However, the Pill was not condemned at that time becasue it had not been invented. The Pill was invented not for the purposes of birht control but rather for the purpose of treating women who had irregular cycles; as work progressed on the research it was found that in regulating the cycle, it also could be used as a contraceptive. It was not known early on that the Pill was also an abortificant. That came a good bit later.Dear otjm,
Both artificial birth control and abortion were condemned in Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XI, Dec 31, 1930. These condemnations are contained in Denzinger 2239 thru 2244. Denzinger is of course, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, Henry Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum, thirteenth edition, 1954
This should be enough for any Catholic.
I can provide the text from Casti Connubii, which comprises Denzinger 2239 thru 2244, under the heading “The Abuse of Matrimony”…
Because the Pill was not understood to operate as a mechanical barrier or as a spermicide, many theologians thought it would be acceptible; they did not see it as anything different than a couple having intercourse during the woman’s unfertile time.
The Church did not have an official position on the issue because it was different. You and I can both go back to Denziger and Casti Conubii and agree now that it is convered by those documents. At the time, there was a great division of opinion. To say that it was “liberals” who felt it was ok is to slander many people who were not liberal; they were struggling with something that was not like anything they had dealt with before. If it was so clear, there would not have been two popes who put together and expanded a Commission to study it.
do you want to see it? Or do you only like your own opinions?
It is entirely possible I read them long before you did. Since I have not expressed my opinion on the matter, don’t presume. I hand out Janet Smith’s recording “Contraception - Why Not” whenever I can.