Pachamama- Coronavirus

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Italian bishops published a prayer to Pachamama, now Italy has the most deaths per person. The Pope apologized to anyone who offended by the idols getting throw into the Tiber.

Now we have a pandemic, coincidence?

God’s ways are mysterious. We must repent as a people and draw closer to the one true God.

Jesus, we trust in You.
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Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” [[Lk 13:2-5]
At the very least it should be a reminder that it’s senseless to pray to “Mother Earth.” That kind of environmentalist nature worship would logically mean that we should embrace this virus and not do anything to stop it, because it is just another form of life and mother nature at work. There are pantheist implications wherein human beings are not particularly valuable.
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No, I’m not convinced this is a punishment for the Pachamama “idolatry.”
We must repent as a people and draw closer to the one true God.

Jesus, we trust in You.
But this part is true. When people are behaving so badly and so selfishly in grocery stores around here (my friend got honked at and almost run over by an angry man in a grocery store mob), it’s hard not to suspect they need Jesus and the peace of knowing Him.
I think it’s possible, but I won’t say that’s what I think it is.

And I fail to see the connection between this and Luke 13.
. . . . The old testament is full of examples of the Israelites (in general) turning away from God, then getting conquered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Caananites, etc. Then they turned back to God, and things got better.

I’m not a bible scholar, but it seems to me that Luke 13 is saying that if enough people turn their backs on God, that both the bad and good will suffer. And we don’t know exactly who is bad and good, so don’t judge any particular person.
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The wages of sin is death. This is pretty clear. I just take issue with the idea that the pachamama is the reason for the virus and it’s deaths in Italy. This is a dangerous way of thinking. We can never say this caused this or this sin had this effect. To do so shows such a lack or charity towards a country and it’s people who are suffering greatly from this virus. Next , are we going to start placing blame on why kids have cancer? Or maybe church shootings are because the congregation wasn’t faithful enough. I think this is an awful way of viewing tragedies.
We can’t go back and say God is punishing every time something bad happens - if I fall today and hurt my self should I believe God is punishing me? I can’t live like that or believe it.

So God is punishing everyone in the world for what some church officials did? I don’t believe it.
This may have been inspired by yesterday’s video by Fr. Mark Goring:

I won’t pretend to know God’s plan, but China had nothing to do with the Pachamana. That seems an important piece.
At the same time, God’s plan may include outsiders to do the work in ways we cannot imagine. Think of how Cyrus the Persian was used to liberate the ancient Jews from Babylon.
The wages of sin is death. This is pretty clear. I just take issue with the idea that the pachamama is the reason for the virus and it’s deaths in Italy. This is a dangerous way of thinking. We can never say this caused this or this sin had this effect. To do so shows such a lack or charity towards a country and it’s people who are suffering greatly from this virus. Next , are we going to start placing blame on why kids have cancer? Or maybe church shootings are because the congregation wasn’t faithful enough. I think this is an awful way of viewing tragedies.
At the same time, it’s prudent that if we want God to hear our prayers and grant us relief, we should “get our own act together” where necessary. It’s does not show appreciation to God to defy Him and then expect Him to bail us out just so we can go back to defying Him.
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If Masses are suspended then that must mean confession also? What will happen to us sinners?
Another thing to consider is that the casualties of the coronavirus are almost all people in advanced years. The most deaths being from people that are 80+ and virtually non-existent for those under 60. . . . I don’t think this is a judgment from God but just another disease just like any other throughout the centuries. Just interesting who is being affected by the most and hopefully will put things in perspective and lead more people to God and back home to the Catholic Church.
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Especially during this time, I would highly suggest saying the Act of Contrition daily or nightly. If you can schedule a time with your Priest to confess your sins, by all means, do that. Just do the best with the available resources and God knows you are doing your best to be faithful to Him.
I got there this morning, just but have been going a lot lately and am sinning more now than ever so just a matter of time before I fall again.
If Masses are suspended then that must mean confession also? What will happen to us sinners?
Yes, this should absolutely be a concern for every Catholic. We forget sometimes that this is an extremely important sacrament.

Every night make an act of contrition. Pray the rosary, make spiritual communions and call your priest if necessary.
So Gods been busy this century first he allowed 9-11 then he used ebola to punish some people and then last summer he burned down Australia now he’s decide to punish all the elderly in the world for what some church officials did.

You don’t really believe that do you?
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