Loved your last paragraph.Your question is the same as mine.
I think God did hold back certain knowledge from Adam and Eve that he subsequently did not hold back from us: namely, that the serpent would tempt them with a lie and that they had better be on the watch for that serpent and ready for the lie. Just the appearance of the serpent would have tipped them off that the serpent was setting them up for the Fall.
Since God walked with Adam and Eve in Eden, they would have had a chance to inform God that indeed the serpent had appeared and tempted them. They should have had the wisdom and strength of character to resist that temptation if they were so full of integrity as some in this forum seem to think. But they did not. This leads me to think that the proclivity to sin (concupiscence) was in them from the start, as it was in the angels who fell right from the start of their creation when, theologians opine, God revealed to them they were destined to fall down and worship the Man/God Jesus Christ.
From those to whom more is given, more is demanded. That is why the angels were damned for all eternity, whereas men were given a reprieve and a chance to repent and be saved by being washed in the blood of the lamb.
Did you see my post to Vico, stating at the end that I noticed that noorez is now asking the unanswerable question, as you were also but which we can’t seem to get to the bottom of.
So, I’ll ask you. You say:
They should have had the wisdom and strength of character to resist that temptation if they were so full of integrity as some in this forum seem to think. But they did not. This leads me to think that the proclivity to sin (concupiscence) was in them from the start, as it was in the angels who fell right from the start of their creation
If proclivity to sin (concup.) was in them from the start, as it was in the angels,
Where Did It Come From???
We’re going to get to the bottom of this!!
God bless