Outsourcing American Jobs

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one thing I have found interesting is my Uncle is really into the “buy American” thing. He gives my family a hard time because we have Toyotas… He will only buy Pontiac. I reasearch everything before I buy it… where it is made is one thing I research… Both of my Toyotas and my parents where made in the USA… My uncle’s cars where made in Mexico.
There’s a whole lot of nonsense about “foreigners taking American jobs.” We are IMPORTING at least as many jobs as we are exporting.

We need to look to the future and create an education system that will allow us to do jobs in this country that no other country can do.
vern humphrey:
Ah, yes. We’re all mere automatons, incapable of making decisions for ourselves. We are victims of some massive plot, and can do nothing about it.
Your tendency to take things to unreasable extremes for rhetroical radicalizing purposes humors me while simultaneously undermining your own credibility and making you look like an ***.

But since you apparently like the extremities, such as satire will provide, perhaps you could enjoy Stan Freidberg’s classic Green Christmas which touches on just this topic.
Tell me – do you see yourself like that, helpless and deluded into shopping where you shouldn’t shop, buying what you shouldn’t buy?
Well, admittedly, I just couldn’t bring myself to pass up a 50% off sale on Christmas CDs that I don’t know if I really needed, and ended up spending 30 bucks that I hadn’t planned on last night.

If one doesn’t recognize the nature of human behavior and our tendency to fall all too easily for the attractiveness of seeming pleasures and incentives which may not last, such a person is either blind or a sucker.
one thing I have found interesting is my Uncle is really into the “buy American” thing. He gives my family a hard time because we have Toyotas… He will only buy Pontiac. I reasearch everything before I buy it… where it is made is one thing I research… Both of my Toyotas and my parents where made in the USA… My uncle’s cars where made in Mexico. It happens. My husband works for a pretty big company, K&N Filters that prides itself on being made in the USA, its competition is made in Mexico… We have a lot of big name companies moving their main factories to the city I work in because the land is cheaper for Southern California… Mattle is one of the Companies, Khols is another. It seems to me that you can’t judge a book by its cover in some of these things… I kind of feel like at least somebody is benefiting.
Mexicans need to eat too. 🙂
Mexicans need to eat too. 🙂
Yep, I agree… But, the whole thing with American companies, other county companies… ect… You don’t really always know where you are getting your products from… Unless maybe they say made in the USA. Plenty of Mexicans come up into our country to make money too. I don’t mind seeing companies staying in Mexico to keep jobs down there… I don’t see anything wrong with buying from companies that make their products here either. It was just funny to me that my uncle makes such a big deal about buying American cars when his cars are made in Mexico… and, my cars are Japanese but made in America… That doesn’t seem to bother people as much though.
Your tendency to take things to unreasable extremes for rhetroical radicalizing purposes humors me while simultaneously undermining your own credibility and making you look like an ***…
It depends on who’ doing the looking, doesn’t it?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
Well, admittedly, I just couldn’t bring myself to pass up a 50% off sale on Christmas CDs that I don’t know if I really needed, and ended up spending 30 bucks that I hadn’t planned on last night.

If one doesn’t recognize the nature of human behavior and our tendency to fall all too easily for the attractiveness of seeming pleasures and incentives which may not last, such a person is either blind or a sucker.
So we’re all blind and suckers? We’re all dupes of some vast plot?
We’re all fallen, concupiscient human beings! With all of the consequent sad realities which that carries.

Perhaps Vern is right. It was all a plot: a vast demonic conspiracy headed up by that saavy, slick, trickster, master salesman… the serpant!
We’re all fallen, concupiscient human beings! With all of the consequent sad realities which that carries.

Perhaps Vern is right. It was all a plot: a vast demonic conspiracy headed up by that saavy, slick, trickster, master salesman… the serpant!
I think we have met the serpent, and he is us.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif

We are responsible for ourselves – and railing at “big business” and other demons won’t solve our problems.
vern humphrey:
There’s a whole lot of nonsense about “foreigners taking American jobs.” We are IMPORTING at least as many jobs as we are exporting.
Very, very true. And we would import many many many more jobs if we moved away from production (income) taxes and more toward consumption (sales) taxes.

Of course, an explosion of new manufacturing plants in the US would send environmentalist wackos into a tizzy. Too much growth!! Too much prosperity for human families!!! What about the salmon?? The spotted owwwwll families!!!
I know I’m going to get shot over this answer, but the problem is the UNION. They keep forcing companies to raise the pay rate and benifits thus driving up the price of a product. Why should I pay someone $25 per hour to turn lug nuts on a car or answer the phone?
The problem is with us and those who would take advantage of us.

But, really Vern, can others do no wrong? Do not others have to take moral responsibility, also? .
Of course, but exactly what responsibility do you have in mind? Are consumers morally responsible to pay more than something is worth? Are schools morally responsible to turn out students who don’t have the basic skills to get jobs?

I suggest one of OUR moral responsibilities is to create a climate where businesses and jobs can grow – that is, resist killing the goose that laid the golden egg. That means lower taxes and less pointless regulation.

Another of OUR responsibilities is to give our children the best education we possibly can.

If WE do OUR part, we can have a more prosperous nation, and that prosperity will reach deeper than ever before. If we don’t, then we have no right to blame anyone else for our problems.
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