Have you ever used the public transportation in Baltimore? The only time I ever use it is to go downtown to jury duty. And every time, I’m so thankful I don’t have to use it on a regular basis. Not reliable, not frequent enough, and transferring buses wastes too much time.If you live in an area without much public transportation to get to the store, take care of errands, doctors appointments, whatever, you need to have a second car. Part of the expense of living in the suburbs.
Now, if you moved from Baltimore County to the city of Baltimore, one car would probably be sufficient.
Our first few years here we were a one car family. It was horrible. My husband used his car at work so driving him there wasn’t an option. For a while I was able to borrow a neighbor’s car once in a while to do the grocery shopping (no 24 hour grocers back then)until her husband wouldn’t let her loan it anymore because of insurance concerns. It was difficult telling the kids they couldn’t continue their ballet lessons (given cheap through the city recreation service) or ever go to the pool at the small consulting firm my husband worked for. I remember one winter walking the two smaller ones to the dentist 2 miles away in the freezing (about 20 degrees) driving snow because we had no transportation.
Now my husband and I are moving to Delaware, where we have purposefully chosen a house 4 miles from his job so he can ride his bike to work. Perhaps we will be able to go back to one car now with the kids gone.
Mary Fran