Rigidly following every little nuance of the churches teachings on sex in marriage was a hindrance to our marriage…
Dear gogo,
It sounds like you’ve had a difficult time with this - may Christ grant you peace.
I think your problem might have been the same as that of the Pharisees - they followed the Law, but they did not
live it. The law of the Lord is love, and it is only when the love is fully expressed will the law be fulfilled. The “rules” of the Church are there to help us, and the yoke is only easy through love (love both for Christ and your spouse). Without the fullness of this love, however, the yoke is a burden that is very hard to bear. I sympathize, truly I do - but I assure you that, just like the Levitical Law, there is nothing wrong with the law (properly understood), but with the hearers. (Psalm 19:7.)
Perhaps an analogy? When we love something, we make rules about it. Watch kids play pretend in the back yard and you’ll be amazed at the complexity of the rules they come up with for their games – don’t step on the rock, because it’s lava. Don’t go past the tree, because it’s out of bounds. If the ball bounces twice, you’re out for the next two turns. Etc. Etc.
But it’s not just a kid thing - it’s a human thing. Take golf, for example. Golfers *love *the rules, as they understand that the game is played best when the rules are observed. Most golfers worth their salt will carry a copy of the rules of golf in their back pocket, and know what the rules allow and what they don’t. They wouldn’t think of letting their children run loose on the course, whacking around and claiming to “golf” - they have too much respect for the integrity game to allow it. Rather, they teach the rules to their children, knowing that in the end it is the truest way to play. You’ll note, also, that you don’t see professional golfers checking their rule book very often - they
live the rules.
Here, our love is like golf. The Church values our love so greatly that she gives us rules that we might preserve the integrity of the game. She knows that objectifying our spouse will lead to a poor game, so she tells us not to do it. Treating another like an object of lust erodes the respect felt for the other, and is really no way to love. She knows that reducing our love making to a self-oriented pleasure-seeking that it will ultimately degrade the integrity of the act. In sex, we are given the gift of mirroring the inner life of the Trinity - we come together in a very real way, and in love we bring forth new life. This is the essence of the Trinity, new life brought forth in love, and God allows us to partake in that experience. We are not created for rules…the rules are created for us, that we might know God better. When we are *truly *loving, the rules will be extraneous. Until we are
truly loving, we will continue to need the rules to guide us. This was the central message of JPII’s Theology of the Body.
Honest answer time – do you really think that the Church is wrong for wanting to keep the sexual act, a mirroring of the inner life of the Trinity, as pure as possible? Do you think you know theology better, or that you’re going to bring something to the table that the Bishops/theologians simply didn’t think of? I ask with respect, so please don’t take this as an affront of any kind.
May God bless you and your family richly,