How about this. Totally consistent with believing God created the universe and with absolutely 100% material processes since the creation of the universe.
Any geologists reading this, please correct me if I get this wrong.
The Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old. For the first billion years or so of its existence, it was comprised of molten rock and continuously bombarded my meteors and other debris from the formation of the solar system. The whole surface of the planet was totally inhospitable. Continuous bombardment of high-speed meteors released an enormous amount of energy and heated the world like crazy. Also over that time, earth got its
surface water from comets and/or escaping from the ground. Most of it, of course, evaporated.
The meteors kept falling until eventually, all those with unstable orbits had crashed into one large body or another. Eventually as the impacts became smaller in number, the surface of the planet began to cool. Also, with out-gassing of lighter elements and molecules, earth developed an atmosphere. The cooling led to condensation of liquid water.
As SOON as solid rocks were able to form, it looks like life showed up too!
here’s the evidence. The earliest known
microfossils have been found inside rocks in Australia that date to
3.4 billion years ago. They were sulfur-metabolizing organisms that lived in an atmosphere with no oxygen. This is saying that life had evolved in sufficient abundance by the time that there were the earliest rocks on earth to be found by modern scientists.
A little later than that,
stromatolites were found in about 3.3-3.5 billion years ago. THIS is really an astonishing thing for several reasons. Stromatolites are “cyanobacteria.” This is HUGE! Cyanobacteria are blue-green algae! Which means they’re photosynthesizing! And cyanobacteria had to evolve from earlier species, because photosynethesis is a rather complex metabolism. Previous bacterias couldn’t do photosynthesis, so the stromatolites evolved as quickly as the environment occurred.
These finds are HUGE!!! These journal article suggest that exactly when the earth could support life, it did!
That, to me, makes me very happy with strictly materialist processes for the evolution of the universe, solar system, earth, and life here on earth. It tells me that it didn’t take evolution by random genetics change for millions of years, which many atheists seem to think how life occurred. It says that earth was fecund, and as soon as strict, “Godless” material processes cooled the planet down, life rose screaming from the rocks and oceans, maybe even as the meteors were still hitting down and the surface hadn’t completely cooled.
I hear this news and as both a scientist and a theist, I am so happy.
Yes, God created and designed the world. But he did it through strictly contingent materialist means: quantum mechanics, astronomical physics, geology changes, natural selection and mutation, and now, humankind.
The grand unification that physics seeks is looking for a way to see why the fundamental particles and forces are arranged the way that they are. If the force of the “strong force” was just a hair stronger, all the mass in the universe could have been just a glob. Same for gravity. If gravity was a little weaker, solar systems would have never formed because matter wouldn’t cluster together strongly enough to form stars and planets.
This is an easy just-so story, right? String theory was supposed to explain all this. But string theory is in a tangle, and PhD candidates in physics are leaving their programs because string theory just hasn’t panned out. But there’s one hypothesis that fits the data really well (note: this isn’t the scientific method). It’s based in the fact that in Hebrew and in many other languages, letters are also numbers. In the New Testament, the Gospel of John begins telling us that in the beginning was the Word (Logos), through whom and which all things came to be. A series of letters spelling a word can also represent a series of numbers, arranged in a manner just so…
The Logos that is Christ could very well be the explanation of why the fundamental forces in the universe are the way they are. And the answer is: creation.