O'Reilly: The Canadian Model

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He’s a liberatarian to some extent, folks. He doesn’t discuss his “Catholic faith”, only his or your “deity”, so he doesn’t really say “I’m anti-gay”, does he?? He has a live-let live mentality, but is quick ot take on radical secularists.
I don’t think that’s true at all. He’s more traditional conservative than liberal. Though not as conservative as Hannity. His show has not been from a conservative viewpoint, but sometimes his views do come into play. Most of his views DO profess a Christian viewpoint. Hannity’s IMHO, expouses more of a Christian viewpoint than O’Reilly, but that’s because Hannity is straightforward and wears it on his sleeve. Not only that, but they pitted a liberal against him on the show, which was the REASON for the show.

By the way…nobody’s really explained why THEY think either are not Christian.

In Christ,
I like O’Reilly okay but he’s obviously a confused Catholic. And this is a case I think of worldly success going to a celebrity’s head, convincing them they don’t really need Church, they can handle their lives on their own thank you. But he does come up with some good insights, and is spot-on about Canada. I just wish he had a more consistent world view. Whoever said he was having a love affair with Roe is right, that’s exactly how it is. I had to break mine off too. Bill needs to think seriously about the sheer numbers involved, how easy it is to get, amounting to social pressure in fact, and then visualize those tiny hands and feet…

Please EXPLAIN why you feel that way.

In Christ,
Please EXPLAIN why you feel that way.

In Christ,
Why I feel WHAT way? Which part is troubling you?

My post was based on what was said before in this thread and my observations listening to him on the radio. He is obviously proud–he admits as much himself. That’s part of his schtick. He’s a bit of a smart aleck, but he still comes up with some good observations and is obviously keeping an eye out on what is going on in Canada. I don’t bristle at arrogant talk show hosts but I do believe his success has gone to his head. Hey, it happens, and you start feeling like a complete self-made success, and start picking and choosing among the Church’s teachings. Right now he’s like, hey I don’t need these guys to tell me how to think…But from listening to him, I think if he really, really gave Roe some thought and saw how it has affected women’s lives over the decades, and how it was decided, well then he might just start bucking the status quo on this.
Why I feel WHAT way? Which part is troubling you?

My post was based on what was said before in this thread and my observations listening to him on the radio. He is obviously proud–he admits as much himself. That’s part of his schtick. He’s a bit of a smart aleck, but he still comes up with some good observations and is obviously keeping an eye out on what is going on in Canada. I don’t bristle at arrogant talk show hosts but I do believe his success has gone to his head. Hey, it happens, and you start feeling like a complete self-made success, and start picking and choosing among the Church’s teachings. Right now he’s like, hey I don’t need these guys to tell me how to think…But from listening to him, I think if he really, really gave Roe some thought and saw how it has affected women’s lives over the decades, and how it was decided, well then he might just start bucking the status quo on this.
I pretty much concur with the description of O’Reilly. I really don’t know too much about his heartfelt beliefs, only what he says on his programs and in his books.

I suspect he HASNT really looked at Roe and its ramifications. This isn’t his thing so to speak. I also don’t see him as being a very humble person and that keeps him from really understanding the devastation of Roe and her evil sisters. OTOH he claims that while he’d like abortion outlawed (except if the LIFE of the mother is in grave danger) he does not believe overturning Roe is either possible or the most effective way to achieve that goal.

IOW I think he may be misguided about this issue but he’s not ill intentioned. For example while I’d love to see them flip on Roe, say instead we would grant personhood upon conception. This would provide equal protection for these persons and thus Roe would be moot because abortion would be killing persons.
I don’t know if that’s what O’Reilly thinks, just that his opposition to the direct overturning of Roe as an antidote to abortion, may reflect the belief this isn’t the most effective approach and not a support for choice

Lisa N
I confess that for many years, even after my conversion, I thought trying to get Roe overturned was quixotic, ie hopeless. But in growing closer to my faith, reading the Catechism, reading the truth about abortions and reflecting on how it all affected me, I finally turned around.

My sense is that someone like O’Reilly just gets SO busy with his shows, speaking engagements, dinners, cocktail parties, book signings, blah blah, that they really don’t have time to ponder it all. For that reason, for once in my life I’m happy to be a nobody with time to just read and think.
Lisa N:
I pretty much concur with the description of O’Reilly. I really don’t know too much about his heartfelt beliefs, only what he says on his programs and in his books.

I suspect he HASNT really looked at Roe and its ramifications. This isn’t his thing so to speak. I also don’t see him as being a very humble person and that keeps him from really understanding the devastation of Roe and her evil sisters. OTOH he claims that while he’d like abortion outlawed (except if the LIFE of the mother is in grave danger) he does not believe overturning Roe is either possible or the most effective way to achieve that goal.

IOW I think he may be misguided about this issue but he’s not ill intentioned. For example while I’d love to see them flip on Roe, say instead we would grant personhood upon conception. This would provide equal protection for these persons and thus Roe would be moot because abortion would be killing persons.
I don’t know if that’s what O’Reilly thinks, just that his opposition to the direct overturning of Roe as an antidote to abortion, may reflect the belief this isn’t the most effective approach and not a support for choice

Lisa N
I find O’Reilly not much different than many Catholics I know. Most of my wife’s family is Catholic, most of my fathers side is Catholic, and I know very few that are anti-abortion. Especially early term.

In Christ
I think where O’Reilly and Hannity both fail as models of Catholicism is in their reluctance, almost embarrassment to embrace the tougher pro-life issues. I would guess that both are cradle Catholics and so being Catholic is a part of their identity but that neither of them have done much to catechize themselves since college on what the church teaches and why.

They both work in extremely cut-throat industries who would laugh them off the broadcast if they declared they believed contraception, pre-marital sex and abortion were bad for everyone regardless of religion. And really wouldn’t we all be feeling a bit self-conscious if we were publicly fighting to re-criminalize contraceptive drugs and devices instead of the more obvious horror of abortion? Where these guys are it probably sounds “irresponsible” and “extreme” to reconsider these issues seriously.

When I had FOX news I liked to watch O’Reilly (too much shouting on Hannity for me) until 9/11. After that he became just rabid and unbearable to watch, although I do enjoy hearing about specific issues he addresses.
*It has happened in Canada. Once a traditional religious country, Canada has become like Holland in its embrace of the secular movement. Some facts: In 1980, 79% of Canadians said religion was important to the country. The number has fallen to 61%. In 1971, less than 1% of the Canadian population reported having no religion whatsoever; that number has risen to 16%.

The fall of religion in Canada has corresponded to a change in public policy. Canadians have legalized gay marriage and any kind of abortion, and the age of consent for sex is 14. Can you imagine American adults being allowed to fool around with children that age? I can’t.*

A couple things here. First off, while Canada is ‘ahead’ of the US in secularization and liberalism…it certainly isn’t at the level of the Netherlands yet. (They have euthanasia…and recently introduced the euthanasia of children under the age of 12 with ‘incurable’ diseases and suffering—for example).

Secondly, same-sex marriage has not technically been universally legalized. The supreme courts of several provinces have ruled that same-sex marriages are to be recognized, but to my knowledge no provinicial government has passed leglislation regarding same-sex marriage. However, our “Catholic” Prime Minister, Paul Martin, is planning to push through leglislation at the federal level that would indeed make same-sex marriage univeresally legal. :(. Fortuantly (and you guys can all pray for this!) there are still many who oppose it. Ralph Klein, the premiere of Alberta is strongly against same-sex marriage…but the majority of the provincial governments support it :(.

As for the 14 consent age, I believe this is decades old, not a recent ‘liberal’ innovation. Back in the old days, girls often were married as teens.
I don’t know where you got that Hannity isn’t out front on his abortion beliefs! Where he falls short is rape, incest and mother, no doubt. I’m not backing him on this, just pointing out what he has clearly stated. He’s been dogged about anything else with abortion from what I’ve read and heard from his mouth. He “normally” intertwines his Catholic beliefs in many of the issues he covers. From gay marriage, welfare, and others. I’ve heard him talk about the fact that the ACLU is trying to thwart all Christian believes in the public square. He’s professed his belief in Christ as savior, which is THE only way to be a Christian. He’s given public speaches at Christian/Catholic Universities and other Christian functions that espouse the same things. I’m not God, and I can’t judge him, but I’d say he’s a true believer in Christ.


As far as O’Reilly is concerned, he reminds me more of a yellow dog democrat than anything else. If he’s a believer, (again, I’m not God) he sugarcoats his “specific” Catholic belief. O’Reilly is a traditionalist in many regards, although not on all church teachings.

What makes me wonder about his faith is his use of the words philosopher and philosophy when speaking of Jesus and Christianity. I’m constantly helling “It’s not a philosophy O’Reilly”! That leads me to believe he’s not because Christ was NOT a philospher! However, he does try to play things more balanced than Hannity does. Hannity is THE conservative on a liberal & conservative show, while O’Reilly is the only point of view on his show.

Again I will point out, many Catholics believe abortion and gay marriage are perfectly legitimate. Most reside on the Democratic aisle poltically as well. In the NE. Mass, NY, Maine, VT, CA, and CT. it is absolutely true! Just check out where the majority of Catholics live and see which ones are the blue states and which are the red states. Bill Press is another supposed Catholic, but he’s for anything goes just about. A few Catholics are: Ted Kennedy, JOHN KERRY, Martin Sheen, Mary Shea, Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Miluski, Reed, Grey Davis, Arnold Swazeneger (sp), those are just a few of the vast many who are pro-abortion.

Let’s be honest about this. It’s the Catholics in the pews who should be making their priests stand up for pro-life issues. Too many priests and parishioners either don’t take a stand, or are lukewarm in their viewpoint. We can’t be lukewarm. It’s starts in the pulpits, and parishioners have a responsibility to ensure their priests take the right stand.

Lastly, I like watching both of them myself.

In Christ,
The Hidden Life:
Let’s be honest about this. It’s the Catholics in the pews who should be making their priests stand up for pro-life issues. Too many priests and parishioners either don’t take a stand, or are lukewarm in their viewpoint. We can’t be lukewarm. It’s starts in the pulpits, and parishioners have a responsibility to ensure their priests take the right stand.

Lastly, I like watching both of them myself.

In Christ,
True, it has to be a grassroots effort. Still with the kind of power and media attention these two men receive, it’s a shame we couldn’t get them really behind the prolife movement. It doesn’t cost them anything to say they are against abortion and maybe O’Reilly tempers his talk to keep more liberal viewers. I really don’t think he is a conservative but I applaud his speaking out against the ACLU. If only we could get him to stand up with Fr Pavone and rally people to action. All that money and power could sure go to a good cause.

Lisa n
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