Out of a Job: Please Pray for Me

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Well, it happened.

I no longer waiter at the Original ancake House. I was fired because I put too many strawberries on a Strawberry Blintz.

Yep; fired for a single, first-time offense.

I’ve only been working here for three weeks, but such a waste of the company product ticked off the manager, and so I was “let go.” I was still in my 90-day probationayr period.

I really was a bad job to begin with. The waitresses were so back-stabbing. They were all nice, kind, and flirtacious when they were training me, but once I hit the floor, they began to see me as competition. They subsequently treated me like ****, and tried to slander me, telling my boss that I was “stealing” their customers. I think one of them even accused me of stealing her tips! :eek:

But I have to admit; for as much as I hated the job, it was perfect for an aspiring actor such as myself. The pay was real good, and the hours flexible.

Who knows why I was really fired?

In any event, please pray for me, that I may find a new job.

Thanks, gang.
If I may ask a dumb question, as an aspiring actor, why are you in Florida?

Ok this will sound like a cliche but having just lived through an unemployment trial, I know it’s true. Losing a job can really be part of God’s plan for our spiritual development. Trust that your work there was done and now you are on to better things…in God’s time frame. Accept any suffering and offer it to Jesus for the benefit of souls. Look up ‘Our Lady of Good Remedy’ on google for a nice novena prayer to help.

Thanks, Rivera. Unemployment can certainly be an occasion for acquiring some humility!
If I may ask a dumb question, as an aspiring actor, why are you in Florida?
Not dumb at all.

Before I move to New York or California, I want to get my education completed (i.e. a BFA [Bachelors of Fine Arts] in Theatre Performance).

If you go to the right schools, you can get quality training in the acting field, and at an affordable price. Florida has some really freat programs. As far as private schools go the University of Miami and University of Central Florida both have nationally renowned Acting Conservatories.

Good public universities with excellent BFA programs are Florida State University, University of Florida, and Florida International University.

These institutions, from what I understnad, maintain conections with people in “The Business.”

I’m completing my first two years at a community college: Broward Community College. BCC’s got a pretty renowned program, too; its won quite a number of honors and awards.

And, its cheap!
I’ve been out of work for ten months and it really has been a blessing!

I was laid off from a job that was SO stressful that I hated myself and was always in a agitated mood.
Since then, I have been in prayer, going to daily Divine Liturgy when I can and pray in front of the Eucharist when my aunt takes me to the Roman Rite Church. Also my support comes from a Men’s Support/Accountablity group that I belong to.

Plus, if I was working, I wouldn’t be here in the Forums giving my two cents worth at the Holy Spirit pays me!
I am, in fact, taking keyboard/typing/computer classes and hope to be a librarian/researcher type of job.

I thank GOD for where and what I am doing now 👍

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
I hope your job search is going well! Someone very close to me was out of a job recently, but God provided and he found a position he’s very happy in. God will provide for you too! 🙂 You’re in my prayers!
Tough break, Dom! I can tell by your postings that you are very into your faith and also very insightful.

Believe me, some of my greatest blessings were jobs that didn’t work-out. Once your ego gets over the firing, you will see this for the blessing that it is. Try to learn something from it. Above all, ask God what he wants you to do with your life. Give him a blank check and ask him to fill in the amount, but also ask him for the Grace to cash it.

As for money, the times when I was least concerned about money and most concerned about pleasing God is when I made my biggest increases in pay.

I’ll pray for you, brother!
I have a friend who’s been out of work for nearly two years…from the tech industry… 😦

My husband lost his long-held job shortly before the birth of our second daughter. His cousin came through with another job, and it had better pay and benefits.

Let us pray for all the unemployed! BTW, I work in the food service industry (part-time at the local high school) and it’s not as easy job!
Hey Dom how did Job-hunting go today (or did you have a nice little pity party with cheez out of a can first 😉 ?) You are in our prayers!!
Shortly after I got hired by the OPH, I was offered an interview for a job at Barnes and Noble. I turned it down, then, but called and thanked them for their offer.

I went to them again yesterday, and I was told that they remembered me from my thank-you phone call. They’re very busy this week, but I was told to call them on Monday, if they didn’t call me before then.

I know I’ll like working there more than I did at OPH, though the pay won’t be nearly as good.

Also, my unofficial “girlfriend” is a waitress at OPH. I haven’t told her the news yet.

DV or not DV, that is the question? I am being lazy tonight. Sorry. Anyway DV, I’ve done some waitressing and the politicking can be really demoralising, not to mention some of the baaad :mad: attitude from the customers (that is, if you spill a whopping great ice-cream sundae all over their darling little boy…). So I sympathize but then again maybe the next job will be so much better. YES. It WILL!

I started watching the biography-movie of the Pope today: Witness to Hope. If ever you’re going to be inspired in your chosen path it’s by him, eh? What an amazing man. Wonderful. Keep at it - the acting and the Arts: You never know where it may lead you. Remember me when you come into your priesthood! :eek:

Oh yes and I would love to pray for you, so Indeed I will.
Now I get it! Noting the no. of posts you have posted (!) in the last 2 weeks (or less) I realize your being ‘let go’ was due to being found asleep in the bathroom between the order of bbq wings and the diet coke re-fill. So let’s not hear anymore about the strawberries ok DominvsVobiscvm. And I’m not sure about this Barnes and Noble job; too many comfy chairs to slip into for a quick :sleep: when there’s a rush on at the checkout! Mind you, great staff discount…

Praying 🙂

Maybe I should just do pornos like other aspiring actors do who are starting off in “The Business.”

At least then I’d have the flexible hours and excellent pay I had with the Pancake House.

What could go wrong with that?

Oh yeah, the mortal sin part . . .

Never mind . . .

Back to the drawing board . . . :rolleyes:
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