Hello everyone i am a catholic and proud of it for many years i was agnostic i’ve never been atheist though i have questioned Gods existence.My dh is agnostic a lot of my friends (good people) are agnostic or atheist.At present my kids are agnostic although brought up in catholic faith.
I dont think reasoned scientific argument or “proof” of Gods exsitence is helpful in encouraging our brothers and sisters (yes i regard you all as my brothers and sisters no matter religious or not)to know or love God.
For my personal journey i have had tragedies in my life that i wrongly blamed God for and it took becoming a Grandmother to make me realise Gods plan for me.I would love to convert you all to catholicism as i feel it is Gods will.
I dont wish to try to make people believe something just on my say so or my own belief.
I do believe however in the power of prayer.God had truly answered my prayers and im so very grateful.If you want to you could try a prayer see what happens for you?
You could try…
Lord hear our prayer
Show yourself to all who seek you in sincerity of heart-
Lord Jesus Christ,light of all the nations,shine upon
those who walk in darkness and in the shadow of death
Be with all those who suffer in mind,body or spirit
show mercy to the dead,bring them to rejoice in the
company of the blessed Virgin Mary and all your saints
I respect each and every one of your in your views and you are all in my prayers
Intercessory prayer is a waste of time IMHO. *Maybe *adoration isn’t.
The trouble is that prayer to the Flying Spaghetti Monster is probably no more unreliable than the intercessory kind. Polytheism can explain why Christian prayer seems to be so very hit-and-miss, where Christian theology can’t. The NT says that prayer:
- should be according to the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer
- should be in the name of Jesus: therefore, for His sake
- will gain us “whatever” we ask
- can be of one person in private; or, where two or three are gathered together
- is to be persistent
- is to be according to the will of God
and so on. So, you go off and pray in the way and the spirit that you are supposed to, but…nothing happens. Yet people do as they have been commanded. Result - things either go bad or get worse; or: there is complete silence. It is a waste of time. God may have an eternity of life, but we don’t - we have only 70 or so years, if not far less; so wasting time on something so barren of result is a serious matter. It would have been simpler, and much more honest, to tell people to conform themselves to God’s Will, instead of misleading them with this rigmarole that encourages them to imagine that all that advice is any practical use.
Contrary to a persistent myth, people do not make purely selfish or trivial prayers all the time (one explanation sometimes put forward to account for unanswered prayer); the truth is that they often pray very hard for (say) those who are very sick, just as the NT tells thems to. And yet all that praying often goes unanswered: despite what the book says.
The best comment on Christianity was made in “The Simpsons”:
- “You know, the one with all the well-meaning rules that don’t work in real life – uh, Christianity.”
Homer Simpson, telling what religion the family belongs to.
STM that is an excellent description. Since God “delivers” only now and then -
if it is God at work, which is a
very dubious supposition; it seems reasonable to conclude God either is: non-existent, or malicious, or is playing with the human race as a man might with a hamster in a lab; or, that there are many gods, & that some are stopping him do what he intended to do. The vast difference between what the NT says about prayer, and the realities of real life, is a great weakness in Christianity.
Where was God in Ireland ? Not much sign of Him in the behaviour of the Catholic Church there, that’s for sure. Or does God approve of the rape of the young ? There was plenty of that - but where was God ? What sort of God leaves people in the lurch like that ? And how can people possibly be better for being abused & tormented & violated in such horrible ways ? A theology which cannot face facts like those, & be honest with them, is not worth the paper it’s written on.
Just a few thoughts.