Outrage over sexual freedom movements

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I hope I get the hang of deep-breathing by then. If not, the first child murderer that talks to me is going to be verbally accosted. Well, no, because that’s a sin. I just might have to inconvenience myself and get away from them for a while.
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I admire your spirit. Wish that I had it when I was your age. It would have saved me a HUGE amount of heartache.
This spirit is probably gonna get me into some trouble later on. I’m not so good at turning the other cheek, especially on this.
abortion is a horrible thing. It is a soul sucking nightmare, and it is a billboard style, first class invite for demonic oppression and infestation. There are some good Catholic resources out there for people who have had the horrible misfortune to have partaken in this form of murder. Its called PATH. Check it out. It is a positive thing you can suggest to someone who has been touched by this.

Abortion affects anyone it touches, possibly for the rest of their lives. All these people need our prayers, not just our indignation. Especially if they have repented.
Honestly, I have a hard time thinking Margaret Sanger was even human. It’s evil in the purest form.
quite possibly, if they don’t repent. I pray that they do. I pray that they repent and serve witness to those who might be considering such a thing. I want everyone to repent, I pray that God give all sinners, like me, to repent and back away from the abyss.

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So then if it’s so irregular that no methods work at all, they should be abstinent
Speak for yourself. You might find that an acceptable solution, but I can promise you nobody in a healthy marriage would. The key word being “healthy” . With all due respect, I would suggest you live a little bit more life before you develop form opinions on these issues. Sometimes certain kinds of wisdom can only come with age and experience.
This isn’t something most couples are willing to hope for the best on. Failure is not an option.
Trust me, your preaching to the choir. The devil has successfully played all kinds of trick on me that I have fallen for. If trick 3025 doesn’t work there is always trick number 1. Pride, which is the sneakiest and most cunning of all the sins. Also the first sin.
With all due respect, I know what I’m doing. I may be young but I know that God is the way, the truth, the light. I don’t need your “help”, no offense. You’re operating under the assumption that a) I’ve never felt sexual temptation before, so I don’t know how to overcome it (Which is false) and that b) No healthy marriage has ever survived abstinence, which is also false.
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In that context, it’s simply statistical language.

An unexpected pregnancy in NFP is also a failure of the contraception to prevent pregnancy.
If 4 is all they can support and NFP is impossible, then 20 years is what they must give. 20 years of non-sexual marital bliss is far better than an eternity in hell.
Assuming they are both completely healthy individuals, the marriage would never last. It just doesn’t happen. Now often times abstinence is required due to health problems, and that is a whole different story. When people aren’t feeling well, their intimate life is not usually at the top of their list of priorities. But I can promise you most married couples will not survive 20 years of abstinence. It is unrealistic to even suggest this as an option. Not to mention how unfair that type of a scenario is for the entire family. The dissatisfaction will trickle down to the children and everybody will be miserable. You really need to quit suggesting this type of thing, Incredibly unhealthy on so many levels.
That makes absolutely no sense. Sex is never an essential part of a marriage past consummation, and people don’t need it to survive or be happy.
With all due respect, I know what I’m doing. I may be young but I know that God is the way, the truth, the light. I don’t need your “help”, no offense. You’re operating under the assumption that a) I’ve never felt sexual temptation before, so I don’t know how to overcome it (Which is false) and that b) No healthy marriage has ever survived abstinence, which is also false.
I didn’t mean to insult you. However, I am not operating under any of the assumptions you accuse me of. I’m pointing out that you are not old enough to understand all of the intricacies of a marriage relationship. And yes, if you have children, children are involved in that relationship. These are things you can’t possibly know if you haven’t lived them. That’s not a put-down. Please don’t take it as one.
People shouldn’t have sex if they don’t want children or don’t have contraceptive methods planned like NFP. Abstinence is not unreasonable to expect from people and it shouldn’t be.
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That makes absolutely no sense. Sex is never an essential part of a marriage past consummation, and people don’t need it to survive or be happy.
Again, Christ and Paul the Apostle seem to imply that sex is vital.

As to frequency, there is nothing in the texts to suggest that THEY were suggesting a one-and-done kind of deal. That’s merely a retcon that you and folks who share your misshapen ideology doggedly try to bolt onto their words.

It is better to marry than burn per Paul.

The two becoming one flesh is the reason a man leaves his home per Christ.

“This doesn’t apply past consummation!” is literally nowhere here.

Paul and Christ were capable of seeing the high importance of unitive sex. If the Catholic Church did the same, I bet the attendance trend in the west might slow or even reverse.

It’s just so hard for people to have faith in a religion that they see as so contrary to obvious reality in important areas.
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So with some effort, NFP can be much more accurate than it’s been presented on here.
I’ll heartily agree that in younger, healthy and regular women, NFP - perfectly executed - is as good at preventing conception as the pill or condoms.

But it’s not difficult at all to loosen up with it to the point that it’s more like five to ten or even twenty percent likely to produce a pregnancy in a year. I think not enough NFP advocates are honest about that.
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Absolute best career decision I ever made. You will absolutely love it and you will never be bored.
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