Our Statue Stolen!

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Someone stole an angel statue from our grotto.

Here are two news stories about it.



I can’t believe someone would do something like this! 😦
I am praying that the thieves have second thoughts and return the statue. I understand what your parish is feeling, as our parish recently had an entire weekend of collections stolen (used a torch to cut into safe) and on another weekend the statues outside the church were vandalized.
GReat, now we have to put up alarm systems and booby traps, thank to all these Catholic-hating atheist/secularist/homophile wackos.
I can’t believe someone would do something like this!
A 350 pound bronze statue would take a bit of work to carry it off, but with copper prices so high I guess someone figured it was worth it.

I am truly sorry this has happened to your parish. Twenty some years ago, when prices were high, someone stole a beloved statue from our neighborhood lakeside park. Thankfully, it was returned. I pray that remorse, or the publicity, with bring the return of your statue.
Yes, said statue is apparently being returned today. Local 4 news (WDIV) reported this morning that Fr. Perrone called in to say that it was supposedly found in an alley and that it would be brought back to our parish around 8:00am.

I’m sure it has experienced some damage. Let’s hope it is not too extensive. Either way, it is wonderful to know that it’s been found.

I will fully believe it when I see it. Perhaps this one will be cemented down like Bernadette. I think video cameras should be installed out there.

Incidentally, I am assuming MSNBC got their story from that local NBC station I mentioned above. There is a video clip of an interview with Fr. Perrone from yesterday.

It would be nice if the network went back to share the good news, provided it pans out.
I will fully believe it when I see it. Perhaps this one will be cemented down like Bernadette. I think video cameras should be installed out there.
Maybe a video link of the Grotto with the website? That way everyone can enjoy the serenity of the Grotto via Assumption Grotto’s website? Would that be cheaper than video surveillance(?)?
Maybe a video link of the Grotto with the website? That way everyone can enjoy the serenity of the Grotto via Assumption Grotto’s website? Would that be cheaper than video surveillance(?)?
Not sure what Assumption Grotto has for internet there, but an outdoor wireless web cam could do the trick.

The problem is having the cam there would be great, however it would need to be recorded to “catch” anyone.
Not sure what Assumption Grotto has for internet there, but an outdoor wireless web cam could do the trick.

The problem is having the cam there would be great, however it would need to be recorded to “catch” anyone.
GROTTO CAM!!! Hey, we’ll have to talk to Fr. John about hooking up a wireless feed. I’ll ask him.
guess they tried to get it in their truck and gave up. keep us posted on security measures you take.
There are some real sick freaks out there. No budy mentioned this, but ther is a cemetary surrounding the grotto area.
There are some real sick freaks out there. No budy mentioned this, but ther is a cemetary surrounding the grotto area.
My guess is that the thieves do not care where they got it from, just that it is bronze. They probably planned to sell it to scrap dealers and whether it came from a church, cemetery, or any place else has no effect on whether it is stolen. In Cleveland, vacant houses are frequently vandalized for the copper plumbing. Somebody also stole a church bell. My guess is that the same thieves would break into vacant houses would also steal bronze or copper from churches.
Satanists…don’t forget evil cults…satanists.
I highly doubt it. The thieves probably just wanted to melt down or break up the bronze and sell the statue to a scrap dealer. Whether it was a bronze eagle or an angel probably did not matter to them.
:eek: Sorry to hear the statue got stolen.Around the San Antonio area there has been a rash of copper thefts due to the price it commands.
A few years back they had about people stealing statues from cemeteries and people selling the stuff i guess for gardens or what have you.
I guess 5 or 6 years ago someone stole some statues from one of the old spanish missions here. Fortunately they were recovered.
Also,some time ago a crazy guy hit with a hammer a couple of statues in San Fernando Cathedral downtown.Fortunately the stautes were repairable. The funny thing is,when it happend and was reported in the news, one of the rabbis who is head of the local jewish community offered their help and support to the church.Not one of the protestant communities offered any sympathy or help, just the Jews,God bless them.
In Selma,in front of Our Lady of Perpetual Help,they have a large life size statue of Our Lady. It was bronze,but they painted it in life like colors.One I think because it was blinding drivers on Interstate 35 when the sun would hit it, and too,perhasp out of concern that someone would be less likely to steal it.
Though with traffic whizzing by 24-7 on I-35,someone trying to steal it would be very obvious,and SelmaTx has a national reputation as a speed trap,so you know the cops patrol that area like crazy.
Our grotto is on the end of the church away from the road and is enclosed by a beautiful wrought iron fence donated by one of the parishoners. No problems in the ten years since the new church was built.

I go with the stealing for scrap value. Heck, Greenville, SC, has had 45 cast iron manhole covers stolen from the middle of the streets during the past three months, and that’s not even mentioning the idiots who fry themselves trying to steal copper from electrical substations. Meth addiction causes a lot of otherwise normal people to do a lot of absolutely abnormal things.
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