also absolutely willing to take all the heat for making that decision for them - knowing, as I did, what an incredible sense of personal justice us drunks have - boy, oh boy do WE know when someone is abusing OUR rights as citizens to do whatever we want and the heck with all of you and your rights…
As I said before, if someone wants to do an intervention on someone who is morbidly obese then get professional guidance and BE WILLING to accept ALL the consequences of your actions. But to single someone out because of their SIZE, make them a distinct and seperate plate of food when they never ASKED you to do so or other wise treat them differently because by golly they are not the size you want them to be, it is causing YOU worry and you think it is a MORAL issue? Here’s a better idea - have the guts to tell them all that privately, to their face, and then let them decide if they want someone like you in their life…