I’ve struggled with this one myself for quite a while. What helped me break through this conundrum was directly asking my fiancé, she’s a Catholic from the Philippines; what in her culture is expected of a husband and a father. What she said blew my mind, woke me up to what’s good, natural and right: struck me deep in my male instincts.
Simply put: The husband and father is the head of the family: Leading, guiding and governing the family; providing for all of his wife’s and children’s needs, spiritually and physically; and providing for a better future for his kids. Essentially being priest, prophet, warrior, provider, guide, protector and king for his wife and children: Providing wise and mature leadership, guidance and governance in rendering wise judgments and decisions in family matters; informed by his wife’s perspective.
Once I reflected; I realized this is also the traditional American expectations of a good husband and father.
Now, as for the matter of where are the men. I don’t know where you’re from, but I know that typically women are more likely to be religious than men. It’s the same here and in the Philippines. In my parish, I see a lot of men in church and they don’t have the looks on their faces telling me they’re only there because their wives dragged them there.
I don’t know what role fathers have in the parish. Sorry, I don’t know how to help you there; wish I could.