Muslims, please give me any objective reason why you think that Mohammed was some sort of prophet and that the Quran is from God. Note, key word “objective”. You have to have some kind of empirical evidence, measured by a consistent standard, and not just based upon “feelings”.
Exoflare” : for argument’s sake, just a “devil’s advocate” kind of thing here; do
you not have to have some kind of empirical evidence , measured by a consistent standard, and not just based upon “feelings”, to assert that Jesus was the
actual immaculately-conceived son of God, was of the same actual essence as God, (along with the Holy Spirit), rose from the dead literally , after three days in the tomb, ascended into Heaven literally,
meant to minister at all to Gentiles in the first place, not to mention meant
specifically to found the *RCC * as his “one true Church” and to also lay the basis for all its hierarchy from pope all the way down, * and * personally institute the Eucharist and the sacraments and the communion of saints , and so on and so forth?
Upon what empirical evidence and objective standards do you base all of this?? By the way, if it’s any kind of Biblical (NT or OT) quote you’re going to cite, stop and think: upon what
empirical evidence, not just based on “feelings”, do
you know that that (or those) Biblical (again, NT or OT) quotes that you’re basing your belief upon are
actually true?
The point is, it’s
all based on blind Faith. Every religion. Roman Catholicism included. There’s absolutely no empirical evidence based on a consistent objective standard that will ever “prove” that Roman Catholicism is the only “true way”. There’s no “empirical evidence” for any of this. You could destroy any religion , or poke holes through them all at least and make them sound ridiculous, if you try hard enough. The Muslims go on blind faith that Muhammad literally was receiving, over a 23 year period, the actual words of God, via the angel Gabriel. The RC’s go on blind faith that … all of that stuff I said in my first paragraph… is 100% true. The Protestants believe that their way is the right way and the RCC is dead wrong on alot of issues. Atheists claim to “know” there is “no God”. Even atheists are going on blind faith in a way. Jews claim that they were God’s original “chosen people” and always have had a unique and special relationship with God. Devout Orthodox Jews believe the Torah is the literal word of God, as given to Moses in the desert, and the NT is of literally no theological importance whatsoever. What
real * empirical evidence, not just “feelings”, as you put it , do any of them have to back up their claims?? It usually comes down to an exchange that will end up something like this , "Well I know I’m right, my way is right, my Church is right, and I have this that and the other piece of religious literature right here to back up that claim. See? So and so said this, and he said this here, and we know * it is true." And then guess what? The other guy from the other faith tradition says pretty much the exact same thing in response to that. So it’s a terminal unbreakable impasse, right off the bat.
But they’re, or
we, as humans, are all trying to essentially get to the same place; a place in our hearts where we feel peace and we believe we are doing the right thing, worshiping in the way that’s right for us as individuals and brings us solace , comfort and peace. We’re all trying to get to the same place, the same spiritual place, we’re just taking different routes. Some are easier, some are more circuitous, some are more “scenic”. But I personally refuse to declare that there is any one “right” way or “wrong” way to worship God. If you’re basically a good person, you do no real harm, you do good works for others in need,
my deepest “feelings” are that you will be just fine, as far as your “immortal soul” goes, whether you’re Catholic, non-Catholic Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, whatever.