On Immigration, Americans Prefer Candidate Who Favors Barrier

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You guys need to remember that Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage ARE ENTERTAINERS. They are not sociologists, philosophers, historians or politicians. They get paid big bucks for getting an audience to listen to commercials about buying gold, financial funds and used cars. They do NOT get bonuses for being morally straight.
You are correct:)
You guys need to remember that Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage ARE ENTERTAINERS. They are not sociologists, philosophers, historians or politicians. They get paid big bucks for getting an audience to listen to commercials about buying gold, financial funds and used cars. They do NOT get bonuses for being morally straight.
Yet they (along with Hannity) are the big voices that the right-wing uses to get their talking points out into the minds of Americans. It’s disingenuous to say that they’s just entertainers because their do much more than merely keep the masses amused.
Your characterization is incorrect. The “right-wing” doesn’t “use” them to get their talking points out. The hosts are right wing and say what they believe. I’ve heard all of them take Bush to task at one time or another, so if they were being used by the “vast right wing conspiracy” they aren’t consistent.
Yet they (along with Hannity) are the big voices that the right-wing uses to get their talking points out into the minds of Americans. It’s disingenuous to say that they’s just entertainers because their do much more than merely keep the masses amused.
Yet they (along with Hannity) are the big voices that the right-wing uses to get their talking points out into the minds of Americans. It’s disingenuous to say that they’s just entertainers because their do much more than merely keep the masses amused.
You think there is a right-wing cabal? Who organizes them? Drudge?

Not sure if Drudge is right-wing or not, but he is who they go to each day to find out what is happening… and who does Drudge headline more than any other source? THE NEW YORK TIMES! That’s who. So there you have it. Drudge, quoting the New York Times and then the talk shows picking it up… You can listen to it happen every day yourself.

By the way, have you noticed that even Rush did not march in lock step with the Whitehouse on the ports issue… and where is Hannedy on immigration. (I don’t know, I don’t listen to any of these guys so it is only when some one tells me I know what you all are hearing).
Gilliam…don’t tell anyone about the checks we receive from Halliburton, or they might want in on the action. 😃
You think there is a right-wing cabal? Who organizes them?
You guys need to remember that Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage ARE ENTERTAINERS. They are not sociologists, philosophers, historians or politicians. They get paid big bucks for getting an audience to listen to commercials about buying gold, financial funds and used cars. They do NOT get bonuses for being morally straight.
It is incorrect to compare Michael Savage to Rush Limbaugh…they are very different…
Well…I suppose you could say they both entertain to a degree but Rush is right most of the time . He is paid quite a bit but he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t believe it…he defends the church and moral issues.
Your characterization is incorrect. The “right-wing” doesn’t “use” them to get their talking points out. The hosts are right wing and say what they believe. I’ve heard all of them take Bush to task at one time or another, so if they were being used by the “vast right wing conspiracy” they aren’t consistent.

I forget that absolute accuracy is necessary to get a point across around here.

My intention was to indicate that Savage, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al, are useful to the right-wing in getting the talking points out. Sure, there’s one or two things that each will disagree with the White House on, but not on enough to be of any real significance in pushing the right-wing agenda forward.

Sorry that everyone misunderstood what I was saying. I’ll have to remember to choose my words more carefully so as to communicate exacly what I mean so it can’t be twisted to say something I didn’t say or mean to say.
It is incorrect to compare Michael Savage to Rush Limbaugh…they are very different…
Well…I suppose you could say they both entertain to a degree but Rush is right most of the time . He is paid quite a bit but he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t believe it…he defends the church and moral issues.
Real good work defending the Church and moral issues…while divorced and remarried how many times?

Zero credibility.
…I suppose you could say they both entertain to a degree but Rush is right most of the time . He is paid quite a bit but he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t believe it…he defends the church and moral issues.
Aimee, you think Rush is right most of the time I think because you agree with his views. If you disagreed then you would not say that, I don’t think. Rush has a big audience because his views hit a cord with a lot more people than anyone else on the radio. But that doesn’t make him any less of an entertainer than Savage. I know a number of people who think Savage is right more than Rush. That is because they agree with some of Savage’s more extreme views. … Then again, I know people who say Hannity is better because he is “less of a Republican” (whatever that means) than Rush.

People listen to who they agree with. The reason why Air America is failing IMHO, is that people who listen to the radio simply don’t agree with much of what is on that network.
Sheesh! (moderators please take note… we don’t have a sheesh smiley)

Don’t be so defensive. I didn’t twist anything - I repeated what you said. If what you meant was “they are more than entertainers, because they are very effective at conveying conservative ideas to the masses”, then you should have said that. When you use the word “right wing” as a subject with “uses” as a verb, it insinuates that there is some cabal or conspiratorial group that is telling these guys what to say. End of lesson. 🤓

We are not mind readers, you know? 😛

LCMS_No_More said:

I forget that absolute accuracy is necessary to get a point across around here.

My intention was to indicate that Savage, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al, are useful to the right-wing in getting the talking points out. Sure, there’s one or two things that each will disagree with the White House on, but not on enough to be of any real significance in pushing the right-wing agenda forward.

Sorry that everyone misunderstood what I was saying. I’ll have to remember to choose my words more carefully so as to communicate exacly what I mean so it can’t be twisted to say something I didn’t say or mean to say.
The moral of the story is…listen to Michael Medved because he is right more often than any of those other guys (IMHO, of course 😃 ).

He usually brings on guests and callers who don’t agree with him, so he can have rational debate. I find that more interesting than hearing a monologue, shouting match, or a bunch of callers who agree with the host.

Besides, he gives movie reviews too…a leftover of his Sneak Previews days.

Aimee, you think Rush is right most of the time I think because you agree with his views. If you disagreed then you would not say that, I don’t think. Rush has a big audience because his views hit a cord with a lot more people than anyone else on the radio. But that doesn’t make him any less of an entertainer than Savage. I know a number of people who think Savage is right more than Rush. That is because they agree with some of Savage’s more extreme view. … Then again, I know people who say Hannity is better because he is “less of a Republican” (whatever that means) than Rush.

People listen to who they agree with. The reason why Air America is failing IMHO, is that people who listen to the radio simply don’t agree with much of what is on that network.
I don’t listen to a lot of radio (only on my drive to and from work, which has been cut down considerably). And I flip the channels alot. I listen mostly to NPR because they are the quietest 🙂 . I also try to catch a couple of local guys who just went national: Liddy & Hill. They are really good people and try to be funny and fair. Liddy is the son of G. Gordan (who I can’t stand) and has a now active duty Marine for a brother. They are good people, we have corresponded.

On the Internet, I found a site most everyone of the political spectrum should enjoy checking out once a day:

Aimee, you think Rush is right most of the time I think because you agree with his views. If you disagreed then you would not say that, I don’t think. Rush has a big audience because his views hit a cord with a lot more people than anyone else on the radio. But that doesn’t make him any less of an entertainer than Savage. I know a number of people who think Savage is right more than Rush. That is because they agree with some of Savage’s more extreme views. … Then again, I know people who say Hannity is better because he is “less of a Republican” (whatever that means) than Rush.

People listen to who they agree with. The reason why Air America is failing IMHO, is that people who listen to the radio simply don’t agree with much of what is on that network.
See now if I answered in the way I think…I would be found uncharitable to newsmakers or their radio station… :hmmm: can one be found un charitable to a radio station? I can think of something in French …then again…perhaps I won’t… 😉

btw, I don’t always agree with Rush but like his humor and thoroughness of subject…I only have listened to him for a little over a year…
All I’m going to say is it doesn’t matter how right Rush might be, he’s an egotistical, draft dodging, hypocrite. It’s like my mother says: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Anyway, back to our regularly schedules programming.
All I’m going to say is it doesn’t matter how right Rush might be, he’s an egotistical, draft dodging, hypocrite. It’s like my mother says: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Anyway, back to our regularly schedules programming.
Gasp! You called the might Rush a name! How horrid! :rolleyes:
Yet they (along with Hannity) are the big voices that the right-wing uses to get their talking points out into the minds of Americans.
And they do a wonderful job of it:) Believing in what you are saying usually inclines people to listen to you. Odd the DNC doesn’t seem too thrilled when their talking points are read on-air for people to hear;)

With that said, if they weren’t entertaining in addition to being right-wing conservatives, they wouldn’t dominate the ratings the way they do.
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