And when it becomes too costly to make them, some brilliant person will figure out how to make them last longer than a couple of years and the market will shift to accomdate 3-year-old smartphones
My LG9 phone is close to 5 years old, I only needed to replace the battery once.
Look at Ridgerunner’s posts about agriculture and the problems in that area. Much of our world’s ag production is lost not to GW or whatever, but to desertification as we consume our land rather than conserve it. We are learning what needs to be done to re-capture that land and we learn more each year. We can easily increase our food production if we stop doing stupid things.
Today, the majority of American farmland is dominated by industrial agriculture—the system of chemically intensive food production developed in the decades after World War II, featuring enormous single-crop farms and animal production facilities.
…Intensive monoculture depletes soil and leaves it vulnerable to erosion. Chemical fertilizer runoff and CAFO wastes add to global warming emissions and create oxygen-deprived “dead zones” at the mouths of major waterways. Herbicides and insecticides harm wildlife and can pose human health risks as well. Biodiversity in and near monoculture fields takes a hit, as populations of birds and beneficial insects decline.
Without fossil fuel (name removed by moderator)uts and the majority of US farmland becomes useless.
Additionally, people out there are learning how to grow food in tiny places, vertically, and in other innovative ways. As we get that information out to people in poverty-stricken areas, they will be able to supplement their diets with great food and they will be better off, as are
Guess what happens to the clothes you donate to the thrift shop which they can’t sell here? Shipped overseas for the poor.
Must run…
Great, let’s help more people help themselves.