On the Ground: The UN isn't!

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Sixteen days into the tsunami crisis, and the UNocrats are still busy setting up operation posts, but not operating. Holding press conferences, but not actually producing results.

One of my new favorite blogs in run by a guy who is there. Here is one post on this:


click and scroll…up or down…very interesting accounts.
Raise your hand if you are surprised.


Nope, didn’t expect any.
This is from another thread
Originally Posted by Lance
can you think of one thing they have accomplished in the last 10 years?

They put the weapons inspectors into Iraq who stated that there were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Guess what? There were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Ergo what was the justification? Removal of a tyrant? can’t use that, what about North Korea, Zimbabwe, Angola, China, Russia … et al. How about to protect the Iraqi people? Difficult that, we’ve now killed an estimated 100,000 since the invasion, strange form of protection! The European perspective? It was a knee jerk reaction from a president who couldn’t catch Bin Laden, Theres an old political maxim, “When in trouble, start a war”.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations. Look what happened when that collapsed, WWII, Is that what people really want?

I think he was refering to George Bush as JB and is under the impression that it was the failure of the League of Nations not the failure rest of Europe to stand up to Hiltler and Japan’s imperialism that caused WW II. Not much in the way of accomplishments even from one of their supporters.
Funny to see that this is an all American thread so far.

I wonder how many non-US residents will step up to denounce the UN has inept; And why that is.
Funny to see that this is an all American thread so far.

I wonder how many non-US residents will step up to denounce the UN has inept; And why that is.
They can’t control it so they don’t like it. Simple really.
They can’t control it so they don’t like it. Simple really.
I agree, I don’t like seeing scandals like oil for food and the fact that no one can control this corrupt organization is frustrating.
Funny to see that this is an all American thread so far.

I wonder how many non-US residents will step up to denounce the UN has inept; And why that is.
I see your point, it is just that us conservative Americans don’t see much use to the UN. We have no objections what so ever if other countries want to belong we just want the US out or the UN reformed.
They can’t control it so they don’t like it. Simple really.
My husband says the same thing…great minds think alike!👍

I honestly don’t know enough about the UN to make a qualified judgement, & further more I’m not interested.
But if they haven’t got their act together over in Asia, it’s about time they did.
All I know is when doctors differ, patients die !!!
And that makes us the bad guys, how?
Doesn’t make you bad guys, It isolates you.
And the fact you don’t mind only reinforces the sad state of affairs.
Doesn’t make you bad guys, It isolates you.
And the fact you don’t mind only reinforces the sad state of affairs.
Isolation isn’t bad if you are the most effective ONE in the world! Jesus (not comparing ANYONE to God, folks, but listen up) isolated himself to the most horrific degree–on the cross–to do the greatest good. He was ridiculed, spat at, etc, BUT HE WAS RIGHT–so he didn’t care to hire a crackerjack public relations firm to “make people like him more”.

Some might argue that Michael Jordan was isolated because he was a man among boys, more intense, more dedicated to getting the job done then anyone, that he was off-putting even to teammates.

One might say that he only won championships when he “trusted his teammates” or “gave up the ball a bit more” etc, In other words, he “became a team player”.

But the truth is LESS that Michael came down from his standards to meet his teammates. It’s a FAR greater truth that he demanded that players lived UP to his, and players did things at a higher effectiveness and efficiency, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The UN is like a overpaid athlete who smiles for the cameras, mails in his performance, and collects his check.

THe USA is the Michael Jordan of the world. Flawless? NO. But no one works harder, plays harder (to a fault, sometimes), and brings more value to the rest of the world than the USA.

If other countries modeled themselves after the US, rather than the US relinquishing her standards to appease the UN, the world would, in a sense, win championship after championship.
They can’t control it so they don’t like it. Simple really.
Anybody that’s smart enough to put Sudan on the Human Rights Commission is too smart for me.
Anybody that’s smart enough to put Sudan on the Human Rights Commission is too smart for me.
Personnaly I think its brilliant, who better to catch a thief than a thief!!
Personnaly I think its brilliant, who better to catch a thief than a thief!!
But when the thief that is supposed to be doing the catching is the same thief that needs to be caught…
But when the thief that is supposed to be doing the catching is the same thief that needs to be caught…
He gets caught by all the other thieves.
OK lets try and think who could legitimately sit on the Human Rights Commision.

First the Brits. No chance. With their history of colonialism their out.

By that token the Dutch, French, Italians, Spanish are out.

Lets try the new world.
Canada, possible, can’t think of anything against them at the moment, except they don’t seem to like Americans.
America. Civil Rights? deep South? Martin Luther King? Nope, thats them out.
South American countries? (all of them) where military takeovers are a weekly occurance? nope, their dead.

How about Africa? Zaire, Hutu’s Tutsi’s? nope. Zimbabwe? Trouble there. South Africa? Aparthied etc. Bang goes that theory.
Most other African countries? doubt it.

Lets try the Antipidies. (Australia, New Zealand to those that don’t know) Australia? nope, upset the Aboriginies and keep them in poor conditions, New Zealand? Now up until recently I would have said yes, but I hear they are now arguing with the Moari about shore rights. Ho–hum.

Lets try Asia. India/Pakistan? nope, they keep killing each other. China? If I mention that I get Murdered, so thats out, Korea, Veietnam, loas, Cambodia? bugger!!!

Northern Europe? Finland? Nope they shot lots and lots of Russians, and Russia’s out because they shot lots and lots of Fins. How about Denmark, or Sweden or Norway? Sorry, not on, they were Vikings and killed everybody.

I suppose that only leaves the Irish. Now they don’t have a problem, they just kill each other.

If you keep this going you will notice you can make a case to exclude everybody if you want to.

So what was your point again?
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