Have you found at all that, for some, Opus Dei centres can be a little overwhelming at first?
I imagine different centres may have different “feels” to them? I had some experience with the local Opus Dei centre. It’s a mansion in one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in the city. The residents are well dressed professionals…suits and uniform haircuts. Nothing wrong with any of that… but I just can’t see them reaching blue collar Catholics very easily. That might be locale by locale?
Have you found at all that, for some, Opus Dei centres can be a little overwhelming at first?
I imagine different centres may have different “feels” to them? I had some experience with the local Opus Dei centre. It’s a mansion in one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in the city. The residents are well dressed professionals…suits and uniform haircuts. Nothing wrong with any of that… but I just can’t see them reaching blue collar Catholics very easily. That might be locale by locale?