One Mediator

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Yeah dude, God gave the apostles that authority, but you don’t have it dude, because your not an apostle. the gifts of the apostles died out after they died. So you have to come to God to forgive you of doing wrong. And the God I know that is high priest is Jesus, dude. Check em out.
Yeah dude, God gave the apostles that authority, but you don’t have it dude, because your not an apostle. the gifts of the apostles died out after they died. So you have to come to God to forgive you of doing wrong. And the God I know that is high priest is Jesus, dude. Check em out.
Mt 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
Yep, they taught everybody about what Jesus said, but the gifts of the apostles fizzled after they did. Can you raise the dead? George Romero needs live actors I hear.
Yeah dude, God gave the apostles that authority, but you don’t have it dude, because your not an apostle. the gifts of the apostles died out after they died. So you have to come to God to forgive you of doing wrong. And the God I know that is high priest is Jesus, dude. Check em out.
What is the use of such authority being given by God to the apostles if God already knew such authority would just die out when the apostles die? If that were the case, then there would be no Church today, visible or invisible, simply because the Church, which is based on such authority and its accompanying gifts, would have died out with the death of the last apostle (John, who was the last to die).

If, in some kingdom, a king dies without naming a successor to inherit his authority and title, the entire kingdom would fall to anarchy.

Gerry 🙂
Yep, they taught everybody about what Jesus said, but the gifts of the apostles fizzled after they did. Can you raise the dead? George Romero needs live actors I hear.
2Tim 1:13-14
13 Hold the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me: in faith and in the love which is in Christ Jesus.14Keep the good thing committed to thy trust by the Holy Ghost who dwelleth in us.

Tit 1:5
5 For this cause I left thee in Crete: that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting and shouldest ordain priests in every city, as I also appointed thee:

Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember your prelates who have spoken the word of God to you: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation,

Hebrews 13:17
17 Obey your prelates and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account of your souls: that they may do this with joy and not with grief. For this is not expedient for you.

Acts 16:4
4 And as they passed through the cities, they delivered unto them the decrees for to keep, that were decreed by the apostles and ancients who were at Jerusalem.
Hey benny, Paul didn’t say those who come after him, would raise stiffs now, did he? Maybe only in Catholic graveyards?
Tit 1:5
5 For this cause I left thee in Crete: that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting and shouldest ordain priests in every city, as I also appointed thee:
Hey Benny, that’s nothing new. Young men are made priests everyday. So what is your point?
III. Specific Instructions to Mediate and Examples of Subordinate Mediation

New Testament

Matt. 5:44-45 - Jesus tells us to pray for (to mediate on behalf of) those who persecute us. God instructs us to mediate.

Matt. 27:52-53 - at Jesus’ passion, many saints were raised and went into the city to appear and interact with the people.

Mark 11:24 - Jesus says that whatever we ask in prayer, we will receive it. It is Jesus, and also we through Jesus, who mediate.

Rom. 15:30 - Paul commands the family of God to pray for him. If we are united together in the one body of Christ, we can help each other.

2 Cor. 1:11 - Paul even suggests that the more prayers and the more people who pray, the merrier! Prayer is even more effective when united with other’s prayers.

2 Cor. 9:14 - Paul says that the earthly saints pray for the Corinthians. They are subordinate mediators in Christ.

2 Cor. 13:7,9 - Paul says the elders pray that the Corinthians may do right and improve. They participate in Christ’s mediation.
Sadly, “redeemed1” was a Catholic who didn’t know his faith. One cannot love or explain what he does not know or understand. Thus he (or she) fell victim to Protestantism, where anyone can twist the Bible into meaning anything he chooses. (I speak as a former Protestant.)

Neither he nor his Protestant friends understand that the man, Paul of Tarsus, who wrote the words about Christ being the one mediator (1 Tm 2:5) was a Catholic. St. Paul knew what he meant and so did the Church to whom his words were addressed. These words were twisted against the Church in the 16th century and subsequently.

Jesus is the One Mediator between God and all of mankind through His Sacrifice; He achieved our reconciliation with God through reparation for our sins. We are mediators (small m) for each other through our prayers.

The New Testament can be understood only in the context in which it was written. And it was written in the heart of the organic, living, teaching Catholic Church – by Catholics for Catholics. When it is wrenched out of its context, errors like redeemed1’s misunderstanding of the isolated verses he cites are predictable.

Please don’t propogate the lie that Jesus didn’t have brothers and sisters through Mary and Joseph; the Bible does tell the truth. They may have only been through the marriage relationship, but they are real. As for John being commanded to look after Mary at the crucifixion, His brothers in the flesh did not believe on Him until after that, so why would He intrust Mary to them, being a good Jewish son? John did look after Mary, but he was also banished; so when did he stop looking after her? Too many myths in the RCC for me, and that is a big reason why I am out. I do not want to be part of the “new babylon”.
Why is it that we have a reasoned debate and then bam! its the “new babylon” or the whore of Babylon, or some such. The “lie” that Jesus didn’t have brothers and sisters through Mary and Joseph.

Is it not enough to say that you are mistaken, you Catholics, albeit for some 1800 years, but mistaken nevertheless? Why the thinly disguised vitriol? My conclusion is that there is no doctrinal/apologetics reason that a Catholic leaves the Church, it is a personal one. The doctrine comes later to justify it.

That’s my first impression of the act of someone who would take the time and effort to go to a Catholic website and make a double post to go after the priesthood and the perpetual virginity of Mary.
Hey Guys.
I read redeemed1’s post and it was a bunch of pretty good questions. Of course Redeemed finally showed his or her true colors. The Babylon stuff really makes me want to laugh because at one time I was as Anti Catholic as Redeemed1. That is why there is always hope that Redeemed like many other fallen away Catholic will come Home. Hey if God can take the Scales off my eyes then he can do it with anyone, reason being is that I am one of the most Hard headed people you will ever meet. So hope is something That i see every time I read one of these anti Catholics because sooner or Later GOd’s gonna get you!!! 👍
So just keep pray for them.
I’m new at this but just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the Catholic responses to the various questions which are being posed by some who, obviously, do not understand the Catholic faith. I am a cradle Catholic and in the just the last few months have begun to have a deep desire to learn more about my faith. This website is affording me that opportunity. I find it so sad that some are so tied up with latching on to isolated verses to try and prove a point. It’s always been hard for me to understand how someone can think that, for 1500 years, all of mankind walked in complete ignorance of God. Then, Luther came along with all the answers! Well, enough–I look forward to reading more and maybe I can add my own thoughts from time to time. God’s peace to all!
Just a thought. If we are not able to ‘intercede’ for each other then how can we “love one another as I have loved you”. Praying for someone is an act of love, in fact it’s considered a ‘spiritual work of mercy’ in the catholic church. Also Moses interceded for the people of Israel after they built the golden calf.
The biggest difference is I pray to the Living God and not dead people.
Saints in Heaven are alive in Christ. The fact that they are in Heaven means that they are more ALIVE than we are.

You didn’t know that? wow.
The biggest difference is I pray to the Living God and not dead people.
Redeemed 1,
Apparently you and Jesus disagree. You need to read Matthew 22:32 God is the God of the Living not the Dead. We do not pray to dead people we pray to those alive in Christ. How about Hebrews 12:1 The cloud of Witness’s. That is all I have to say on that. Peace be with you.
To the Catholics:

I have always wondered how come the heads make it so hard to understand the Bible.
Years of heartache led me to a faith in Jesus that surpasses all of what the Catholic Church can offer.
Your telling me that you have a greater faith than that of St. Francis? Or that of St. Ignatius or St. Justin? Howabout St. Teresa of Liseiux? Or mother Theresa of Calcutta?

These people all were offered the Catholic faith and I would say that there is not one person alive who can say they have a greater faith than any one of these saints.

Look at the way St. Francis and mother Theresa lived and you tell me they did not have a great faith.
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