Pachamama- Coronavirus

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Some are saying that China has been persecuting the Church, so this could be related to stopping China from completely shutting down Christianity in China.
“Rabbi, who sinned? This man, or his parents, that he was born blind?”
So Gods been busy this century first he allowed 9-11 then he used ebola to punish some people and then last summer he burned down Australia now he’s decide to punish all the elderly in the world for what some church officials did.

You don’t really believe that do you?
God also gave us global warming as punishment for the sin of supporting worldwide corporate greed at the expense of protecting the environment. But you won’t hear conservatives play that line because it won’t fit their theology.

This should be a perfectly peaceful thread

But to add to the fire after France wasn’t consecrated to the Sacred Heart well the revolution happend Napoleon then Napoleon again then civil war then Napoleon again then war with Germany then peace then more war with Germany then pea… Then Germany takes France then French surrendering jokes then yellow vests and notre dame burning I’d say that’s either alot of bad luck or wrath of God.
I’d say that’s either alot of bad luck or wrath of God.
I hope this is said in jest. You can string together a list of horribles for any nation or people over hundreds of years.

I have noticed that everyone seems to think God is setting out to punish the people that they don’t happen to like - the Chinese, the gays, the socialists, the “liberals,” or whomever. Jesus spoke pretty directly on this topic, as has been noted on the thread multiple times.
I was listening to a talk in which Jeff Cavins was either quoting or paraphrasing St. Julian of Norwich and said “When God sees sin, he sees pain in us.”

As Christians, we’ve been shown over and over again that God loves us and wants us to turn to him. I don’t know why things happen. There very well could be an intended spiritual purpose, but I’ve always been puzzled by why people would still go looking to characterize things as His wrath.
God’s ways are mysterious. We must repent as a people and draw closer to the one true God.
This pachamama offense was the first thing I thought of.
There are countless offenses. pachamama is most egregious of all.
Recalling the 4 exorcists call for prayer and fasting and the novena which I prayed in Catholic community for reparation for this offense.
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It was a joke however God’s wrath is real. Its certainly not the cause of one particular group of people though then we go into scapegoating people.
There are countless offenses. pachamama is most egregious of all.
Really? This nonsense about Pachamama is more offensive to God then, say, the abuse crisis? I do not understand the obsession in some circles over silliness, when there are so many real problems.
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Well he uses it to teach us. To get us back into shape out of every evil comes good.
This nonsense about Pachamama is more offensive to God then, say, the abuse crisis?
The abuse crisis is one massive mortal sin.
Notice the order of the Ten Commandments. The order has meaning.
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Although each commandment is important, I was taught the top 3 are paramount.
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Where is that American preacher who normally tows this line? He used to regularly tell Australia that our fires were Gods wrath against us.
The abuse crisis is one massive mortal sin.
Notice the order of the Ten Commandments. The order has meaning.
Does intent matter?

Forgive me if this turns into a huge derail, but it seemed like the pachamana fiasco was a misunderstanding in the meeting of cultures. Was there an uptick in pachamana devotion, promotion of pachamana prayers or sale of pachaman statues after the fact where Catholics were encouraging idolotry after the original misstep? (I ask because I don’t know)
I went to confession today, in Germany, which has more cases of infected than the US. So I think it all has to do with your local parish and arrangements with your local priest. I intend to go to mass tomorrow
Perhaps God wants us to experience the absence of His Sacraments so that we can empathise with the Amazon people who don’t get them for months or years on end because of their isolation? Many people flush with first world abundance blew off the need of these people for trying to find a way to get access to the Sacraments.
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