Opinion about weapons?

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It is in bigger cities, but rural areas have the higher rates of gun ownership for other reasons.
Did not Jesus say: “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword(Matthew 26,52)”?
There are veterans that die every year from disease and accidents. People who were professional soldier or police still die in ways other than being shot. People are killed by gunfire who would never own a gun. So either Jesus was a liar, or this does not mean what it seems to mean. We may never know, but it is possible he was echoing some truism or saying that was known in his time and place for those that took up arms against the Romans.
This is where we differ, I dont live in your country and I have God as a great gift and thank Him daily for my faith.
Americans are an odd lot when it comes to firearms. I own one, as required by my job, but I do not like or trust in firearms. I am closer to the OP than I am to the gun owners here. I understand pacifism, though I cannot be a pacifist. I am pleased the Catholic Church promotes the acceptance and tolerance of pacifism.

I hope all the bravado here is tempered by the knowledge that a mistake with a firearm can take an innocent life, and limit the one pulling the trigger to a loss of freedom. Right or wrong, citizens do not share that presumptive immunity that police have for a mistake.
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All I know is that there is a waiting list in many places for a popular handgun designed for first time buyers, women and older people. Also the demand for ammo is very high now.
Are all weapons Satan’s inventions?
What do you think about (real/airsoft) weapons? I personally get creeps when I see who all used weapons and who died under that invention. Is it good for a Catholic to own a weapon, even if it is airsoft?
A weapon is an enemy, even unto it’s owner.
-Turkish Proverb
I had no idea that violent crime in the US is so commonplace that people feel driven to own gun(s).
It’s really not. It’s a mixture of two things, in my opinion. First is just reasonable prudence. Violent crime isn’t super common, but it’s not unheard of. House fires aren’t common either, but I still have a fire extinguisher in my house.

Second, there are some Americans who really do go overboard in romanticizing guns and indulge in hero fantasies. But a lot of gun owners are just people who enjoy shooting or are taking what they see as reasonable precautions for an unlikely scenario.
I am pleased the Catholic Church promotes the acceptance and tolerance of pacifism.
Although I dont equate not having a weapon with pacifism. There is a lot I could say here but its best for a new topic.
In most cases, you beg for your life.

They burst through your door armed, ready, and with the initiative.

Unless you happen to keep a gun on your person at all times, you’re going to be at their mercy. In the incredibly lightening-strike, bear-mauling rare case of a home invasion, they usually don’t call ahead.

A reasonable position. I think wheel-guns, shotguns and most hunting rifles should be freely available to civilians.
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Actually the rise of thermonuclear weapons makes any large-scale war unwinnable. The odds of a third world war are greatly decreased. So maybe ultimately something good came out of this evil?
Frankly, to my American ears, that sounds like an immoral law. If I have a gun I legally own for hunting, and an axe wielding maniac breaks into my house to murder my family, you’re really going to tell me I can’t use my gun to protect myself? I’m just supposed to let myself get murdered?

Sounds crazy to me.
Sounds like Canada to me… ;/
Perhaps to you it is. I think it’s fortunate that Federal law in the US says otherwise, even if you have to jump through some very difficult hoops to do it.
You say weapons which could include a fork if used in a manner other then feeding yourself. Do you mean firearms? There is nothing wrong with owning firearms. Ive owned alot of firearms over the years and still have quite a few. To me they are a great stress reliever. Now Ive seen people shot and have seen the damage they cause. But one should have proper training when owning firearms and keeping them in a safe place is a must.
Its not. There are people like the CDC that take all gun related incidents and put them in a big box and say there is too much violent crime. They put in officer related shootings, self defense shootings, accidental shootings and suicides in there together. We as legal gun owners are not the problem. We have over 400 million guns in the US that are legal firearms. If there were a gun problem, people would know it.
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