owwwww I hurt!!!!

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I read a story somewhere about parents telling their oldests that one of their younger siblings was concieved on a cross country trip. They pointed out that there are advantages to doing late-night laundry! LoL.
Did you remember to tell him, or was he just being goofy?
He is just being goofy, at least that is what I hope. So far only me, dh, oldest son, and doctors know (and CA forums:)). We aren’t telling them yet just in case we have problems. He is 17, so goofy comments like that are par for the course. (No 17 yo boy can handle the idea that mom has sex.)
He is just being goofy, at least that is what I hope. So far only me, dh, oldest son, and doctors know (and CA forums:)). We aren’t telling them yet just in case we have problems. He is 17, so goofy comments like that are par for the course. (No 17 yo boy can handle the idea that mom has sex.)
I am 23, and I shudder at the thought of my parents having relations.
I am 23, and I shudder at the thought of my parents having relations.
Hey I am 43 and at 38 I finally admitted to my sister that I walked in on mom and dad once when I was 14. It took 24 years to be able to talk about it. Even then my sister (then 39) kept screaming, “No! Don’t go there! I don’t want that visual fried into my brain!” But being sisters, you know I had to share and traumatize her as I had been at 14…
But being sisters, you know I had to share and traumatize her as I had been at 14…
But that’s required! Why keep tramatization to yourself when you can pass it on to your beloved siblings?
But that’s required! Why keep tramatization to yourself when you can pass it on to your beloved siblings?
Exactly… I think my description included something about a whole new meaning to “Light of the silvery moon”:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Well It’s Saturday and all the kids deserted me this morning. They had to work at the High School on the School Musical. My 20 and 17 yo ds’s are doing light and sound (20 yo co-owns a dj business that does all the light and sound work for high schools in the area) and 15 yo dd is doing hair and makeup. Dh had to work today and when he got off, went to get a haircut.

When he finally came home I almost attacked him at the door and asked him to take me out for a while. I found out what is worse than a broken leg… a broken leg in a cast and leg cramps on that leg. I can’t flex it to relieve the cramp and I can’t reach down in the cast far enough to massage the calf.

Dh was so sweet last night when he came to get me from work. We were all alone because the kids all had the show last night too. He took me to dinner then when we got home he ran a bath for me and he stayed with me to wash my back and help me in and out of the bath… it was wonderful!!! Then we had to get dressed and go get kids… Oh well, at least I got some alone time with dh!

So tonight is the last night of no kids. I miss them even as I am enjoying the alone time… I just wish my leg was not cramping up so bad right now.
Well… more trouble. I have developed a major phobia about going up stairs. Today my boss sent me to his house to look at computers. It took a good 10 minutes to get up the stairs and when I got there I couldn’t stop shaking for 5 minutes. Every step felt like I was going to fall down the stairs… Thankfully, the bosses son came home and showed me how to use the elevator for my down trip.

Normally I am so level headed… this was a totally irrational fear. I just felt so useless!!!
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