On the Ground: The UN isn't!

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My husband says the same thing…great minds think alike!👍

Your entitled to your opinion. I will note that your opinion comes from a country that is not a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world and is not a target for hijacked aircraft by the forces of evil.
OK lets try and think who could legitimately sit on the Human Rights Commision.

First the Brits. No chance. With their history of colonialism their out.

By that token the Dutch, French, Italians, Spanish are out.

Lets try the new world.
Canada, possible, can’t think of anything against them at the moment, except they don’t seem to like Americans.
America. Civil Rights? deep South? Martin Luther King? Nope, thats them out.
South American countries? (all of them) where military takeovers are a weekly occurance? nope, their dead.

How about Africa? Zaire, Hutu’s Tutsi’s? nope. Zimbabwe? Trouble there. South Africa? Aparthied etc. Bang goes that theory.
Most other African countries? doubt it.

Lets try the Antipidies. (Australia, New Zealand to those that don’t know) Australia? nope, upset the Aboriginies and keep them in poor conditions, New Zealand? Now up until recently I would have said yes, but I hear they are now arguing with the Moari about shore rights. Ho–hum.

Lets try Asia. India/Pakistan? nope, they keep killing each other. China? If I mention that I get Murdered, so thats out, Korea, Veietnam, loas, Cambodia? bugger!!!

Northern Europe? Finland? Nope they shot lots and lots of Russians, and Russia’s out because they shot lots and lots of Fins. How about Denmark, or Sweden or Norway? Sorry, not on, they were Vikings and killed everybody.

I suppose that only leaves the Irish. Now they don’t have a problem, they just kill each other.

If you keep this going you will notice you can make a case to exclude everybody if you want to.

So what was your point again?
I disagree. Who sits on the human rights commission should depend on how human rights are handled today, not judged by what happened hundreds of years ago.
Michael C:
Your entitled to your opinion. I will note that your opinion comes from a country that is not a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world and is not a target for hijacked aircraft by the forces of evil.
God bless you, Michael C!
Wow!! what a succinct argument, worthy of Homer Simpson that one!!!
You asked what my point was.

You love them all you want, the only thing I’ll have to do with them is collect their baby blue helmets when they come to take my guns and abort my children. Fanatical? Yep. Should I be? You bet.
You asked what my point was.

You love them all you want, the only thing I’ll have to do with them is collect their baby blue helmets when they come to take my guns and abort my children. Fanatical? Yep. Should I be? You bet.
Ah well, Jesus loves you ( and them).
The United Nations is only as good as its members. It is sadly deficient in two key areas: It cannot prevent members of the Security council fro vetoing any resoltion that touches on their selfish agendas;and it has no teeth, At present, Indonesia is determined to prevent aid to “rebels” and is blocking free movement of Aid workers and journalists. Its track record makes one suspect that much of the donated cash will end up in the pockets of warlords and politicians. What can the UN do? nothing.It is a toothless bulldog.Which is a pity, because, if certain countries had listened to the Un,and Hans Blix, a lot of young Americans and Iraquis would be alive today.
OK lets try and think who could legitimately sit on the Human Rights Commision.

First the Brits. No chance. With their history of colonialism their out.

By that token the Dutch, French, Italians, Spanish are out.

Lets try the new world.
Canada, possible, can’t think of anything against them at the moment, except they don’t seem to like Americans.
America. Civil Rights? deep South? Martin Luther King? Nope, thats them out.
South American countries? (all of them) where military takeovers are a weekly occurance? nope, their dead.

How about Africa? Zaire, Hutu’s Tutsi’s? nope. Zimbabwe? Trouble there. South Africa? Aparthied etc. Bang goes that theory.
Most other African countries? doubt it.

Lets try the Antipidies. (Australia, New Zealand to those that don’t know) Australia? nope, upset the Aboriginies and keep them in poor conditions, New Zealand? Now up until recently I would have said yes, but I hear they are now arguing with the Moari about shore rights. Ho–hum.

Lets try Asia. India/Pakistan? nope, they keep killing each other. China? If I mention that I get Murdered, so thats out, Korea, Veietnam, loas, Cambodia? bugger!!!

Northern Europe? Finland? Nope they shot lots and lots of Russians, and Russia’s out because they shot lots and lots of Fins. How about Denmark, or Sweden or Norway? Sorry, not on, they were Vikings and killed everybody.

I suppose that only leaves the Irish. Now they don’t have a problem, they just kill each other.

If you keep this going you will notice you can make a case to exclude everybody if you want to.

So what was your point again?
Norwich, your logic (or lack thereof) astounds me. By your logic, a man who once lived his life as a pagan athiest and then repents and gives his life to Christ, isn’t a Christain…he should be still considered an athiest…because we can prove he once was one???
Norwich, your logic (or lack thereof) astounds me. By your logic, a man who once lived his life as a pagan athiest and then repents and gives his life to Christ, isn’t a Christain…he should be still considered an athiest…because we can prove he once was one???
Obviously IRONY is totally lost somewhere!!!
Obviously IRONY is totally lost somewhere!!!
Forgive me, I have NO idea what you are trying to say.

Any country that doesn’t have something close to the US 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments should not be on a human rights commision.

Maybe that is a bar set too high…
The United Nations is only as good as its members. It is sadly deficient in two key areas: It cannot prevent members of the Security council fro vetoing any resoltion that touches on their selfish agendas;and it has no teeth, At present, Indonesia is determined to prevent aid to “rebels” and is blocking free movement of Aid workers and journalists. Its track record makes one suspect that much of the donated cash will end up in the pockets of warlords and politicians. What can the UN do? nothing.It is a toothless bulldog.Which is a pity, because, if certain countries had listened to the Un,and Hans Blix, a lot of young Americans and Iraquis would be alive today.
Americans-yes, Iraqi’s-we can’t say, Sadams torture chambers would still be gong full blast, who knows how many more Kurds and other dissinters he would have slaughtered.
Personnaly I think its brilliant, who better to catch a thief than a thief!!
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on these forum pages.

The UN is not only INEFFECTIVE in aiding world peace, it is positively DETRIMENTAL to the process. It is ineffective, toothless, and corrupt.
  1. Sudan: wonderful job they’re doing there.
  2. Haven’t heard about this one much, have you?
  3. Oil-for-food: Need I say more? Only the biggest corruption scandal in history.
  4. UN Population Fund: Funding forced contraception, sterilization, and abortion around the globe. Blackmailing poorer countries to accept abortion, radical sex education, and contraception in order to receive other monetary aid (Clinton Administration did this too).
  5. UN Women’s Conferences (Beijing et al) Trying to get abortion recognized as a human right.
  6. Iraq: 14 (count 'em) 14 resolutions after the 1991 cease-fire. Net result: UN inspectors kicked out, Saddam bribing France, Russia, and China via money derived from #3 above to get sanctions lifted. As per the Duelfer report, Saddam retained the latent capacity to produce chemical and biological weapons and was planning to reconsitute his stock as soon as sanctions were lifted.
  7. Rwanda: UN soldiers stood idly by as genocide on massive scale took place. See this link: truthnews.com/comment/2002_05_un_peacekeeping.html
    and this one
  8. Tsunami: UN held meetings. Bureaucrats complained about US “stinginess” Meanwhile, US and Australia dispatched military forces including a whole aircraft carrier task force immediately to provide relief efforts. See the following blog, which gives first hand accounts of the relief efforts in SE Asia. diplomadic.blogspot.com/
  9. Average member of the UN: Military dictatorship. When Libya, Sudan, North Korea, and Syria get an equal voice with the US, you know the organization is morally bankrupt.
  10. UN conference on Racism (Durban): Turned into a diatribe about (who else?) Israel. No mention of Sudan, Tibet, Rwanda, Congo, or anywhere else for that matter.
  11. Bosnia: See first link in #7 above.
  12. UN Earth Summit: A sample quote - “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and Executive Officer for Reform in the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations.
If you want more official documentation of above, I’ll provide it.

It is sad, because the UN had potential to do much good in the world, but is a victim of its own structure, giving unfree kleptocracies and violent dictatorships equal voice with free nations, and allowing radical NGO’s, typically from the U.S. and the EU (International Planned Parenthood, anyone?), dictate social change to rest of the planet. I think the whole slate needs to be wiped clean, the UN relocated to Switzerland and reconstituted as a smaller body of free nations that gets back to business of providing humanitarian aid, instead of a forum for the Yasser Arafats of the world to spew their venom.
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on these forum pages.

The UN is not only INEFFECTIVE in aiding world peace, it is positively DETRIMENTAL to the process. It is ineffective, toothless, and corrupt.
  1. Sudan: wonderful job they’re doing there.
  2. Haven’t heard about this one much, have you?
  3. Oil-for-food: Need I say more? Only the biggest corruption scandal in history.
  4. UN Population Fund: Funding forced contraception, sterilization, and abortion around the globe. Blackmailing poorer countries to accept abortion, radical sex education, and contraception in order to receive other monetary aid (Clinton Administration did this too).
  5. UN Women’s Conferences (Beijing et al) Trying to get abortion recognized as a human right.
  6. Iraq: 14 (count 'em) 14 resolutions after the 1991 cease-fire. Net result: UN inspectors kicked out, Saddam bribing France, Russia, and China via money derived from #3 above to get sanctions lifted. As per the Duelfer report, Saddam retained the latent capacity to produce chemical and biological weapons and was planning to reconsitute his stock as soon as sanctions were lifted.
  7. Rwanda: UN soldiers stood idly by as genocide on massive scale took place. See this link: truthnews.com/comment/2002_05_un_peacekeeping.html
    and this one
  8. Tsunami: UN held meetings. Bureaucrats complained about US “stinginess” Meanwhile, US and Australia dispatched military forces including a whole aircraft carrier task force immediately to provide relief efforts. See the following blog, which gives first hand accounts of the relief efforts in SE Asia. diplomadic.blogspot.com/
  9. Average member of the UN: Military dictatorship. When Libya, Sudan, North Korea, and Syria get an equal voice with the US, you know the organization is morally bankrupt.
  10. UN conference on Racism (Durban): Turned into a diatribe about (who else?) Israel. No mention of Sudan, Tibet, Rwanda, Congo, or anywhere else for that matter.
  11. Bosnia: See first link in #7 above.
  12. UN Earth Summit: A sample quote - “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and Executive Officer for Reform in the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations.
If you want more official documentation of above, I’ll provide it.

It is sad, because the UN had potential to do much good in the world, but is a victim of its own structure, giving unfree kleptocracies and violent dictatorships equal voice with free nations, and allowing radical NGO’s, typically from the U.S. and the EU (International Planned Parenthood, anyone?), dictate social change to rest of the planet. I think the whole slate needs to be wiped clean, the UN relocated to Switzerland and reconstituted as a smaller body of free nations that gets back to business of providing humanitarian aid, instead of a forum for the Yasser Arafats of the world to spew their venom.
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Bravo,** INRI!**
Sixteen days into the tsunami crisis, and the UNocrats are still busy setting up operation posts, but not operating. Holding press conferences, but not actually producing results.

One of my new favorite blogs in run by a guy who is there. Here is one post on this:


click and scroll…up or down…very interesting accounts.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to set up video cameras and screen the pedophiles to make movies? Its not as simple as you think, you know.
I am on board stating that the UN is ineffective and therefore should be dissolved and have their headquarters moved to Germany or France IMO!
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