Then why hasn’t teaching changed?
Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a lie so much as a misconception on my part. A “lie” is a little harsh. LOL I’m a woman, but I’ve heard men talk. Maybe it’s “just talk.” I have no first hand experience because I do not have the equipment so do not really have familiarity with it.@ConstantLearner This is a lie. This is a particularly dangerous lie, as it is used by both Catholics and non-Catholics to justify the particularly nasty habit of masturbation. Men do not need “relief” at all. No problems will ensue from chaste abstinence.
The first sin and the greatest, arguably, to tempt the office of the papacy in its long history;Then why hasn’t teaching changed?
[If BC is allowed, then] It should likewise have to be admitted that for a half a century the Spirit failed to protect Pius XI, Pius XII, and a large part of the Catholic hierarchy from a very serious error. This would mean that the leaders of the Church, acting with extreme imprudence, had condemned thousands of innocent human acts, forbidding, under pain of eternal damnation, a practice which would now be sanctioned. The fact can neither be denied nor ignored that these same acts would now be declared licit on the grounds of principles cited by the Protestants, which Popes and Bishops have either condemned, or at least not approved.
Condoms and hormonal birth control are not centuries old.So you’re arguing that centuries of teaching are wrong because of…pride?
Well, the Holy Spirit apparently didn’t tell the pope that the earth went around the sun before It/He told Galileo…And the Spirit never once told any of the popes about this while writing their encyclicals?
I’ll admit I’m still learning a lot about the history of this religion - and this is ONLY a guess - but I’m thinking that there were many reasons for Vatican II besides a self-introspection of the Church.That’s good for them. We don’t and until it’s challenged at a higher level than online laity, I won’t ever see your point. You’re arguing against the Catholic church. That’s not a fight the laity can win.
How about old people, who don’t want children but are sterile due to advanced age?People shouldn’t have sex if they don’t want children or don’t have contraceptive methods planned like NFP.
Mired in inflexible ideology!We can’t gleam anything from one another. Neither of us is going to change.
Oh good lord…Post-menopausal sex is sinful, I think.
Sure, I’m positive you had a role in it.Oh no, I wasn’t. My father is lukewarm at best. I taught myself most everything I know about my faith.
Please speak with a priest. You have some really significant misconceptions about Church teachings. Please don’t spread this misinformation. It is good to have an expert you can bounce your ideas off of. It is a good thing to do.Post-menopausal sex is sinful, I think.
It’s Catholic teaching, but it’s not infallible.The pope said it in an arguably infallible encyclical and contraceptives deny the full unity of the act by blocking out the possibility of procreation artificially. This is Catholic teaching.
It’s just a study, not a definitive conclusion! LOL But it sure isn’t something teenage boys use to get teenage girls to do their bidding. It is a legitimate medical study that found that those with more frequent ejaculation had a lower incidence of prostate cancer. Maybe other factors come into play, and they are the cause of the lower incidence of cancer. It’s a STUDY that warrants more STUDY to SEE IF IT’S TRUE.It’s just talk. It’s a lie that teenage guys use to get their girlfriends to sleep with them, or to excuse their masturbation habit. Lower risk of cancer? Probably. Necessary or else things get bad? No.