Not sure what you mean by God being his attributes if you would care to allaborate. .
Why do you believe knowing and willing are two separate things in man?
Attributes are something assigned or given, humans have attributes such as intelligence and free will, the emphasis is on the word “have” We can’t say man is intelligence for intelligence is a power or faculty of the soul, the same goes for free will. God is the giver of all things, spiritual and physical. God has no attributes, as something given, but is the source of all attributes, and how can He give what He dosen’t have? If He is the source, then logically He must be His attributes The difference is that we HAVE intelligence, and God IS Intelligence All of God’s attributes are One in His nature, He is Pure Spirit, has no parts, simple. God is Existence (the I Am ) and we HAVE existence as part of our nature, as something given. God is Complete Being, our being is a becoming being, for we are moving toward completeness, we have potency , being fulfilled when in act, but we are never fulfilled completely, we are being fulfilled God makes us LIKE Himself, He can never make us as Himself. The soul of man is spiritual like God, it subsists without matter, but is dependent on God for it’s existence. Man shows powers in his actions, these powers are the power to know, and the power to will, make choices, volition. These powers are not physical, for if they were they could be displayed physically. Since they are spiritual in nature, non-physical, these powers have a spiritual source called the “rational soul of man” With the power of intelligence man can acquire truth, and with the power of volition, man can acquire “the good”, the ultimate truth, and ultimate good are both found in God, for they are His essence. Intelligence, or the power to know, and the power to choose what we know, are two powers, not one. In God to know is to will, in man to know is not to will. The mind of man can abstract ideas from the objective world outside of man’s mind. He can know that he knows, the power of self-awareness, not a physical power, the power of reflection upon oneself. Man is not the source of his powers, he is finite, not infinite, he is limited, not unlimited, he is dependent, not independent, he is moved by another, he does not move himself. What I state by no means exhausts the full meaning of the topics discussed, but a thumbnail sketch of some metaphysical concepts dealing with the ultimate causes and effects. Being means the real, that to which existence belongs, some prefer to describe being as the same as essence, or thing. Man’s being can be or not be, and is dependent.