Opinion about weapons?

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I keep my guns for home defense, but I don’t think I could take another life to save my own, and that’s what they teach in self-defense gun classes.
You took a self defense class that taught that you are supposed to kill the attacker? I do not know of any that teach that.
I have considered buying a weapon the past few years.
I keep kicking around the idea but I know it’d end up being an expensive paper weight as I’d almost never go to the range. :man_shrugging:t2:
You took a self defense class that taught that you are supposed to kill the attacker? I do not know of any that teach that.
I think it’s referring to a firearms class, not an unarmed self defense class.

If you’re shooting at someone, you’re shooting to kill them. That “I’d just shoot them in the leg” stuff only happens in movies.
Yes, the firearms courses I’ve taken teach “shoot to kill” --to aim for the chest area as it is the largest area, and is more lethal than most other areas.
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I will just say: in some countries (such as mine) the use of weapon in self-defense is prohibited, weapons are only allowed in war and in hunting!☺️
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I will just say: in some countries (such as mine) the use of weapon in self-defense is prohibited, weapons are only allowed in war and in hunting!🙂
Frankly, to my American ears, that sounds like an immoral law. If I have a gun I legally own for hunting, and an axe wielding maniac breaks into my house to murder my family, you’re really going to tell me I can’t use my gun to protect myself? I’m just supposed to let myself get murdered?

Sounds crazy to me.
Use only the force necessary to stop the threat. That is the intent, I hope, in most self defense classes. The intent is not to kill the attacker.
If you’ve determined that the force necessary to stop the threat requires a gun, you’ve already gotten to the point where you’re intending to kill them. Guns are lethal weapons. You can’t use them like tasers or pepper spray.
I keep kicking around the idea but I know it’d end up being an expensive paper weight as I’d almost never go to the range. :man_shrugging:t2:
Well, I developed a very healthy respect for firearms. I won’t say I’m scared of them, but …

Yes, I think it’d be a big hassle to to take the firearms safety class, I’d probably take a concealed carry class for the use of deadly force part, and then it’s just sit except on range days. Now, that’s not bad, but I haven’t seen the need to do it.

I also hesitate to count myself among gun owners. That might be insulting to some, and I don’t intend it that way.
Yes, the firearms courses I’ve taken teach “shoot to kill” --to aim for the chest area as it is the largest area, and is more lethal than most other areas.
Did they teach the phrase, “shoot to kill”? Or did they just say to aim for the chest as it is the largest part of the body and the quickest and surest way to stop the attacker? There is a nuance there and one can take things differently than they are being communicated.
If you’ve determined that the force necessary to stop the threat requires a gun, you’ve already gotten to the point where you’re intending to kill them. Guns are lethal weapons. You can’t use them like tasers or pepper spray.
No. Using a firearm does not mean that there is intent to kill. The intent can be to stop an attacker. By using a firearm one does accept that death may be a result but it does not have to be, and should not be the intent in most civilian self defense situations.
Did not Jesus say: “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword(Matthew 26,52)”?
Yes, now describe the context of that quote. Also note that Paul and Peter both agree that the state bears the sword for good reason.
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Did they teach the phrase, “shoot to kill”? Or did they just say to aim for the chest as it is the largest part of the body and the quickest and surest way to stop the attacker? There is a nuance there and one can take things differently than they are being communicated.
A firearm is a deadly weapon. You are taught to shoot center mass because when things are chaotic and the person is moving, you can’t just try to wound them. Wounding an attacker might not be sufficient to stop them, either.

That’s why pulling a weapon on someone is very significant and shouldn’t be done lightly. You should mean to kill them, because that is the only alternative.
Interestingly, Jesus (as far as we know) did not have on hand a stock of whips lest he should come across a money changer in the wrong place…
I will just say: in some countries (such as mine) the use of weapon in self-defense is prohibited, weapons are only allowed in war and in hunting!🙂
Frankly, to my American ears, that sounds like an immoral law.
It’s beyond immoral, it’s just plain stupid.
What @PaulinVA said is what I was expressly taught. In fact, at one firearms course I took they had an attorney speak to the class and he said in his experience perpetrators who live are likely to sue you, so you’re better off if they don’t. Now, obviously I’m not advocating killing a perpetrator to avoid a lawsuit, but it underscores my point.
In fact, at one firearms course I took they had an attorney speak to the class and he said in his experience perpetrators who live are likely to sue you, so you’re better off if they don’t.
Ah, yes, the ol’, “Well, yeah, I was robbing him with a gun, BUT HE SHOT ME” lawsuit.
In that case I would say your negative feelings towards firearms are largely cultural, and since there are a lot of Americans on this forum, you are seeing our cultural bias too.
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