In 1998 EWTN reported a study, that the then population in the world; which has ample resources and replenishment technology - along with things like electrosans for proper sanitation;
~~that the then population of the world, aprox. 6 billion; provided proper food, drink, clothing, shelter, and so on with proper sanitation could; (I’m fairly sure single family homes); live in an area the size of Texas. So many want to live with opulence; in a throw away culture and blame ‘too many children.’
I pray for souls, because so many are not aware of the ‘modernist’ ‘naturalist’ ‘Progressive’ moral relativist culture of death agenda that could care less for someone’s soul - seduced into a ‘I’m basically a good person, and it is OK to support these persons;
cause they really care for the poor; those others are rigid old fashioned clinging to their religion - forcing their religion and morality on everyone; even haters/’ mentality.
This world needs an education; and to reach as many young and old alike regarding
the true history. Yes, there is nothing new under the sun; but the lukewarm Church;
and world that has rejected the authentic Jesus Christ the Chief Stone;
eclipses the Remnant Church; which many like Bishop Fulton J. Sheen; Evangelist David Wilkerson; Dietrich von Hildebrand, and many others prophesied would happen.
Yes, Jesus Christ said blessed are they who mourn; so I don’t let it discourage me.
so with joy of The Lord, I convey what The Remnant Church is well aware of in hopes;
some will accept it. But, while they lead a horse to water, they cannot make them drink.
Or as St. Bernadette put it; it is my job to inform, not to convince.
I will never be able to thank Jesus Christ enough for the wondrous immense gift of saving me from rationalizing sin in my personal life. This gives me diligence to share
what those Evangelizing and re-Evangelizing have learned and what they say.
I can’t wait to get my Christmas gift;
Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
a 1993 printing of Dietrich von Hildebrand’s work with a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor. “_ Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained_ Hardcover – August 1, 1993” - source:
It should help with my personal faith formation; and be informative;
of something very apropos.