The Church does not completely disavow the death penalty does it? It is indeed limited to certain very narrow circumstances. However this is not an intrinsic evil like abortion. So killing secured prisoners is not always murder even under the Church’s limited guidelines.Sorry, but wait. Can’t that be turned? Killing secured prisoners without compulsion is murder, even if the state does it… but your position seems to indicate that *you *do not believe it is murder?.
FWIW I don’t believe in the death penalty.
I did not deny that Archbishop Vlazny is against abortion. However you cannot equate abortion, an intrisic evil, and the death penalty that even the late Pope John Paul II supported in some very limited cases.Archbishop Vlazny is unequivocal in his stand against abortion. You could walk in his office and kill both him and fifteen pregnant women and their unborn children, though, and he would say it is unethical to impose the death penalty. When he supports the Church’s stand on the death penalty, he means it…
I expect people to live in the real world even if churchmen. The real world now is that if a man batters a woman and kills her unborn baby, that crime will go unpunished. Is that not immoral as well? An unborn child has no standing under our current laws and that is completely against church teaching. Unfortunately this is one of those ‘rock and a hard place’ situations where there is no good answer.It is no good to support putting a law on the books and say, “Oh, yeah, but they’ll never enforce it.” Maybe not, but no thanks to you! If it is an immoral law, a Catholic shouldn’t back it, even if it serves as the means to further a critically important moral end…
Another rock and a hard place situation though. They can’t support it in its current form but if the bill were changed to suit the OCC, and provide that the Unborn Victims’ murder will never result in the death penalty it would not stand at ALL.The Oregon Catholic Conference is not saying they won’t support the bill. They’re saying they won’t support it in its present form, they are very specific as to why they won’t support it, and their reasons are based on serious moral teachings of the Church. They are doing the right thing.
I see this as the death penalty being equated with the murder of innocents and I see the Bishops taking the part of protecting the guilty and allowing the innocents’ murder to go unpunished. They may be unable to do otherwise but it is a very unfortunate position to take.
Lisa N