One way time travel: which way do you go?

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My husband always says he wants to go back in time to, say, Custer’s last stand and show up with an AR15 and give it to Sitting Bull. 🙂 Or in the middle of Gettysburg.
Well it wouldn’t happen over night. I’d just give them the information about the rest of the world. I’d expect it to take several centuries to actually make the conquests.
Give it to sitting bull?! That’s unamerican! (I know your husband isn’t American lol)

I read a book once called guns of the south where some time traveling South Africans face the confederacy a bunch of ak’s and the south won the war and when president of the csa Robert e lee went to free the slaves they tried to assassinate him lol
I bought a sticker in Montana that says “Custer had it coming”.

He actually did.
It’s an interesting little part of history, he was certainly a prime example of arrogance. But there are conflicting reports as to whether or not he knew the actual odds.

I think he’s caught an unfair level of hate in modern history.

As the Army moved into the field on its expedition, it was operating with incorrect assumptions as to the number of Indians it would encounter. These assumptions were based on inaccurate information provided by the Indian Agents that no more than 800 hostiles were in the area. The Indian Agents based this estimate on the number of Lakota that Sitting Bull and other leaders had reportedly led off the reservation in protest of U.S. government policies. It was in fact a correct estimate until several weeks before the battle, when the “reservation Indians” joined Sitting Bull’s ranks for the summer buffalo hunt. The agents did not take into account the many thousands of these “reservation Indians” who had unofficially left the reservation to join their “uncooperative non-reservation cousins led by Sitting Bull”. Thus, Custer unknowingly faced thousands of Indians, including the 800 non-reservation “hostiles”. All Army plans were based on the incorrect numbers. Although Custer was severely criticized after the battle for not having accepted reinforcements and for dividing his forces, it must be understood that he had accepted the same official government estimates of hostiles in the area which Terry and Gibbon had also accepted. Historian James Donovan states that when Custer asked interpreter Fred Gerard for his opinion on the size of the opposition, he estimated the force at between 1,500 to 2,500 warriors
I’d go back to last Friday with the winning Mega Millions numbers, buy a winning ticket, and move forward. :+1:t4:
I hope you are fluent in ancient Aramaic, otherwise you will have no clue what’s going on.
If the Apostles could speak to crowds and each person heard them in their own language, I’m sure Jesus could work something out. 😉
Personally, I am staying home. This is where I am meant to be. I am not a good traveler anyway and I would have to buy new luggage forward or a fig leaf for backward. Yup, I will stay home and be content.
If you could travel as far back or as far forward in time as you liked, then which way woukd you go?
Forward. I like the idea of living in space and space travel, so the future is where i would go.
Do I have to go? I quite like my life right where it’s at. There are a few technological advancements I’d love to have, but overall, this time works well for me.

If I had nothing to tie me down, I would go into the future. Not all the way to the end, I’d rather not be subjected to the trials the last generation of Catholics will face, maybe just far enough for space travel.

The problem is that no matter how far ahead I go, much more than twenty years would render me effectively useless. Having to understand that much technological development all at once would be incredibly difficult. I’d honestly probably try to find a monastery and become a monk… a space monk in a space monastery, if that’s a thing 😛
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Travel back in time involves logical contradictions and so it is impossible. For example, suppose you were an atheist pro-choice doctor and you aborted the birth of your great great great grandfather. It doesn’t even have to be that severe to arrange things in the past so that you were never born.
Travel back in time involves logical contradictions and so it is impossible. For example, suppose you were an atheist pro-choice doctor and you aborted the birth of your great great great grandfather. It doesn’t even have to be that severe to arrange things in the past so that you were never born.
Oh, for Heaven’s sake. It was just a fun, ‘what-if?’ type question. Must we really get lectured on physics every time we want to take a break and enjoy some hypothesising? 😠
It doesn’t even have to be that severe to arrange things in the past so that you were never born.
Indeed. Like Grandpa Simpson told his son on his wedding day, if you every travel back in time don’t touch anything as the slightest move can change life in ways you can’t imagine.

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