The lie is dead…We do recover!!
To Slake a Thirst - The Matt Talbot Way to SobrietyGreat idea about reading about Matt Talbot - do you know if there is any specific book about him? I know there is a website dedicated to the cause of his Cannonization…
by Philip Maynard
ISBN: 0818908432
I am glad that I am not the only one who found this to be true. I went to daily meetings for 5 years and found that I was not happy. I started to go to adoration and pray the rosary. I started praying the chaplet of divine mercy and reading the scriptures.Another one here. August 19, 1990. IIn fact my father, and both of my brothers are sober as well. I went to daily meetings for 7 years along with therapy. I used to think that I owed my life to AA and my therapist but now I know that it is Jesus that I owe my life.
I became very stagnant in AA aftet that long and started getting depressed at listening to some of the same people still complain after a few years. I know that wasnt very charitable but I had to make a change. My chcange became going to daily Mass. Jesus and the Eucharist is my strength.
I dont suggest that anyone gives up AA meetings. This is my story, not yours.
LSK…I love listening to Clancy and Peg. Great stories.
BTW…I am always an alcoholic. When you quit drinking, you dont pick up where you left off if you take a drink. You pick up where you would be if you never had.
Even to this day, I think like an alcoholic…its natural, its what I do with that. When I go out with friends from church and they have a drink. I wonder why they are not having 20. That is my thinking, to this day.
good luck and GOd Bless
Gotcha MommaKat! I have heard it said too, when I was in RCIA last year that Jesus was present in one form, either the bread or the wine, and that many churches only give one or the other. Thought this was weird at first, but I think I now understand it.Sparkle
To recieve a complete communion with our most Beloved Lord you only have to receive him in one species. That is what I meant. I don’t recieve the cup but I can distribute the cup when I a ministering at Mass.
Well, and no disrespect intended towards Dr. Laura, that’s kind of like saying someone who is not a diabetic is not a big fan of proper diet and insulin.Dr. Laura doesn’t seem to be a very big fan of 12-step programs or the disease concept of addictions in general
The power, yes. But if alcohol abuse has done physical damage to the body (including the nervous system), then proper medical care is called for.Oh and one very important thing I forgot to mention, that I would like to get some views on.
Do you think that Jesus Christ and having a strong faith can give a person all the power they need to overcome these types of things? I do.