Can you please explain to me how the Church is different from virtually every other large, powerful institution in this regard? Society as a whole really only got serious about crimes of sexual abuse within the last few decades. I am not excusing the Church, but rather suggesting that as an institution, it evolves along with the rest of society.
Sure. There are many differences.
First, the Church has a much longer history of this problem than any other entity I am aware of. It is documented to go back as least as far as St. Damian who wrote about (and fought against) it in the 11th Century.
Second, those guilty of the abuses in the Church have much more power, both formal and informal, than most of those accused in other entities. A teacher has authority over a student in the classroom, but none over the parents, for example. For Catholics, the authority of the priest and the Church is so much broader, and extends to the parents equally as to the child.
Third, while some organizations have participated in cover-ups, few (if any) have been as pervasive and persistent as what has occurred in the Church.
Fourth, the Church is subject to virtually no independent outside oversight. The Church is not even subject to oversight and review by its own members. This is a very important factor, and one that has stymied many efforts to dig out these problems.
Those are short summaries, and I am sure there are more, but it seems obviously to me that the Church is not the same as other organizations, like schools. Maybe the Church is more similar to other churches, but it is not the same as Scouts or the like.
I do agree with you that society only really got serious about these issues recently. That is part of the problem - people equate lack of reporting with lack of offenses occurring. They use that to assert that this is a “new” problem and not an endemic one.
The uptick in reporting was caused by the fact that it has become acceptable to report these things, and society is taken abuse more seriously.
As to your other points - if there are “protocols” in place now, they don’t seem to be working. I do expect lay people to do more, including withholding funding if things do not improve. Lay people need to demand a larger role in the administration of the Church, more visibility into how the Church runs itself, real independent oversight, and real accountability, with lay involvement. The Church does not belong to the clerics, and the laity share the responsibility for the Church.