Opinion about weapons?

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It depends. If they are a short distance away and moving towards you, it’s not that hard of a shot.
Ok. Let me know when you’re successful with it. There’s a reason it’s not taught by any military, law enforcement agency, or reputable defensive firearms instructors.
Remember, peace can be achieved by elimination of the opposition.
Ok. Let me know when you’re successful with it. There’s a reason it’s not taught by any military, law enforcement agency, or reputable defensive firearms instructors.
Nah bro my cousin is a Navy SEAL tactical assault ninja and he does it all the time while dual wielding Desert Eagles and kissing supermodels. Sorry you’re not as cool as my cousin.
I found a picture of your cousin!

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Heck yeah, Cousin Ricky.

(Sips Mountain Dew and plays Call of Duty for four hours, thus becoming an Internet Tactical Expert)
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Peace through the intervention of God.

Your memes and those of others on this thread are not exemplifying Catholic values.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God
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Peace through the intervention of God.
I consider my firearms to be a gift from God and I thank him for them every day. I especially thank him that I’ve not needed to use them on anything but targets and coyotes.
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I consider my firearms to be a gift from God and I thank him for them every day.
This is where we differ, I dont live in your country and I have God as a great gift and thank Him daily for my faith.
I have no need of a gun to aid the living of my life or in the pursuit of keeping its peace.
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I haven’t needed it for anything other than predators, which thing I’m grateful for.
True story:

Young woman (21 years old or so) lived in rural area of US and had a small daughter. Her husband had died in car wreck just a few months prior. Some guy knew this and knocked on her door wanting to use phone - car broke down he said. She wouldn’t let him in. He got angry and started pounding on door demanding to let him in. She retreated to her bedroom with her daughter and a pistol and called 911. The operator said it would take 30 minutes for officer to get there (rural area, small police force). Woman asked if she could shot the intruder. The operator said that she (the operator) could not tell her that she could, but that she needed to whatever she could to protect herself and har daughter.

The ambulance came for the intruder a little while later.
I had no idea that violent crime in the US is so commonplace that people feel driven to own gun(s).
I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I think I have a pretty good understanding of what it means. I’m not advocating for open fighting to just start happening, and I know its better in some cases to be passive/peaceful but sometimes when the chips are down you can righteously defend yourself. Furthermore, we have examples of violence being permitted for the sake of rightousness: Battle of Lepanto, Crusades, Maccabees, Poland in WW2, etc. I’m pretty sure God looked favorably on those men and women. God didn’t make man to just let his “unrighteous enemies” walk all over him. You can read that in the Old Testament, many many times.

Personally I think today people have been somewhat misled to think that being Christian means no fighting, even in defense, ever, period. A father is there to defend his family, and a brother is suppose to defend his sister, those with the means to defend should stand up for and protect the innocent and the weak. If people don’t understand that I would say that there is something missing there.

There has always been a war going on spiritually and physically…because we are both spiritual and physical beings. It started in the garden of Eden, and it won’t end until Christ CRUSHES (violence) the head of the serpent once and for all at the end of time. We are born into a war. That is why we are the Church militant.
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