Just curious.
How many out there are
orthodox: assent to the Church’s moral and doctrinal teachings, don’t use contraceptives, attend Mass weekly, don’t support women, gay, or married priests, agree with Catholic Answers voter’s guide, pray and go to confession regularly…
liberal: think the Church should have married or women priests, don’t always assent to the moral teachings of Church: maybe birth control/sterilization are really o.k., will vote for candidates that are pro-abortion, pro-euthenasia, pro-stem-cell research, or pro homosexual rights.
How many out there are
orthodox: assent to the Church’s moral and doctrinal teachings, don’t use contraceptives, attend Mass weekly, don’t support women, gay, or married priests, agree with Catholic Answers voter’s guide, pray and go to confession regularly…
liberal: think the Church should have married or women priests, don’t always assent to the moral teachings of Church: maybe birth control/sterilization are really o.k., will vote for candidates that are pro-abortion, pro-euthenasia, pro-stem-cell research, or pro homosexual rights.