OK lets try and think who could legitimately sit on the Human Rights Commision.
First the Brits. No chance. With their history of colonialism their out.
By that token the Dutch, French, Italians, Spanish are out.
Lets try the new world.
Canada, possible, can’t think of anything against them at the moment, except they don’t seem to like Americans.
America. Civil Rights? deep South? Martin Luther King? Nope, thats them out.
South American countries? (all of them) where military takeovers are a weekly occurance? nope, their dead.
How about Africa? Zaire, Hutu’s Tutsi’s? nope. Zimbabwe? Trouble there. South Africa? Aparthied etc. Bang goes that theory.
Most other African countries? doubt it.
Lets try the Antipidies. (Australia, New Zealand to those that don’t know) Australia? nope, upset the Aboriginies and keep them in poor conditions, New Zealand? Now up until recently I would have said yes, but I hear they are now arguing with the Moari about shore rights. Ho–hum.
Lets try Asia. India/Pakistan? nope, they keep killing each other. China? If I mention that I get Murdered, so thats out, Korea, Veietnam, loas, Cambodia? bugger!!!
Northern Europe? Finland? Nope they shot lots and lots of Russians, and Russia’s out because they shot lots and lots of Fins. How about Denmark, or Sweden or Norway? Sorry, not on, they were Vikings and killed everybody.
I suppose that only leaves the Irish. Now they don’t have a problem, they just kill each other.
If you keep this going you will notice you can make a case to exclude everybody if you want to.
So what was your point again?