Orthodox or liberal?

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Just curious.

How many out there are

orthodox: assent to the Church’s moral and doctrinal teachings, don’t use contraceptives, attend Mass weekly, don’t support women, gay, or married priests, agree with Catholic Answers voter’s guide, pray and go to confession regularly…

liberal: think the Church should have married or women priests, don’t always assent to the moral teachings of Church: maybe birth control/sterilization are really o.k., will vote for candidates that are pro-abortion, pro-euthenasia, pro-stem-cell research, or pro homosexual rights.
Orthodox. Period. 👍

How could one be considered Catholic and not submit to the authority of what the Church has dogmatically defined? It would like saying that you consider yourself American, but think its okay for some communities in America to be ruled by a local feudal lord.
Apologia 100,

you are right, but I have met several people who seem to think that the Church doesn’t always know best. One Catholic woman told me that all she HAD to do was go to Church and follow the ten commandments–other doctrinal points the Church made were really suggestions (she was pro-abortion for example). I thought she sounded like a Protestant, but she said she had attended the Catholic Church her whole life. I have also known several Catholics who expect that the Church will start oradaining women priests (or would it be priestesses) soon.

So I thought I would post a poll to see what things were like here: although–I imagine I know how the vast majority of people on this site line up. It will be interesting to read the responces.

God bless
Tom of Assisi:
Just curious.

How many out there are

orthodox: assent to the Church’s moral and doctrinal teachings, don’t use contraceptives, attend Mass weekly, don’t support women, gay, or married priests, agree with Catholic Answers voter’s guide, pray and go to confession regularly…

liberal: think the Church should have married or women priests, don’t always assent to the moral teachings of Church: maybe birth control/sterilization are really o.k., will vote for candidates that are pro-abortion, pro-euthenasia, pro-stem-cell research, or pro homosexual rights.
Why don’t you just say, “Orthodox means loving God, liberal means urinating on the Host”? Your prejudice is showing.

The opposite of orthodox is heterodox, the opposite of liberal is conservative.

A conservative Catholic might believe some heresies, a liberal Catholic (say, about the death penalty) might be totally orthodox.

Learn what those terms mean!
… Your prejudice is showing.

The opposite of orthodox is heterodox, the opposite of liberal is conservative.

Learn what those terms mean!

This poll might as well have asked something like
“Which one are you A. Overweight or B. Right-handed”

Orthodox = conservative? NO!
Not orthodox = liberal ? NO!

I liked it when I heard Raymond Arroyo say something about being “not so much conservative or liberal, but Catholic.”

One common definition of conservative is “tending to oppose change.”
Liberals, then, are people who want change or “favor proposals for reform.” (quoted material is from my dictionary)

In the year 2004, this would make pro-abortion people conservative, and pro-life people liberal.
Respectfully, you lump things in together in the liberal catholic that I could not believe and still be orthodox. The PRACTICE of priests not being married is something than can change and I sincerely pray for. The Dogma of no women priests will never change and in good conscience I should not pray for. I think too many Catholics do not understand the difference. (Not saying you don’t, just don’t think it is helpful to lump practices together with dogma)God Bless
Tom of Assisi:
Just curious.

How many out there are

orthodox: don’t support married priests
Maybe you haven’t heard, but there ARE some Catholic married priests in the Roman Rite, and it is permissible in the Eastern Rite.
Why don’t you just say, “Orthodox means loving God, liberal means urinating on the Host”? Your prejudice is showing.

The opposite of orthodox is heterodox, the opposite of liberal is conservative.

A conservative Catholic might believe some heresies, a liberal Catholic (say, about the death penalty) might be totally orthodox.

Learn what those terms mean!
Liberal Catholic is an oxymoron**

**Catholic **- (2) Of or belonging to the Church Universal as organized on an accepted basis of faith and order; of the true apostolic Church, orthodox 1500.

Liberal - take your pick
(1) pertaining to a free man (2) Free from restraint; free in speech or action (3) Free from narrow prejudice; open minded 1781.

You are either Catholic in your thinking or you are liberal. The 2 are opposites!!!

You want to be open minded - Don’t call yourself Catholic. But reevaluate you situation

Me Catholic and Proud - period!!!
I agree with those who disagree on how the poll in worded and the assumptions from that. But I also think that a poll like this, in itself, can be divisive which I don’t believe we should be trying to do.
You are either Catholic in your thinking or you are liberal. The 2 are opposites!!!
Don’t take my word for it. Go buy a dictionary or better yet, check with your pastor or diocese. The opposite of orthodox is heterodox. The opposite of liberal is conservative. You’re confusing apples with oranges.
I agree with those who disagree on how the poll in worded and the assumptions from that. But I also think that a poll like this, in itself, can be divisive which I don’t believe we should be trying to do.
I almost started a thread with the title “Are you Orthodox or Conservative?” Your message helped me decide against it.
What is the purpose of a thread such as this one? Maybe some people will learn what the terms really mean. Otherwise I think the purpose of this thread might only be diabolical.
Sometimes people allow semantics to get in the way and read too much into something…

PRACTICING Catholics are those who adhere to ORTHODOXY AND for the most part ARE CONSERVATIVE in their politics and voting…point me to a HETERODOX “catholic” who ISNT LIBERAL, and I’ll recorrect myself. :cool:
Faithful 2 Rome:
PRACTICING Catholics are those who adhere to ORTHODOXY AND for the most part ARE CONSERVATIVE in their politics and voting…point me to a HETERODOX “catholic” who ISNT LIBERAL, and I’ll recorrect myself.
You’re mixing up politics with religion. Orthodox religious belief doesn’t say anything about your politics.

As to heterodox Catholics who aren’t liberal, try the folks who are in sympathy, if not followers of the “traditional” movements such as that of Archbishop LeFebvre or the St. Pius X Society.
Don’t take my word for it. Go buy a dictionary or better yet, check with your pastor or diocese. The opposite of orthodox is heterodox. The opposite of liberal is conservative. You’re confusing apples with oranges.
Don’t need to buy one, I have the Oxford International Dictionary right here! hmmm lets see

Heterodox - Of doctrines, opinions, etc.: Not in accordance with established doctrines or opinions, or those generally recognized as orthodox. Orig. in religion and theology. 1657, 2, of persons: Holding unorthodox opinions 1657.

Yup that’s the opposite of Orthodox,

You must have missed the part that explained the word Catholic as Orthodox

Let’s just look a little further to avoid confusion

**Conservative - **Characterized by a tendency to preserve or keep intact and unchanged

Orthodox - Of opinions or doctrines: Right, correct, true; in accordance with what is authoritatively established as the true view or right practice
Liberal -** (1) pertaining to a free man (2) free from restraint, free in speech or action (3) Free from narrow prejudice, open minded

The Catholic Church is NOT a democracy it is not liberal. If you want to be free minded and not accept what the Church teaches then you are not part of the church. Those who call themselves a liberal Catholic are acknowledging that they do not accept the WHOLE COMPLETE TEACHINGS of the Catholic Church so they are not Catholic.

A Liberal Catholic is an oxymoron ! You can not be Liberal and Catholic at the same time you are either one or the other!
A Liberal Catholic is an oxymoron ! You can not be Liberal and Catholic at the same time you are either one or the other!
You haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talking about.

I myself am politically liberal in that I oppose unilateral military action by the United States, I do not believe in isolationism, I oppose the use of the death penalty in all cases, I favor free markets, I believe in labor unions, and I believe that the government has a rightful place in assuring the good of the general public, but it should not erode our Constitutional rights as the Patriot Acts could do…

I am, however, absolutely a Papal loyalist, totally orthodox in my religious beliefs.

So, Mandi love, one can be both Liberal and Catholic.
I think that Mandi only meant that you cannot be liberal in regards to the faith. There are many Catholics who boast of there liberalism when it comes to Church dogma.
I think that Mandi only meant that you cannot be liberal in regards to the faith. There are many Catholics who boast of there liberalism when it comes to Church dogma.
No, it was made obvious that the political terms liberal and conservative are not to be confused with the religious terms, orthodox and heterodox.
Mandi, I feel for you, but you are holding your own!
In my opinion, one can “disagree” perhaps with Dogma or Doctrine; however, to be Catholic one must “obey” our faith. I can disagree with speed limits, but I must obey them or pay the consequences. This world is temporary. Our faith will get us to heaven if we obey what the church teaches. It doesn’t always mean that will be easy. I have learned that once you understand what is right and wrong according to our wonderful faith that it becomes much easier to follow it.
If only the results of this poll reflected the true state of the Catholic Church!
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